Fanny Firebottom
Fanny paced back and forth across the room. As she walked from wall to wall papers fluttered and curled around her feet like flower petals caught in a breeze. "It's here," she said aloud, "I know it's here, I just have to see it."
Parchments, papers and small notebooks from the provisioner covered every available space in the tavern. Puzzles, cyphers, passwords, codes and clues, things written in numbers, things written in other languages and newspaper clippings were all laid out.
"Hm.... see it in a different way..." She hopped up onto the bar standing there and surveying the room in her socks for several moments before cartwheeling into a handstand. Now it was just an upside-down mess.
Firebottom flipped off the counter and landed on a stack on notes. Too much. Too much information, too many things at once... all connected and not at the same time – it was maddening.
Lords Cauthon and Caleb, Mornwok-Morrow, Akron, assassins, artifacts, Lady Vasheri, sultans and orphans.., crazed magicians. Better to pick one thing and follow that through then trying to solve it all, which brought her back to crazed magicians....Balandar.
Morrow and him. Were they in cahoots? She started digging through piles of paper looking for it...
Parchments, papers and small notebooks from the provisioner covered every available space in the tavern. Puzzles, cyphers, passwords, codes and clues, things written in numbers, things written in other languages and newspaper clippings were all laid out.
"Hm.... see it in a different way..." She hopped up onto the bar standing there and surveying the room in her socks for several moments before cartwheeling into a handstand. Now it was just an upside-down mess.
Firebottom flipped off the counter and landed on a stack on notes. Too much. Too much information, too many things at once... all connected and not at the same time – it was maddening.
Lords Cauthon and Caleb, Mornwok-Morrow, Akron, assassins, artifacts, Lady Vasheri, sultans and orphans.., crazed magicians. Better to pick one thing and follow that through then trying to solve it all, which brought her back to crazed magicians....Balandar.
Morrow and him. Were they in cahoots? She started digging through piles of paper looking for it...