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[Discussion] About Great Lakes Silent Auction


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hello all
few ppl contact me...about silent auction
i was hoping that lineman runs silent auction...
but lineman is very busy in his real work

manticore and few ppl want both auction

I have a question for all......

live auction only? or...do you want live and silent auction?

How many person want silent auction? if you want it, please post here

I will host the Silent Auction house if there is enough support to have one.(20 or more repkies)

Please reply to this thread

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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Yes please. Look forward to both live and silent auctions.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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live auction & silent auction


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
I am certainly looking forward to some sorts of auctions. Well, I had decided to have my own silent auction, a mini one, not more than 10 items currently, lol. Maybe, if space allows, I will auction more items. Anyway, if anyone TRUST me, and wants to place their items for silent auction, I may build more space for that. lol. Else, I will just hold my own mini auction then.

By the way, the plot I have for my own silent auction is just across my museum, so it is within the Luna Wall.

I hope peeps will take a chance to visit.:)


Seasoned Veteran
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I want both auctions.
While I am playing, it can participate at silent auction. :D


Slightly Crazed
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LIVE Auction & Silent Auction
Very exciting


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
both live auction and silent auction.. rares fest wouldnt be the same without silent auction..


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a live auction would be cool

so would a'' real life style'' silent auction....were the people decide the starting price ....or make it 1 gold.....and bids are made over the days and the item is then sold for that high bid...A LOT MORE PLAYER INTERACTION AND BETTER STILL = ITEMS ACTUALLY GET BIDDED ON!!!!!!

I THINK ITS TIME TO GET RID if the silly nonsense 300m ''start'' crap we keep seeing please........


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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Stratics Legend
I will be around to help at night that weekend if need be with silent auction. My only tip I can suggest for sellers if you have a SA is to have low starts and not huge reserves. Buyouts you can make whatever you want really because that wont affect the bidding. Whatever you are gonna do I would decide soon though as the clock is ticking. =) good luck


Stratics Veteran
I am in favor of having both silent and live. I favor the live auctions primarily becasue of the atmosphere but silent auctions have worked out well in the past.

Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
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Both Live and silent auction ... please Shu Shu and thank you Majestic Oaks

Sinder Shayde

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am looking forward to the rares fest this weekend and would like to see both a silent and live auction:rolleyes:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thank you all
I will host the Silent Auction house

end date and time will be 5/4 10:00pm est
and,rule is the same as before.
(I will post new thread about the rule and end date and time)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
aww bless your heart PiYo... I know it's hard typing English.. Thanks for stepping in and helping out though with the rares festival. I myself would like to see a Silent Auction because I work third shift and it's not very easy to make it t player events.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks Shushu for hosting and running both silent and live auctions. Keep up the good work !!


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Thanks Shushu for hosting and running both silent and live auctions. Keep up the good work !!
I wanted to make sure it was clear, the live auctions part of fest will run by Majestic Oaks Auction on Great Lakes, but we are very grateful to Shu Shu and Lineman for volunteering to help when he can for doing the silent auction on such short notice. I look forward to working with them.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wanted to make sure it was clear, the live auctions part of fest will run by Majestic Oaks Auction on Great Lakes, but we are very grateful to Shu Shu and Lineman for volunteering to help when he can for doing the silent auction on such short notice. I look forward to working with them.
My bad, thanks to the host " Majestic Oaks" also.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Shu Shu,
Forgive me for copying this here, but I figured it would be easier to find again in this stickied post.
Thanks for all your work, Melian of Majestic Oaks Auction.

"Great LakeseRares Festival Silent Auction Rules

*All Time Zone is EST

I will start to accept items for auction on Thursday 26th April. Items must be placed in a container with a book containing what you want described with item and all the info regarding opening, minimum, buyouts, ect. Also there must be contact info provided with each item ( preferably icq ). If contact info is not given I will not accept item. Lets try and keep the items to be more on the high end side as well. I am just trying to avoid being flooded with items that should be on a vendor selling for 20-30m for a example and not being placed in a auction.

Auction itself will end on 11:00PM on Friday the 4th May.( Coz,There are Live Auction on 3th & 5th & 6th )
All bidding will be done on bulletin boards. The ten minute rule will apply to all items. ( Example )- This means that if a bid is posted at 10:55PM that one item will continue to be able to be bid upon till 11:05PM, if someone bid at 11:04PM on same item it will continue it to 11:14PM. Item may continue to be bid upon until a time has elapsed of ten minutes between bids at which point item will be closed. ALL BIDDERS MUST PROVIDE CONTACT INFO WITH BID!!!!

Also if item has been put up with no buyout listed then I cannot go and change it to have a buyout unless there are no bids on item. Once someone bids on a item I will not go back and change it at sellers request. The only thing that I would consider is if seller wants to lower a buyout price. Also if someone wants a item back I will only do it if it has no bids. And I will not give any item back unless I confirm it thru icq. ( don't ask in game ).

On a last note I am working by myself on this. I will be the only one who will have access to containers or anything else in this house. When auction is over it is not a quick process to get your gold. I will work as fast as I can but please be patient.

Most important thing is do not give item to anyone unless you have spoken to me by icq. This goes for house I am running.

My ICQ is 574503115 shu-chan. Also I do work so if you send a icq to me and don't hear from me for awhile dont fret I will get a hold of you as soon as I am able.

For Japanese

Great Lakesレアフェスティバルのサイレントオークションについて



*** 出品に関して ***





*** オークション終了日時と10分ルールについて ***




*** お取引の流れ ***



*** 連絡方法 ***

※ICQ 574503115 shu-chan
