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selling some nice rares


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Items located on ATLANTIC NOW

Will take Atlantic or Baja gold. You come to me. My icq is 123172317.
Not really an auction.
Bid as you like.
I like the bid I will contact you.
Those of you who dealt with me before knows the way I like to sell things. Some of these items never comes up for sale so this is your opportunity.
Added new buyout prices

Located on Baja (7 xmas Angel Statues and 6 Surfer Statues) 50 mil each
A Container of Dark Energy From Umbra University (very old) (Buyout 175 Mil)
A Demon Scale (Buyout 175 Mil)
A Lucky Raptor Scale (Buyout 200 Mil)
Forest Demon Claws (Buyout 25 Mil) (its on my vendor)
Mind Climbing Claws (5 mil) (its on my vendor)
Full set of perfect feathers x 2 stack better (White, Red, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Pink. and Green) (Buyout 400 Mil)
Dragon Bone Earrings (pure white version) (Buyout 200 Mil)
Heartwood Friendship Earrings (Green) old rare (Buyout 200 Mil)
Holiday Lights - Lake Superior 2010 earrings (Buyout 45 Mil)
A Key: Key To An Old Locked Box (Its on my vendor)
Shard of the Gem of Immortality (Buyout 275 Mil)
Corrupted Gem Residue (Buyout 200 Mil)
Real Dijini's Ring (Buyout 90 Mil)
A dimly glowing void cryttal shard (Buyout 45 Mil)
A Void infused Gem (Buyout 45 Mil)
A Light of knowledge (Sold)
Dwain Surreys Dreamcatcher (Sold)
Shadow Dweller Lock (key) (Sold)
A Container Filled with Dark Power From Umbra University (very old) (Sold)
Bloodstone Juka Statue (This is located on Napa) (Sold)
Goblin Trap lantern ( Pink) (Sold)
Goblin Trap lantern (Blue) (Sold)
Pixie Trap Lantern (Sold)
A Purple Dragon Scale (Sold)
Enlighted Commiseration (Each is Unique Hue - Light Violet) (Sold)
A Pair of Purple Monbgat Earrings (purple) old rare (Sold)
Shard of the HMS Posisden's Fury Crystaline Drive (Sold)
Demonic-Forged Runeslayer (Sold)
A Bell Of Death Rang When Mesanna Killed Me Playing Roulette - Legends 2011 (Sold)


A Container Filled with Dark Power From Umbra University (very old) - 80m Bid


Thanks for considering my bid or even posting any sort of acknowledgment.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ok folks, I need to post this to dispel any rumors of me quitting. Let's make this my official announcement that I am NOT quitting. No one is selling anything for me besides me. I've been in this business for a long time and over the years big collectors comes and goes. Its just natural. The current large collectors are probably the 5th generation of collectors. I bet most of you don't even remeber collectors from generations 1 and 2. But what you have to look at it is that if they are able to get their items sold it means a healty economy because new and current collectors are buying! The only reason why I am selling is so that I can buy the current stuff that people are charging an arm and a leg for. Not that my items are bad or anything I just have to make a decision somewhere on the direction of my collection.

So in other words, feel free to bid :)


Social Distancing Since '97
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ok folks, I need to post this to dispel any rumors of me quitting. Let's make this my official announcement that I am NOT quitting. No one is selling anything for me besides me. I've been in this business for a long time and over the years big collectors comes and goes. Its just natural. The current large collectors are probably the 5th generation of collectors. I bet most of you don't even remeber collectors from generations 1 and 2. But what you have to look at it is that if they are able to get their items sold it means a healty economy because new and current collectors are buying! The only reason why I am selling is so that I can buy the current stuff that people are charging an arm and a leg for. Not that my items are bad or anything I just have to make a decision somewhere on the direction of my collection.

So in other words, feel free to bid :)

Ya...I may have started that rumor as a joke....

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Manticore may one day sell off all the rares he owns, but he will play UO until he dies. You'll have to pry his cold stiff fingers from the mouse, or bury it with him.

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
A Light of knowledge
A Guiding Light
Enlighted Commiseration

What color are these?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
light of knowledge = orange
guiding light = light ice blue like the 4th year vet robe
enlighted commiseratio = light violet

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
very nice transaction, thank you very much Manticore!


A Container Filled with Dark Power From Umbra University (very old) - 90m Bid


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Rosary sorry about this but could you icq me again? I lost your initial contact just now.