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[Price Check] Nexus (Deed to house deco)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Found this on a vendor earlier as just a deed that says "Nexus" the vendor hour that had it had a display of it up so i thought it was cool. I checked it out on searchUO it was the only one on all shards for sale was just wondering what it is where you get it and what its worth if anything. Thanks guys:)


2011 Winter Deco Contest 1st Place
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From the new part of the live arc. You can get them after feeding 50 punch cards into the machine in the Exodus dungeon... I've gotten two so far :)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Given that phase of the event just started, you're losing gold by the minute...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I think this has to be the ugliest and most ridiculous item introduced into UO yet. Value = 0

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
You need around 4 hours gametime to get one so collectors and lazy peeps might pay 500k to have one not bothering to puzzle for 4 hours - depends on shard too - on atlantic 1 mil i guess - on Pac i would pay 500k each to get 3 more...same goes for town banners..


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think this has to be the ugliest and most ridiculous item introduced into UO yet. Value = 0
And here's betting that it ends up becoming super important and/or lucrative to have one, so we all have to have one in our homes.