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Does anyone remember the OLD blue hair dye?

  • Thread starter CorradoCB
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  • Watchers 0


There was a hue of blue hair dye that was created by GMs many many years ago. Before 1999. I would like to know what hue it was specifically.

I know on Pacific both Terak (Houdini of Thugs) and Sapphire Ice had this particular color. Any help would be much appreciate!

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There was a hue of blue hair dye that was created by GMs many many years ago. Before 1999. I would like to know what hue it was specifically.

I know on Pacific both Terak (Houdini of Thugs) and Sapphire Ice had this particular color. Any help would be much appreciate!
I think what you are looks for is the hair dye that you could get in the very first Clean Up Britannia. It's listed about half way down this page: UO Stratics - Hair Dyes


Sorry, but no, that was just "special hair dye" which was the typical neon dyes.

This was a much different kind of blue. Almost a royal blueish color that only two people had on the shard that I know of. It wasn't available via any hair dye bottle.