Just have to say this to any *teachers* of art out there.
Never squash any non conventional thinkers thinking about colors or art or any forms of artistic creativity.
To this day, years later I still remember my one highschool art teacher, yelled at me for my attempting to do my 6 wks on *advertisment* art because I opted to use colors of a sunset like pinks and oranges, and was doing a *cosmetics* art for my project. All she did was yell at me bout my color choices, and she about stunted any love I had for creativity and art down the toilet.
Then 2 rl years later COVERGIRL cosmetics was doing all their ads in magazines etc. in...
YOU GUESSED IT PINKS AND ORANGES !! Heck had that teacher not shut me up and stiffled me,
I mighta been rich makin *covergirl* ads myself in pinks and oranges !!
Few yrs. later Braniff International did a whole spiel of pychodelicy ads and clothing even their jets,
in pinks oranges and colors that made ya think they were *smokin something* !
Even to this day, ya see make up ads in hues of a sunset, not like I would wear pink and orange eyeshadow but...just sayin' the creative ones should never have their creativity squished cuz of some *artistic* rulez or norm of the day !
They will remember it YEARS later and say ...YOU WERE WRONG
to chastise me for thinkin outside of the box !
*there got that off my chest* back to ye regularly sked'd program !
My fav artist is VAN GOGH... & cuz his art says he used to think outside of the norm
of convention/accepted art and out of the norm of usual art in a crayola paint box !