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Rares fest?

Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We haven't seen a post for the next rares fest. Can we get an update?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We haven't seen a post for the next rares fest. Can we get an update?
Great Lakes Shard April 28th to May 6th (with May 7th being a final clean up payout) Auction Host is Majestic Oaks Auction.
Majestic Oaks Auction has been running live auction on Great Lakes for over 10 years every week. We have the same crew in tact as the last Great Lakes Rare's fest 3 years ago. One new gater who has been with us 6 months (no secure auction house access).

Thus far locked in on our end live auctions Thurday May 3rd 8 p.m. CDT, Saturday May 5th 6 p.m. CDT, Sunday May 6th 1 p.m. CDT

Vendor hand outs will begin Thursday, April 26th through Sunday April 29th (NO early exception. Stragglers will be added during fest as needed). Vendor mall will be the Majestic Oaks Auction castle on Artic/Ice/Dagger Isle (depending on what you wish to call it). Vendors will be 1 per patron until everyone has one then we'll see what we have to work with 94 slots in the castle, another MOA house about 20 pixels behind, another MOA spot on the island in reserve. No rental fees on vendors will be charged, only stipulation is content on vendors be rare in nature. Contact Melian at 294-317-507 about a vendor spot or reply to this post.

Submissions for auction can begin also April 26th cut off will be Wednesday May 4th at 10 p.m. CDT. MOA staff can ONLY accept submission IN the auction house from inside the pit. Staff will be in "special uniform" and wearing guild tags. You may contact Melian, DJ Scorp, Emerald Ice, Illyana Strange or Princess Melody to arrange for staff to meet you for submission OR I (Melian) will post a schedule in a few days of when I will be in the auction house. DO NOT HAND items to anyone professing to be MOA outside of the auction pit or not in a special uniform. Our staff is well trained, well seasoned and aware of all our auction house policies, they WILL NOT be offended if you request additional security or verification.

When submitting please include in the book, your characters name, contact info either ICQ or email and a PASSWORD only you know, the minimum bid you place will be where we begin bidding (WE DO NOT DO RESERVE PRICES or BUY OUTS*). Also please include provenance (history of the item if known), RISK or SPECIAL notes such as it rapidly decays, it will not lock down, if you equip the title will disappear as we typically see items at Fest you only see once in a great while.

*Now we understand that this system is contrary to what many are use to. Also that some minimum bids may be prohibitive (beyond what current market or buyers are willing to spend) it is a common gripe I've read in every post I reviewed about Festival both live and silent. When setting your minimum understand that: A.) If that is the only bid we get it will be sold at that price B.) The seller must decide if the risk of loss of gold is worth the risk of a potential bidding war, it has to be their call. C.) Any items that "no sale" will be returned to the seller.

We have many events planned throughout the week so here is some other information about what is going to be going on.
Each event will have its own system, some will have prizes and handouts some may not. It is the goal to introduce many cross shard travelers to players on Great Lakes, expand the fun, ease of getting around. PLEASE use caution and prudence in the risks you take, while there are many wonderful folks on Great Lakes and those we've approached to run events (which I hope to have more details upcoming) have long standing existence on shard this does NOT mean in anyway Majestic Oaks Auction can vouch for the integrity of every member of every guild.

Saturday & Sunday April 28th & 29th
Transfer arrivals, Vendor Set up, Guilds of Great Lakes will be in the castle lobby, Information booth, there are 2 casinos active on shard Chaotic Soldiers Casino & Resort in New Magincia which has indicated it will be open for much of fest and Malonjao Casino in Luna which will be much more random and will announce open times in Rares Fest Chat channel.

Monday April 30th 7 or 8 p.m. CDT start (depending on confirmation)
We have the Great Lakes Roleplay Community hosting with Majestic Oaks Auction Game night. EM's Elizabella and Malachi will do a Meet & Greet and participate in one game. Look for (confirmed 4.5.12) "Are you smarter than a Neophyte"

Tuesday May 1st 8 p.m. CDT our shard has its weekly EM Spy (Wine sellers) or Guard event. This calendar and event name will not be available for some time.

Wednesday May 2nd
**Submissions for auctions end here at 10 p.m. CDT, we wish to have all items cataloged, on site and listed for Thursdays auction.
Tennatively we are holding open for other guilds on shard to volunteer activities.

Thursday May 3rd 8 p.m. CDT live auction Majestic Oaks Auction outside Vesper (Buc's Den portal) we have a gater stationed in Luna each auction night. Auction staff will be: *Pratt, *DJ Scorp, *Logan, *Emerald Ice, *Princess Melody, *Illyana Strange, *Melian, Elecktra and Chelle (* all worked last Great Lakes Rares Fest and are Co-Owners. Pratt, DJ Scorp, Emerald Ice and Melian are Managers) There will be an auctioneer, broker and 2 cashier in the pit, one gater on duty which will rotate staffers. MOST payments will likely be done via vendors inside the pit because of the convenience of auditing and verifying payments. Closing auctions: the cashier/s will audit and verify with lot number all items sold, prep payments to sellers, update our data base so this process may take a little time. Payments can be made to your vendor if you have one, upon request and proper verification.

Friday May 4th 8 p.m. CDT Majestic Oaks Tavern night on Artic Isle/Dagger Isle
We will host a dagger throwing contest, tales of ye olde days, dice or other games of chance
Guardians of Valhalla will be offering a hunt this evening time is yet to be pinned down.(confirmed 4.5.12)

Saturday May 5th
Hearts Incorporated will be hosting a Net Toss prior to auction (confirmed 4.5.12)
6 p.m. CDT/7 p.m. EST/Midnight or 1 a.m. Europe/Early a.m. 7 or 8 a.m. Far East
Live auction Majestic Oaks Auction House
Auction staff will be: *Pratt, *DJ Scorp, *Logan,*Princess Melody, *Illyana Strange, *Melian, Elecktra and Chelle (* all worked last Great Lakes Rares Fest and are Co-Owners. Pratt, DJ Scorp, Emerald Ice and Melian are Managers) There will be an auctioneer, broker and 2 cashier in the pit, one gater on duty which will rotate staffers. MOST payments will likely be done via vendors inside the pit because of the convenience of auditing and verifying payments. Closing auctions: the cashier/s will audit and verify with lot number all items sold, prep payments to sellers, update our data base so this process may take a little time. Payments can be made to your vendor if you have one, upon request and proper verification.

Sunday May 6th
1 p.m. CDT/2 p.m. EST Live Auction Majestic Oaks Auction House
Auction staff will be: *Pratt, *DJ Scorp, *Logan, *Emerald Ice, *Princess Melody, *Illyana Strange, *Melian, Elecktra and Chelle (* all worked last Great Lakes Rares Fest and are Co-Owners. Pratt, DJ Scorp, Emerald Ice and Melian are Managers) There will be an auctioneer, broker and 2 cashier in the pit, one gater on duty which will rotate staffers. MOST payments will likely be done via vendors inside the pit because of the convenience of auditing and verifying payments. Closing auctions: the cashier/s will audit and verify with lot number all items sold, prep payments to sellers, update our data base so this process may take a little time. Payments can be made to your vendor if you have one, upon request and proper verification.

Monday May 7th
Cashier/s will have audited and verified with lot number all items sold, prep payments to sellers, update our data base so final payments can be made to your vendor if you have one, upon request and proper verification OR in counted bagged form. This is our last wrap up date to get all sellers paid and unsold items returned.

If you have any questions or concerns please do NOT hestitate to contact me via icq, please mention rares fest or UO. 294-317-507 Melian, Events Manager Majestic Oaks Auction

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, we all have seen this thred/post. But my question is why isnt anyone updating it, people have to know everytime they log in when/where the next fest is. That thread was posted once and they never updated it or anything, they had let it die down. Is the next rares fest in fact on Great Lakes? You have to keep people updated on stuff, vendor reservations, silent auctions stuff, etc.

To me this is like General chat on Atlantic, people who play atlantic know what i mean. If you advertise ONCE that you are selling/trading/buying something, are you gonna get someone to see it or even remember it in the mixter of the PvP arguing and other people advertising, do you really think your gonna get attention just by saying it once and dont say it again? Now this may be a dumb comparison but this is what it feels like to me. Others may disagree, just feel like i should put my 2-cents in.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Yes, we all have seen this thred/post. But my question is why isnt anything updating it, people have to know everytime they log in when/where the next fest is. That thread was posted once and they never updated it or anything, they had let it die down. Is the next rares fest in fact on Great Lakes? You have to keep people updated on stuff, vendor reservations, silent auctions stuff, etc.
This does include vendor reservations info, and Yes were are gearing up for FEST on Great Lakes as we speak. I didn't just copy and paste this from the old post. More details on who to contact. What other info do you wish to have? Vendor setup/hand outs will begin April 26th.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, we all have seen this thred/post. But my question is why isnt anyone updating it, people have to know everytime they log in when/where the next fest is. That thread was posted once and they never updated it or anything, they had let it die down. Is the next rares fest in fact on Great Lakes? You have to keep people updated on stuff, vendor reservations, silent auctions stuff, etc.

To me this is like General chat on Atlantic, people who play atlantic know what i mean. If you advertise ONCE that you are selling/trading/buying something, are you gonna get someone to see it or even remember it in the mixter of the PvP arguing and other people advertising, do you really think your gonna get attention just by saying it once and dont say it again? Now this may be a dumb comparison but this is what it feels like to me. Others may disagree, just feel like i should put my 2-cents in.

I understand, I have been posting about hosting Rare's fest on Great Lakes on/off for a year trying to get someone to acknowlege we have been granted the time slot. Still never got an official go ahead other than talking to Manticore who said Baja has moved back til fall and he'd like to see one this spring. So here it is. With our guilds schedules locked in deco has begun, dates for auctions and times are now locked, staffing covered, volunteers are responding for other events. The post is now on every shard's event page. Updates will come more regularly now as I have confirm committments from guild leaders for extra events.

There is no mention of silent auction because as a guild the majority were uncomfortable despite glowing reviews of both Lineman and Shu Chan with having a player/s unknown to us involved in handling items connected to the Majestic Oaks name. NO OFFENSE intended, we have been a group together for years now and the trust within our unit is firm.

I am event manager/coordinator so the bulk of the communication about this is my responsibility was little point in giving out info that was subject to change. What I have relayed I know is locked in at this point.

If you would like a tour prior to the event just let me know or feel free to drop into auction we host every Thursday 8 p.m. CDT gater is available in Luna prior and during. We are working on travelers bags for those arriving on shard which should provide visitors with ample runes and supplies to be mobile. Our EMs are working with us to make sure this multi shard and shard wide event is accessible to as many people as wish to participate to the best of their abilities within the limits of their non favoritism guidelines.

Again if you wish to speak to me drop me an icq 294-317-507 I'm here typically daily noon to 3 p.m. and often much more than that.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Athleas please put a sticky for this post so it can be updated and stays on top to remind players until the festival time. Thanks,

I would like a vendor please :)

Also, I understand your concerns about the silent auction but you should seriously rethink about it and have both silent auction and formal auction. The silent auction can be ran by Linemen or Shushu. The reason is there will be too many items for you to auction all. I've been to many of your auctions in the past but this is something very different. With the amount of EM items being handed out these past 3 years I won't be surprised if there will be more than 250 high end rares for sale at this festival.


Social Distancing Since '97
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No way I hand any items over for a live auction.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i think a silent and live auction would be good, can we also get a vendor request form up please.


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I have talked with Lineman, and the dates would work for him, but I hadn't confirmed because the guild majority was leary and not in favor of it. I am trying to get other MOA co owners to watch this post and see that there is backing and requests for silent auction and this would be I think the first time both live and silent auctions would be attempted in the same festival.
What sort of form are you looking for Vanaki2? A sticky of this would be great if we're going to do that. I wasn't certain how much information folks would wish to display here.
Feel free to icq me 294-317-507 I am thus far recording requests old school in my notebook.


Social Distancing Since '97
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well i don't see you or any other offering to host a silent auction house.Guess we will go with a live auction.
Woah buddy, Why would I be the one doing it? lol? Am I the one trying to do Rares Fest? No? Yea....


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Woah buddy, Why would I be the one doing it? lol? Am I the one trying to do Rares Fest? No? Yea....
I understand Promathia, I'm trying to figure this last detail out. I'm gonna suggest that anyone who can, and who wants a silent auction at this event come to Majestic Oaks Auction thursday either April 5th or April 12th 8 p.m. CDT we start, talk to DJ Scorp, Pratt anyone else in the pit. Let them KNOW. I am only one member. Typically there is staff there about 7:30. I'll be happy to do the rest of the prep and get it all arranged. If you've worked with Lineman and this is what works for you come speak up politely please. Or leave a book with your info in it in the mail box on the first floor. Thanks!

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tanda you prolly dont know this but the reason people prefer a silent auction and a trustworthy person from stratics that is well known to run it, is because there was an incident at a Rare's Fest on pacific i think it was. They let a non-trustworthy player be one of the members to run the silent auction and he stole nearly if not all of the rare's. Im not saying this will happen at your rares fest, its just people are on the edge of their seats letting other people they arent familiar with running a Silent auction with billions upon billions of rares. I wish you luck getting this thing put together and i cant wait! Again im not trying to make you mad or anything, just wanted to let you know why people prefer a silent auction.

Reserve a vendor spot for me to please :)


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Alexander, I understand completely. I was aware of the Pacific incident. We try to communicate now and then with some of the other auction houses about issues that have crept up. Believe me, security is foremost on our minds. Its a scary thing on both sides, as we've been together a long time and trusting someone we've never met is a bit of a stretch too. No offense taken we do understand.
I have your name on the vendor list.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tanda you prolly dont know this but the reason people prefer a silent auction and a trustworthy person from stratics that is well known to run it, is because there was an incident at a Rare's Fest on pacific i think it was. They let a non-trustworthy player be one of the members to run the silent auction and he stole nearly if not all of the rare's. Im not saying this will happen at your rares fest, its just people are on the edge of their seats letting other people they arent familiar with running a Silent auction with billions upon billions of rares. I wish you luck getting this thing put together and i cant wait! Again im not trying to make you mad or anything, just wanted to let you know why people prefer a silent auction.

Reserve a vendor spot for me to please :)
Actually Alex, "they" stole items from a live auction environment. The silent auctions came after. I remember MOA handling the live auction at the rares fest a few years back and to be frank, they did a hell of a job. There is something about a live auction that simply can't be duplicated by a silent one. I for one welcome a live auction wholeheartedly.

Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Live auction would be a great change after many silent auctions. A fest with both silent and live would be even better! Please put me down for a vendor.

Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey Tanda,
Can you make a seperate vendor request list and post it . You may have to bump it until we can get Athelas to make a sticky.

Also way back when the silent auctions were fun but theres nothing like roaming through a couple of silent auction houses and drooling over the items up close. believe me, having Lineman handling this aspect takes alot of pressure off you so you can concentrate on making your guests feel welcome and doing your events.

I appreciate all your efforts in holding this event. Its alot of work, expense and time.

We at Toad Town -Atlantic - thank you and look forward to seeing everyone again at your festival

PS: put me down for a vendor


Stratics Veteran
I for one and happy to see a rares fest happening on my home shard. Not only that, but it couldn't be hosted by better people than the MOA staff! I have known many of them since my beginning in '98. They have been holding live auctions for many, many years and know what they are doing. They have my full support on hosting a live auction and silent auction if they see fit. Thank you Melian, I know you have been working very hard on this and we in the rares community appreciate every bit of it. Good luck to all who attend!


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Update 4.17.12
Alrighty GV will be hosting hunts Friday Night May 4th, a variety of locales and venues beginning 8 p.m. central.

Saturday May 5th the Net Toss hosted by H^I will begin we believe approximately 3 hours prior to auction so about 3 p.m. Central time so as to allow some down time and preparation for attending auction (wouldn't want to sit through auction without your favorite beverage or other vices that may be required, hehe)

Still waiting on a couple confirmations or denials for celebrities in the Tic Tac Dough game.(some of them maybe a surprise to those who attend)
Final touches are going into place for the "Are you smarter than a Neophyte" game which will be ALL about Ultima, most of them Ultima Online a few may sneak in from other versions of Ultima just for those "old timers" who are still around that remember Ultima pre-online during its Alpha and Beta times.

I want to extend a Thank you to Guardians of Valhalla, to Hearts Incorporated, to Fishing Council of Britannia, to BANK and all the members from the Great Lakes Roleplaying community (an assundry of guilds), to GOF members and others who have volunteered to help staff various informational and give away events coming up. Thank you to Malachi and Elizabella for helping this shard event! Many thanks to those who volunteered to be Celebrities in the game night. (names held to avoid being to big a spoiler)

A big THANK YOU to Manticore, Athelas, Lineman, and Shu Shu for answering a zillion questions and helping connect me with others in the list.

Another Thank you to Lady Magdalaine, Galen, Martyna Z'Muir, Hannah, Vierge Darkmoon, Ghost, Neptune and anyone else I'm forgetting for listening to me rant, helping me stay focused, without the support of those friends around I may have been in a little padded room by now.

A word of Thanks to all my fellow guildmates who shortly are going to experience the fury and frenzy of what we've gotten ourselves into!HA!

And finally a Thank You to all those in this community who are going to set up vendors, are reaching out to trust Majestic Oaks Auction, without you there would be no need to organize an event that spans a week and includes many shards. (I feel the need to go all "Disney" and sing its a small world, but I'll refrain)


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Now for the more fun, fluffy part of fest in a short outline
Calendar of events:
1. Vendor set up April 26th (begins)
VENDOR LOCATION HAS MOVED to Rare's Fest Park outside Vesper, build courtesy of Mesanna! Moongate available from Luna. This is a temporary build, it will disappear once Fest is cleaned up.
Silent Auction begins on this date too, Shu Shu has the location set up in Rare's Fest Park see his post about rules and how to submit. He maybe contacted via icq it is listed in that post.

2. April 28th Welcome to Great Lakes
(Give aways for travel & shopping ease)
Guilds of Great Lakes information display here and at Rare's Fest Park.
April 28th, 8 p.m. Central time at the Majestic Oaks Castle, Artic/Ice/Dagger Isle
Tour: Rare's fest park Teleporter Hub, Museums and sights.

3. April 30th, Monday 7 p.m. Central time (8 p.m. Eastern)Meet & Greet with EMs Malachi & Elizabella
7:30 (8:30 Eastern) p.m. Tic Tac Dough (game with EM's and other Celebrities* played for Gold)
8:30(9:30 Eastern)p.m. Are you Smarter than a Neophyte (Also played for Gold)
4. May 1st, Tuesday EM event on Great Lakes 8 p.m. Central (9 Eastern)
Meeting in Britain either the Counselors Hall or Warriors Guild hall

5. May 2nd, Wednesday Doom Run 8 p.m. Central (9 p.m. Eastern) Roleplay fundraiser for the ongoing "feed the poor, city loyalty quests" Meeting location is Majestic Oaks Auction House Banner, Vesper

Scavenger Hunt for those non combat interested played for Gold prizes
Will begin from Rare's Fest Park

6. May 3rd, Thursday 8 p.m. Central (9 p.m. Eastern) Live Auction Majestic Oaks Auction house outside Vesper
Limited Trivia (used primarily to buy broker & cashier time as needed)***
"Runes to Riches" closing game (Teleporter linked to Rare's Fest Park)

7. May 4th, Friday 8 p.m. Central (9 p.m. Eastern) Doom Runs and other Dungeon crawls hosted by Guardians of Valhalla***

Tavern Night at the PUB on Artic/Ice/Dagger Isle BANK ***guild will be hosting a raffle, games of chance and a story telling contest (Teleporter linked to Rare's Fest Park)

8. May 5th, Saturday 3 p.m. (4 p.m. Eastern)** Hearts Incorporated*** will be hosting a Net Toss
Saturday 6 p.m. Central time (7 p.m. Eastern) Live Auction Majestic Oaks Auction outside Vesper
Limited Trivia(used primarily to buy broker & cashier time as needed)
"Mysterious give away" closing game (Teleporter linked to Rare's Fest Park)

9. May 6th, Sunday 1 p.m. Central time (2 p.m. Eastern) Live Auction, Majestic Oaks Auction outside Vesper
Limited Trivia (used primarily to buy broker & cashier time as needed)
Mystery Chest as a closing game (Teleporter linked to Rare's Fest Park)

*names of Celebrities have been withheld so as to maintain surprise and prevent any disappointment a HUGE Thank you to all of these folks! and our EMs! AND MESANNA!!! (sorry I can't two town red/black this lettering)
**This is the best estimate given is they'd like to start 3 hours before auction.
***Thanks to BANK, Oreo, H^I, GV, FCB, and the GLRPC for their generous donations of time, materials and gold help make these events possible


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so far with just the vendor set up and silent auction set-up this festival has been a "blast" good job. Love the location and thank you Mesanna for such beautiful decorations and renting the houses. I think you need to be a permanent member of the festival like ShuShu wherever the festival ends up.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
so far with just the vendor set up and silent auction set-up this festival has been a "blast" good job. Love the location and thank you Mesanna for such beautiful decorations and renting the houses. I think you need to be a permanent member of the festival like ShuShu wherever the festival ends up.
I need to be a permanent member of Festival or Mesanna? hehe, if me I am flattered, thank you.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I need to be a permanent member of Festival or Mesanna? hehe, if me I am flattered, thank you.
It was intended for Mesanna as a permanent member of the rare festival, but you are doing an awesome job too :)