Have there been any indications of new hires for new UO work? In the past, when they started hiring, word always got out that they were hiring for something, job postings, slip-ups, etc.
Sure, UO has a "franchise producer" over it who is technically a new hire, but UO also lost its producer last year.
I wish I was wrong, but there are no indications this time around that UO is getting more work on it than what has been announced. Hell, they are holding up work on some things that were officially announced (graphics upgrade), and have officially announced that other things are being scaled back to be a shadow of what they originally talked about (new player experience) because they said they have limited resources.
I've been watching the job listings for BioWare, and by default BioWare Mythic, for the past year, looking at jobs that come up. I've not seen any that come close to applying to UO. In the past, we always knew something was up by the hirings and job listings. I've applied for a few of the BioWare Austin jobs and have made some good contacts, but Mythic jobs are rare.
BioWare Mythic has four jobs up right now, and some of these have been up for a while, and could apply to any and all Mythic games - Server Online Engineer, Business Intelligence Analyst (Contractor), Interns for this summer, and Online Marketing Manager (

I wish there was a top-secret project to upgrade the graphics and fix a bunch of things and make it easier for new players, but unlike past expansions, there's no indications. Plus the 15th anniversary is less than six months away - if they were going to announce anything big and spectacular for it, we would have either heard about it by now, or it'll be in the PC Gamer article that is being written about UO's anniversary.