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[News] Welcome Our Newest Reporter: Amber Witch.


Babbling Loonie
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Welcome Amber Witch

It seems I have yet another pet to add to my repertoire...


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Re: [News] Welcome Amber Witch.

Thank you, Warder and team, for your hard work. Good luck, Amber Witch!

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome Amber Witch

It seems I have yet another pet to add to my repertoire...
LOL. The last time The Count of Berg let someone borrow his pet they broke it so he doesn't share any more. :stretcher:

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks so much. My intent is to cover more of the everyday kind of Non-Role Playing things that happen on Baja. We are a small but very diverse group of players that happen to be passionate about what they do. You all are doing things in game that are pretty amazing and I’d like to see that get recognized.

I’ll be covering Non-Role Player events such as The Best Shot In the Realm, Sunday Doom Run, Holiday Non-Role Player events. I’ll also be doing special focus articles on player created things. ”The Hidden Lives of Baja’s Villains. A Tour Of The Rich and Beautifully Decorated Mansions of Baja’s Villains” for instance. Hopefully the screenshots won’t be all in grey tones! Baja has some amazing gardens too and I think it would be nice to show off those. And yeah, gardening is kinda close to my heart but these are only a few of the things that can be reported.

From my perspective some of the best stuff that happens in this game are those things that happen spontaneously. How often does some mundane task like… I don’t know, going to the bank for instance, erupts into some bazaar scene because someone (or something ) starts something hilarious? There is a ton of fun and interesting things that happen in UO land every day. You guys are hilarious, smart, creative and interesting. And some of these happenings on Baja really need to be recorded.

That to me is what makes this game fun. And my hope is that when you see something like this happening you’ll send me a message to call my attention to it. If you have an event coming up let me know. I can’t always be there as I have a real life too but if I can, I’ll cover it. If you have thoughts on what you would like to see as news stories on please list them or PM me.

Oh yeah, one last thing…. Be careful where you die…You may find yourself in the Obituaries.



UO Baja News Reporter
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Congratulations, Amber Witch!


Xel The Wanderer

Lore Keeper
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Congratulations Ambeeeerrr-er-er-er-*echoes*!

I agree with your approach to Baja news because it's definitely those spontaneous, bizarre, interesting, and "Did that just happen???" moments that make Baja, well, Baja.

*raises and erects the Steel Phallus* May you be blessed with long life with prosperity and patience, thick fortitude, and sticky white laughs all over the blinkin' place! :thumbup:

I'm 169% sure you'll do a blinkin' amazing job!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Awesome. Poor Warder's been running around doing everything for awhile, now he can rest some.


*mails silver quills to both women* In case he gets out of hand. *wink*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congratulations, Amber Witch!! well deserved :)

I'm looking forward to your articles!

Marcus Aurelius

Congratulations Amber. But remember I'll be watching you cloesly' making sure you dont try to go above the law.

Marcus Arelius (Detective of Baja)

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aww thanks everyone. I really appreciate your support and the Stratics Staff are all incredibly supportive too. There is a lot to learn but I'm enjoying it.

See you ingame!

EM Godiva

Stratics Veteran
Three reporters for lil 'ol Baja? Take that, Atlantic! (I kid, I kid.)

Congratulations on your new position, Amber!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not one to defend Lil' Miss Amber. She can do that herself. But since coming on board she has done a good job of helping and not turning it into her personal soapbox.

Now if she starts being a pain in the ass let me know. I'll give her a good tongue lashing just for you.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Warder,I don't believe that Xelious was inferring your interpretation of his post as he and I have a history of having some crazy fun in game. But I thank you for being so gracious in offering a tongue lashing. I may take you up on your offer sometime.:p


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Who said you could come out?

Get back in the office and make me some coffee, newbie.


Goodman's Rune Library
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While Amber may be new on the news side, she is a veteran Moderator and a valuable member of the Stratics Team just as you are Warderdragon.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guess we're all missing each others humor tonight.

Apologies for the slight. *smirks*