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Pvp Thread?

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Can we have a Pvp thread without everyone getting all butt hurt or wigging out?? I mean why is there not trash talk allowed on stratics baja forms, however other server forms there is? I mean if UO allows trash talk why cant we do it on a form? Also why do people take trash talk so personal?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Holy craps you guys are fast.

The problem in the past has always been that PvPers do not know how to follow RoC. We are all, in some way, guilty of this.

Most PvPers cannot, it seems, make a poignant argument or statement without insulting others.

But I agree that a lack of a PvP thread denies PvPers the opportunity to make statements that pertain to their UO experience.

If a PvP thread is wanted; it will be discussed and will probably require a poll to see how the rest of the Baja community feels about it.

This is as good as a place as any to start.


Holy craps you guys are fast.

The problem in the past has always been that PvPers do not know how to follow RoC. We are all, in some way, guilty of this.

Most PvPers cannot, it seems, make a poignant argument or statement without insulting others.

But I agree that a lack of a PvP thread denies PvPers the opportunity to make statements that pertain to their UO experience.

If a PvP thread is wanted; it will be discussed and will probably require a poll to see how the rest of the Baja community feels about it.

This is as good as a place as any to start.
Why the baja community? Why not a poll for the baja pvpers? Its a thread for pvpers not trammies.
Also yes we all stray away from ROC but if its in a pvp thread, as long as its not threats to do personal harm or making fun of them rl. It should be allowed, but only in the pvp tread.

If you would like a pvp tread please post a simple yes or no. Also if your not to shy your pvp chars name/guild.

Im "Turn it down SI" from Cartel and I would like a Pvp thread that is not aggressively edited by mods. Its only trash talk and good fun.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why the baja community? Why not a poll for the baja pvpers? Its a thread for pvpers not trammies.
Also yes we all stray away from ROC but if its in a pvp thread, as long as its not threats to do personal harm or making fun of them rl. It should be allowed, but only in the pvp tread.

If you would like a pvp tread please post a simple yes or no. Also if your not to shy your pvp chars name/guild.

Im "Turn it down SI" from Cartel and I would like a Pvp thread that is not aggressively edited by mods.
That depends on the mods. On some shard forums, the RoC is relaxed to more accurately portray what commonly goes on in game in the PvP thread only.

On some shard forums, it's the opposite.

Its only trash talk and good fun.
As long as it stays that way.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't have a pvp character but I like reading the pvp thread and not commenting (until I get a pvp character), does that count?

If so, I vote yes.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
a pvp thread would be good.Then can call thier momma trash all they want there. Ihad the problem with it in general chat cause I had to read it, if I wanted to see the chat between non trash talkers. To see if sumin was going on.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why the baja community? Why not a poll for the baja pvpers? Its a thread for pvpers not trammies.
Also yes we all stray away from ROC but if its in a pvp thread, as long as its not threats to do personal harm or making fun of them rl. It should be allowed, but only in the pvp tread.

If you would like a pvp tread please post a simple yes or no. Also if your not to shy your pvp chars name/guild.

Im "Turn it down SI" from Cartel and I would like a Pvp thread that is not aggressively edited by mods. Its only trash talk and good fun.
I'm Administrators of these forums...
And NO you cannot tell the mods to stay away and trashtalk your heart out. Get yourself your own forum or whatever.
Here you have to abide by minimum standards and live in peace with the forum/shard community. If you don't like it... too bad.
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