You were around back in the early days of the BOD system, so perhaps you can answer -
I can't speak to the original intent, as it was another designer who built the system. It wasn't until adding the bribery stuff that I spent much time on it other than just doing BODs in-game.
Here's a complete rundown of how it generates deeds.
1. If your skill is under 70, you only get small non-exceptional iron deeds for items you can craft.
2. When skill is 70 or more but below 100, chance of exceptional is 33%
3. At 100 skill and above, chance of exceptional is 50%
4. When at 70 skill or above, large deeds happen 8% of the time
5. Large deed breakout: 25% Ring, 25% Chain, 25% Plate, 5% Axes, 5% Swords, 5% Fencing, 5% Maces, 5% Polearms
6. For all armor deeds, large and small, the chance of it requiring colored metal is: 60% at 100 skill, 70% at 110 skill, and 90% at 120 skill.
7. Skill affects chances of colors and limits available colors. For example, At 70 skill, you can only get Bronze and below; at 80 skill you can get up to Golden. Skill above 100.0 does not improve the chances of the rarer colors.
1. If your skill is under 70, you only get small non-exceptional deeds for items you can craft.
2. At 70 or above but below 100, chance of exceptional is 10%. At 100 Tailoring, chance of exceptional is 33%.
3. At 70 and above, 8% of deeds are large
4. Each large type has an equal chance of being generated
5. Below GM, chance of leather deeds requiring colored leather is 50%. At GM, the chance improves to 70%.
6. Skill affects leather colors generated; for example, you can only get Horned deeds above 80 skill.
If I were to speculate as to why Tailoring's chances for exceptional and colored deeds are lower than for blacksmiths, I would guess that it has to do with how tailoring has such a smaller variety of deeds (only 3 special materials instead of 8). Even with Tailoring's lower chances of exceptional and colored deeds, it's still far easier to assemble a top-end large Tailor BOD than it is to assemble a top-end large Blacksmith BOD.