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(Player Event) Nights in Nujel'm

  • Thread starter Paytience Fawn
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Paytience Fawn

Nights In NuJel'm

Every Kingdom has one. The Knight who takes up their lance to defend the respect of their Kingdom. On March 2nd they are gathering. The rules are simple:

1) GM Made armor as crafted two nights before by the Blacksmiths and tailors of Sosaria. (2/29)
2) No Jewelry.
3) Per Tradition: Must be an actual horse. No Ethereals allowed.

2 Competitors at a time, 3 Falls and the winner moves on to the next level.

Prizes for First, Second and Third place.

Time: 7PST/10 EST
Where: This event will take place on the Nujel'm Chessboard, just beyond the Royal Palace.
Announcer for Bouts and wins: Fortunada the Gypsy (EM GODIVA)

All Competitors will be asked to arrive early for a pre-joust parade introducing each to the audience. Lances will have been hand crafted and made with each competitors name on it. (*If you are a mage you can still participate as the Lances will have proper modifications on them*)

Deadline to sign up is Midnight PST on 2/29.

Any questions please feel free to send private message.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
An opportunity to play with my lance in public?

Sign me up.

Noble Beast

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
HearthFire Village will find a champion. I am very excited about this event. Well done & thank you!

Paytience Fawn

An opportunity to play with my lance in public?

Sign me up.
Always interested to see how well a man can use his lance, can't wait!

HearthFire Village will find a champion. I am very excited about this event. Well done & thank you!
My pleasure! Look forward to seeing the Hearthfire Contingent at both the crafting before hand and the joust itself!

Paytience Fawn

This is tonight.

*for the entrants: If by somehow you missed getting armor made, a crafter of 120 skill will be available up until the event itself, Dyes however will only be available until an hour before.*

*For those who are blue upon arrival, Guilds, both factioned and non, are available to join for the event itself. After which you can drop and meld back into the guild you belong to*

See everyone at the Chessboard in NuJelm at 7PST/10EST!