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[Fishing] Fishing Rewards Fair?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just tell me how in the world of Sosaria is it fair that I turn in an order for 130/260 points and get a Lava Lobster Trap, which can be had for a 10/20 point order, huh?????? C'Mon Devs, wake up! At least give us a reward commensurate with the tier of rewards that we deserve for the points of the order, is that too much to ask?

Lord Sir Scott

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Agrees, The fish rewards system needs a little love. I fish pretty much all the time. after a day of a double crab traping grind a book 2 is not cool...

Cymidei Fier

After playing this game for 13 years and WoW the main thing I have come to hate is tedium, button mashing and grinds.

I wonder when they will come out with an MMORPG where the NPCs do all the repetitive/boring/grunt work and the players get to do the fun stuff? :gee:
Why can't we do heroic and noble things why must we always deliver pies, turn in this or that and fish?

Leveling skills is boring, doing repetitive turns in/quests is boring, farming is grunt work. Why can't I hire some of those "angry protesters" to go fish up crabs, go mining, lumber-jacking, etc...They want a job, I have a job for them...chop trees! If these things must be done, then for the love of God let us have an add on of some kind...

Another thing I think they should change is melee fighters need more survivability. UO has lots of boss monsters running around and no true tanks...I go away for two years to play other games and nothing changes...lol Please someone say I am wrong and uninformed about this and its now possible to be a fighter and solo something big.

I saw the new raised bed things that raise plants without tedium, that is a step in the right direction.


Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Another thing I think they should change is melee fighters need more survivability. UO has lots of boss monsters running around and no true tanks...I go away for two years to play other games and nothing changes...lol Please someone say I am wrong and uninformed about this and its now possible to be a fighter and solo something big.

Errrrr ummmmm..... welcome back and it's ALMOST considered Sampire Online these days tho... You should check that out on the warriors forum, seems to be right up your alley.

Cymidei Fier

Yuck I tried the whole sampire thing and found it too gimpy.