If I ever get back to playing, I am working up a female sampire (mostly because of Semidar), once I get her suit done, I'll post it. Granted, she is an elf, but I am making it a plate suit (similar to the one I posted for my wife), which is usable by humans.
For a gargoyle.... while it would work- I think that the loss of the damage reduction from the mount might be too much to overcome. Depending on your play style. Especially with the new jewelry from Shame, the HCI/DCI will be easier to get.
As far as me getting back to playing- my wife's grandparents have been here since thanksgiving and I haven't been on UO since then (sorry for seeming to abandon my Sampire in Luck thread, I'll be back on that too). They will be here through at least NYE... so it will be a couple of weeks before I can post specifics and pics for something like this.