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What a Night!

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay so.. I needed a seed. One seed. One White Spider Tree seed. One stinking seed! This really is all about one seed.

Toby, Glory and I are working on a Christmas garden. In the center are 4 white Spider trees. Pretty. And I sorta have this black thumb so of course I'm slowly killing off one of the pretty white Spider Trees and I'm starting to freak thinking I'm ruining the garden. So I ask in general chat if anyone has any of these seeds. Nada.

Few hours later I log back in and I'm hearing chatter about seeds. Turns out there were 10 people running around the hives doing the hive quest trying to get one little white seed. I had forgotten all about this quest so I jump on my pony and start doing the quest too.

For the next 3 hours or so things are nuts. The joking, the laughing, the REALLY BAD JOKES are non-stop. 5 billion seeds later no white spider tree seed.

I wanna give up. I'm a failure. I've RUINED EVERYTHING! Another joke, more laughter, more picking on Nellie, Toby, Mama, Merlina, Pirate Roberts. Nephethys is dead, people are getting poisoned and we are still questing for seeds. More quests for seeds. More REALLY BAD JOKES! I now have every rare seed except for the holy grail, the now sacred white spider tree seed.

It is now almost 11:30 central. People are saying they are having more fun than they've had in a long time.

A little tiny seed. A seed for the Christmas garden. One little seed pulling so many people together.

Then I see it.... in general chat... those beautiful, beautiful words spoken by Merlina.

'I got it'.

It really was a special night.

Thank you.


Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe I'm laughing so hard because I'm punchy but actually, I think it's because I had more fun today, looking for that dang seed, than I have in a while. What do you mean REALLY BAD JOKES?! *ROFL* You forgot to label Nellie Cashman as part of the 'Click, Clack and Snack Frack" gang. From jumping in each others holes to smashing each other into the walls of the tunnel caves.... What a hoot! TOBY summed it up at the end of the night by saying, "We proved today that you can still have a lot of fun with the simple things". Thank you all for a day that I'll remember for a long while. Those poor solens will sleep well tonight! *deep curtsy* *looks for a dancing seed in the emoticons but gives up*

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I did! I don't know what monster took over that pic! Sorry!

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After I had that posted, I was just waiting for the: :postpics:

It's one of those things where you just had to be there. lol