It's a great spot, especially to sail from, to the highseas dock !
And/or for my fishermens, also gm chefs, to grind flour from,
all that free wheat in the wheatfield beside the place.
Love what ye did with the place.
I actually had that spot, for several mos., till approx. 3 days ago.
Dec. 1st was looming and I did not have room enough,
in the 1 max secureds that my Queen Zen house, East Zento,
has, to display Christmas items, going back to, forever ago.
Once a yr. I go semi insane and drag out every set of reindeers,
sleighs, snowpeeps etc. etc. so I had to grab 2 OTHER max secures
spots too, at [West Zento] just to put up all my trees, garlands and reindeers, snowglobes etc.
Least now I have 3 of my accts. basically in one place, for the time being,
E/W Zento, with 3 new santa clauses 1 per house, on the front porches.
And it was extremely hard, for me to let that Moonglow house, go down !
I love that spot ! But Dec. was on the way !
But, now my humongous dolphin rugs/ aquariums etc.
that were there @ the moonglow spot ye now have,
with your new lovely home,
are on the coastline of West Zento...
so I'm still on [a waterfront], just not Moonglow atm.
And thank ye for makin my Tabito Coy feel welcome.
He is one of the 4 of me that sets sail from that Moonglow spot,
to restock me supply of lobster traps and mento sauces,
cuz I get *lost at sea* tryin to find the high seas dock,
from anywhere else, but that same, Moonglow spot !