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[EM Fiction] Thanksgiving Part 1: Giving Thanks. (Charlotte Christianson)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Giving Thanks
EM Godiva

Lady Charlotte Christianson, despite how uncomfortable she felt, smiled politely to all the guests as she made her way through the crowd. When she arrived at her table she was relieved to see that she was seated next to Fern Goodfellow.

Much like Charlotte, she was rich, spoiled, and pretty. Though unlike Charlotte, who usually felt awkward and out of place, Fern seemed perpetually comfortable (except for the frequent adjustments to her apparently unruly bosom). Charlotte often had trouble understanding Fern and she was usually mortified when she did. Regardless, Fern had become a mentor…of sorts. Personally, Charlotte was opinionated and steadfast in her beliefs. Socially, she took her cues from Fern.

Fern was currently applauding “Char Char” and herself for doing such a fine job on the feast. Charlotte joined in, clapping politely for the duo, yet painfully aware of the fact that no one else was participating in their self-congratulations. Fern was either oblivious or she simply did not care.