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[EM News] The Search for a Champion - Warrior Tournement: Rules and Registration.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Warrior Rules and Registration

EM Godiva​

For the purpose of this tournement, Mages are classified as having the following skills:


If you have one or more of the following skills and wish to participate, please sign up for the “Magical Tournament”.

You must sign-up in order to participate in the tournament.
This tournament is a “skill only” event. Armor, weapons, and bandages will be provided for each participant.

Backpacks of the participants will be checked. Please only have a single runebook in your pack, which you will be asked to move.

No pre-tournament forms or buffs are allowed.

No pets or summoned beings will be allowed.

Important Note: These rules are tentative and may change during the week.

If the winner does not fulfill his or her guard duties after the tournament, he or she forfeits their position as “Lady Christianson’s Personal Guard” and the next person in line will be promoted.

Event: Lady Christianson’s Tournament
Date: Saturday, December 3rd, 2011
Time: Shortly after the Magical Tournament is finished
Place: Minoc Town Hall (Felucca)​



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [EM News] The Search for a Champion - Gladiator Tournement: Rules and Registratio

May we just sign up here? Or does it have to be on the GoldenBrew Tavern site?

Bucko the Kid

Greetings M’Lady,

With the permission of my liege lord I would like to register for the tourney. I know I am not as strong and experienced like many of the great warriors but the Baron says it would be good training and I will learn much.

Yours in Service,

Bucko the Kid

PS. A friend wanted me to ask you if you have a boyfriend. He also wanted to know how old you are but I told him that it wasn’t good manners to ask a Lady her age. But if you wanted to answer these questions I would be grateful.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
PS. A friend wanted me to ask you if you have a boyfriend. He also wanted to know how old you are but I told him that it wasn’t good manners to ask a Lady her age. But if you wanted to answer these questions I would be grateful.
lol She's kooky enough to know 4chan meme's; that alone should suggest she's hip (or just plain weird) no matter what her actual age is.

You want to try a real difficult question, try asking about a Lady's weight. No female in Vent has ever given me an answer yet.

EM Godiva

Stratics Veteran
lol She's kooky enough to know 4chan meme's; that alone should suggest she's hip (or just plain weird) no matter what her actual age is.
The latter.

You want to try a real difficult question, try asking about a Lady's weight. No female in Vent has ever given me an answer yet.
Yep. Regardless of size, I have rarely met a woman who was comfortable discussing her weight.

EM Godiva

Stratics Veteran
Midnight PST Friday, December 2nd, 2011
3:00 am EST Saturday, December 3rd, 2011