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I consider the new Shame dungeon a success but....

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
...when will we see this same type of change to other dungeons? The new changes have brought out the rudeness,if that's even possible,of some players that seem to think the UO Shame dungeon is a One-Player console game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I’ll say it over and over again. What they did to shame ruined a perfectly good intermediate dungeon that was great for skill building and maybe one of the more visited old dungeons on Atlantic. Every dungeon that has been made in the modern day has been far too dangerous for anyone without high level skills. Why not clone ALL the dungeons so no one younger can enter them? Great idea.

This whole revamp should have happened in Wrong where the dungeon was revamped with Juka… then years later the Juka removed and repopulated with old spawn. No one visits it now. There is no point at all.

Also don’t forget, there are actually all kinds of hidden dungeons all over the place that most people don’t even know about. BUT… the spawn is outrageous. For example… go to Destard. Head south south-west into the swamps below… past all the Savage spawn. At the very tip of the peninsula, there are a couple of grass huts. Inside one is the entrance to one of these dungeons I’m talking about. See how well you can stand up to the spawn… because you wont see any other players. hehe.


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i agree, its like they figured there would be 200 people down there..

2 evil mages and an unbound ev is too much for one person to handle.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Also don’t forget, there are actually all kinds of hidden dungeons all over the place that most people don’t even know about. BUT… the spawn is outrageous. For example… go to Destard. Head south south-west into the swamps below… past all the Savage spawn. At the very tip of the peninsula, there are a couple of grass huts. Inside one is the entrance to one of these dungeons I’m talking about. See how well you can stand up to the spawn… because you wont see any other players. hehe.
Can you provide a screen shot of this dungeon entrance? I checked out the four grass huts in Trammel on Atlantic and didn't see anything in any of them that looked like an entrance to a dungeon. The closest thing I found was a red moongate a screen or so north of the huts. I went through the gate and it just took me to the top of the same swamp in Felucca. Wasn't sure if it was a permanent gate or a player-cast gate, since I didn't see anyone around either in Trammel before I took the gate or in Felucca after I exited from it.

I also checked those huts in Trammel on Lake Austin and also on Siege and didn't see anything in them either that looked even remotely like a dungeon entrance. On both shards, I tried clicking on all chests, piles of bones, and fire pits but nothing took me to another location. Didn't try the pillows or bedrolls, though.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They give us an updated old dungeon and people are still not happy.

But seriously, you guys and gals must realise that no matter what content they release, people won't play it as intended. Thats the nature of the beast.

Thats the game you have to live with.

For me, I'm glad to see old dungeons looked at and applaud the DEVs for it. Rather see them make more of old lands than make an entirely new area.

But of course, you can't please everyone /rolleyes

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
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They give us an updated old dungeon and people are still not happy.

But seriously, you guys and gals must realise that no matter what content they release, people won't play it as intended. Thats the nature of the beast.

Thats the game you have to live with.

For me, I'm glad to see old dungeons looked at and applaud the DEVs for it. Rather see them make more of old lands than make an entirely new area.

But of course, you can't please everyone /rolleyes
I am really enjoying the new Shame dungeon without a doubt. I can't wait to see How they work up the other dungeons.


Slightly Crazed
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same here i really love what they done to shame, most ive acutaly fought stuff in 4 days.


Stratics Veteran
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im kinda waiting for a patch that will make items with brittle and cannot be repaired non relics..


Crazed Zealot
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im kinda waiting for a patch that will make items with brittle and cannot be repaired non relics..
I love the fact that this patch makes it easier to get relic frags. You still have to work by adventuring to earn them. I certainly hope they make no change to this. You still need SA ingredients to imbue the top levels like FCR3, HCI 15 and LMC 8 for example.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love the fact that this patch makes it easier to get relic frags. You still have to work by adventuring to earn them. I certainly hope they make no change to this. You still need SA ingredients to imbue the top levels like FCR3, HCI 15 and LMC 8 for example.
yeah but those are also so easy to get..

i hope they dont change anything either.. but its super easy.. kinda too easy.. even level 1 stuff with a luck suit drops 1 or 2 relics EACH..

i guess it was tested for a whole month and nobody said anything.
it just seems like they messed something up when you can go in the level 1 of a place and pull out 50 or 60 relics in a few minutes..

Cerwin Vega

Lore Master
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Im really enjoying shame for now but in a month i know it will be empty, then the only thing ill be able to kill on the 5th level alone will be wind elems. Half of level 5 you cant even think about fighting in because theres way too much spawn... do we really need 15-20 diseased bloods in 1 area.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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The new Shame is more so for a vet memory lane stomp. Any new player needing to train has many options to date. Ones not so far from a rez if the starter spawn gets the best of them. Players that are that new and not receiving help wouldn't have known of Shame untill the revamp. The new first level earths are great for training. They don't die in a few swings

Most players that complain have really short arms and/or no friends. They can't get at the stick stuck up their .................

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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i hope they dont change anything either.. but its super easy.. kinda too easy.. even level 1 stuff with a luck suit drops 1 or 2 relics EACH..

i guess it was tested for a whole month and nobody said anything.
it just seems like they messed something up when you can go in the level 1 of a place and pull out 50 or 60 relics in a few minutes..
I definitely said something about the number of relic fragments I was getting while this publish was still on Origin. Here are two posts I made:



Zyon Rockler

I think they could focus new players to play other places. They could even add spawn outside the dungeon, so, it's still a centralized place.

As long as they know the problem, they can work on it but I would rather see them move to the next dungeon and start getting some of the surfaces done so we can spawn other places.

For the first time ever, I found something that was worth looting out of a barrel inside the dungeon and it wasn't a piece of cheese or a bunch of grapes. Can you imagine what this means. To me, this is the change we needed at AoS. I don't think anyone would have left. I saw pieces that were worth wearing and not only in 1 resistance but 3. I think if the whole game was like this you wouldn't need graphic updates. It's like the game itself has transformed almost back to what it was, although, there is still more that can be done.

I guess this is why it took so long. We needed everything we had. The old 2D Client, all the people that worked on the game. It's like a brand new game that's 14 years old. I think I might of had a good dream last night. I wonder if my health has improved in some way, LOL.

I think the devs are finally on track and EA has finally given them what they have been asking for and soon we will all be enjoying whatever they have planned next for us.

Not much I can say, except for AMAZING and THANK YOU!


I totally love the fact that you can get some relics out of looted items. For the first time i can craft armors and items for new/returning players with properties that before i had to deny because of the crazy cost of relics.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I totally love the fact that you can get some relics out of looted items. For the first time i can craft armors and items for new/returning players with properties that before i had to deny because of the crazy cost of relics.
this is the problem, heck im even putting on 1/3 jewlery on crap that i wouldnt even think of before..

i just made a 1/2 jewlery i had 1/3 and it took me 15 attempts to get the 3.. heh cause i have 100s of relics now..

i guess its not really a problem, its more of a concern.. i hope it stays that way :)

edit, just went to level 1 and 2 to kill the rock guys, took out 50 items and unraveled them..
22 relics, 127 enchanted essence.

took like an hour.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
i guess its not really a problem, its more of a concern.. i hope it stays that way :)

edit, just went to level 1 and 2 to kill the rock guys, took out 50 items and unraveled them..
22 relics, 127 enchanted essence.

took like an hour.
In another week, the devs will tone everything down and only the most overpowered or lucky characters will continue to get relic fragments from Shame loot.

I feel yet another UO "bait-and-switch" incident waiting in the wings!


Grand Poobah
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I also checked those huts in Trammel on Lake Austin and also on Siege and didn't see anything in them either that looked even remotely like a dungeon entrance. On both shards, I tried clicking on all chests, piles of bones, and fire pits but nothing took me to another location. Didn't try the pillows or bedrolls, though.
If she´s talking about the entrance I think she does then you need to click one of the beds/bedrolls...

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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You're probably right Tina, especially since it seems that the culprit has been identified.

I guess we have a couple more days to see if they correct this trend or let it ride.

From what I have seen, one specific mod is key for unraveling to Relics and a different mod is key for Clean Up points.

As it stands, I currently have several different piles of Shame loot:

1. Unravel loot
2. Throw away for Points loot
3. Combine in BODs/Resmelt loot (these are the same as the ones that don't go into BODs get resmelted)
4. Keepers
5. Gold
6. Gems and Etc (reagents, Cannon material, ML gems, etc)

It's so much better in terms of my own interest that it's worth the extra bit of time to look at each item of loot and decide on it's value instead of ignoring the vast majority.


Seasoned Veteran
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In another week, the devs will tone everything down and only the most overpowered or lucky characters will continue to get relic fragments from Shame loot.

I feel yet another UO "bait-and-switch" incident waiting in the wings!
You are right. Well, I hope you are...

Anyone who knows a little bit about the intensities needed to get relic fragments from loot has already posted that the reason for people getting so many relics is wrong intensity values put in by the devs.

Yes, you do find more good items there, but if the values for intensities weren´t borked, the change would be a small one.
This cannot be intended and I think a change needs to be made.

Cause all your relics will not help you now. Try making a suit, and imbuing - enhancing. You will get many wrong results and your ingredients will be used up nonetheless...

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
If she´s talking about the entrance I think she does then you need to click one of the beds/bedrolls...
Thanks! That was just enough info for me to find a few descriptions of an event from April 2006 that included a visit to a cave of ratmen led by a ratman general named Lorgash. I was still fairly new to UO at the time and pretty much out of the loop regarding EM events on Baja at that point, so I wasn't even aware it had happened.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are right. Well, I hope you are...

Anyone who knows a little bit about the intensities needed to get relic fragments from loot has already posted that the reason for people getting so many relics is wrong intensity values put in by the devs.

Yes, you do find more good items there, but if the values for intensities weren´t borked, the change would be a small one.
This cannot be intended and I think a change needs to be made.

Cause all your relics will not help you now. Try making a suit, and imbuing - enhancing. You will get many wrong results and your ingredients will be used up nonetheless...

they do need to fix the imbuing problems, but i hope they dont make it so everything that has the tag brittle or cannot be repaired not turn into relics even if it would be

anna anomalous

definitely need a way to remove the brittle/cannon be repaired. tried using a few of these items in pvp and they only lasted 3 fights.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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If you have a metal item you can enhance with Dull Copper to up the durability of the 150 items to 255 which helps. Oak works for wood items. Nothing good for leather or bone though.


Seasoned Veteran
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they do need to fix the imbuing problems, but i hope they dont make it so everything that has the tag brittle or cannot be repaired not turn into relics even if it would be
aarons6, beleive me. I had many items with the tags brittle, cannot be repaired, etc that did not turn into relics. The tags are not causing this. The wrong intensities of some properties are causing this. (atm, I have Dur and lower Req for sure, and pretty sure about SSI - which is also borked when enhancing).


Seasoned Veteran
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Oak works for wood items.
Thats new to me.. Oak raises Dur of wooden items? Well it should not. Is this new?

Edit: just tried it out on bows. they break A LOT but yes, you are right. They raise dur by 50%. Is this new? Or has it always been like this? It is not documented (on UOGuide at least). Only luck 40 and 5Di for weapons.

Lady CaT

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
...when will we see this same type of change to other dungeons? The new changes have brought out the rudeness,if that's even possible,of some players that seem to think the UO Shame dungeon is a One-Player console game.
I love the new dungeon changes too! Its been a lot of fun developing new tactics and battling the new creatures for their new loot. I hope they do the other dungeons also.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love the new dungeon changes too! Its been a lot of fun developing new tactics and battling the new creatures for their new loot. I hope they do the other dungeons also.
me too. i hope they think about changing the colors so each dungeon gets its own color of armor and weapons..

they should probably leave destard alone tho, i cant see that one being any more tougher lol.

make taming dragons impossible.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can you provide a screen shot of this dungeon entrance?
Because I love you guys so much…

I actually braved the MASS spawn of that swamp and re-found the dungeon entrance I was talking about. Stealthers rule!

It's the savage hut on the right most side of the set of 3… south of that old mystery castle that has been sitting in this swamp forever.

I will also confess, I don’t remember this being the dungeon in question, but it sure was packed in the first room. It could only go downhill from that point on. You will see the red circle on a fur? Double click that and you’re in. There is a ladder you simply walk up to get back out.

Honestly, I have seen a few of these weird dudgeons as being part of the post tram old-school crowd, I actually explored every screen of the game world vs. bank-sitting most of my play time. It's just some of these spots I found are so far back in my mind, they get lost.

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
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*tags to last*

I have noticed that while hunting in Shame,I see that the slayer property on any item has not come up for me. Is it that I am not getting the rolls to fall on that mod,or is anyone else experencing the same thing?


Slightly Crazed
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ive gotten a gargoyle and blood ele slayer to drop so far, andthe blood ele slayer droped off a wind ele.


Stratics Veteran
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I am loving shame. My only complaint is that I am having to decide to kill turkeys or run shame. Sometimes I don't like having to choose. ;)