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[Fishing] Any tricks to do quests faster?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are there any tricks to do the fish monger quests faster? Obviously the boat traveling is very time consuming.

I am new to this fish quest thing but I've read the guides from time to time, and I've completed just a few times. I understand you can park the boat within the a server line to get multiple quests. But the real problem is that the delivery is often at other servers. So, where is your usual sail routine? @_@

Also, when you complete a quest and gets asked a new quest , how do you tell from the quest info where the next quest is? (the quest window doesn't say, does it?) I had to accept and recall to the boat to see it.

With so many limitations, I cannot understand how people do it lol


Are there any tricks to do the fish monger quests faster? Obviously the boat traveling is very time consuming.

I am new to this fish quest thing but I've read the guides from time to time, and I've completed just a few times. I understand you can park the boat within the a server line to get multiple quests. But the real problem is that the delivery is often at other servers. So, where is your usual sail routine? @_@

Also, when you complete a quest and gets asked a new quest , how do you tell from the quest info where the next quest is? (the quest window doesn't say, does it?) I had to accept and recall to the boat to see it.

With so many limitations, I cannot understand how people do it lol
Park your boat just off of the NW corner of Buc's Den. In that space, you can reach Brit. Sailing a few moments to the south crosses a server line and from there - you can recall to Skara-Brae, Trinsic, and Jhelom. From the starting point off of NW Buc's Den, you can also sail a few moments to the east and then recall to Vesper. It takes a little more sailing to the east across another line to be able to reach Moonglow and the Fish-Market. If a Friend has a boat parked at the market - you can recall to their boat and take a rowboat onto the dock to complete the quest. Lastly, the starting point off of Buc's Den is not too far from the Serpent Pillar needed to get to Paupau.

I believe that the Buc's Den area is the best to do the quests from.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If a Friend has a boat parked at the market - you can recall to their boat and take a rowboat onto the dock to complete the quest. .
Sorry I dont quite understand this part. My boat is now at SK area, and a chest is filled with delivery to the market. I recall to a friend's boat at the market, and use a rowboat. I talked to the market fish monger. But he wasn't able to find my ship. Did I do something wrong? Thanks :D


Sorry I dont quite understand this part. My boat is now at SK area, and a chest is filled with delivery to the market. I recall to a friend's boat at the market, and use a rowboat. I talked to the market fish monger. But he wasn't able to find my ship. Did I do something wrong? Thanks :D
Your boat must be on the same "subserver" as the fish monger for him to be able to find your ship-hold to complete the quest... You'll have to sail close - just not all the way saving you time.

Check this stratics page for a map of the server lines in Trammel and Felucca and maybe it will help to actually see the areas. (Map with server lines is the last one so scroll down a ways).