Well said.You're not preventing problems popps, you're inventing them. There is absolutely no information about said item other than a name for it and a brief reference. You appear to have also assumed these functioning exactly like an existing item, the character transfer token, without even a thought of why on earth we would need another item that does the same thing. Your post represents the very problem some people have with these spoilers; complaing before taking even a brief time to stop and ask about something so you can at least gain some sort of understanding. It's like complaining about the story line of a book without even bothering to read the synopsis. Except in this case we don't even have a synopsis, all of have is an incredibly vague reference to an item where your problem is invented off of the single word "transfer."
Lets just wait a while until we see this come up in a set of patch notes and then decide if there is a problem when we actually get to do some testing