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[Discussion] The Baja Winter Rares Festival - Cancelled


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is with great disappointment that I announce the cancellation of the Baja Rares Festival.

It would seem persons with minimal involvement in the planning of our event told others we would be fine moving Baja back to accomidate another.

...Without informing us.

What is done is done. In the coming months I - and others associated with our previous bid - will submit a new plan for Baja 2012. Until then we at Baja wish Sakura the best and offer them our full support.

Speaking on behalf of the Baja 2012 Rares Staff.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is with great disappointment that I announce the cancellation of the Baja Rares Festival.

It would seem persons with minimal involvement in the planning of our event told others we would be fine moving Baja back to accomidate another.

...Without informing us.

What is done is done. In the coming months I - and others associated with our previous bid - will submit a new plan for Baja 2012. Until then we at Baja wish Sakura the best and offer them our full support.

Speaking on behalf of the Baja 2012 Rares Staff.

First of all the so called "Baja Festival Staff" made a big mistake of not including the people who should have been kept in the loop on the progress.

Also, get your facts straight before you make a post like this. I did not speak on behalf of anyone or any team, I was asked by one person about my opinion and I said fine by me. The events that followed next is your team's own lack of responsibility. The Sakura proposal was on this thread for a better part of a week before you responded. Of course when asked during the EM event on Baja that's how it was reported.

The only blame your team should lay is amongst yourselves for not visiting this board much. If your team is serious about putting up a Rares Festival then show the efforts and be proactive and not reactive.

This is like trying to submit a NFL team without having any NFL players or ever pay attention to any of the NFL games.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Their decision is understood that it was very difficult
Im On behalf of my staff and team sakura
to express gratitude to team baja's determine


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Manticore said:
First of all the so called "Baja Festival Staff" made a big mistake of not including the people who should have been kept in the loop on the progress.

Also, get your facts straight before you make a post like this. I did not speak on behalf of anyone or any team, I was asked by one person about my opinion and I said fine by me.
Well this is amusing.

Manticore. You do realize you're taking credit for something another did?

Be glad I am nice enough to clear the issue. Though if you want to take credit you're more than welcome.

Manticore said:
The events that followed next is your team's own lack of responsibility. The Sakura proposal was on this thread for a better part of a week before you responded. Of course when asked during the EM event on Baja that's how it was reported.

The only blame your team should lay is amongst yourselves for not visiting this board much. If your team is serious about putting up a Rares Festival then show the efforts and be proactive and not reactive.
Baja has chosen time and again not to involve ourselves in board debates. Our interest is the success of our event. Not arguing time slots.

We received the Green Light this Summer. Since then we have watched. Observed. Prepared.

When Sakura was proposed it did not conflict with our plan. When we did find out that it would be moved up to replace ours we chose to meet with the parties involved behind closed doors. To figure out what happened without dragging it out here on the boards. And behind closed doors it shall remain.

If that is irresponsible ...all the better.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well this is amusing.

Manticore. You do realize you're taking credit for something another did?

Be glad I am nice enough to clear the issue. Though if you want to take credit you're more than welcome.

Baja has chosen time and again not to involve ourselves in board debates. Our interest is the success of our event. Not arguing time slots.

We received the Green Light this Summer. Since then we have watched. Observed. Prepared.

When Sakura was proposed it did not conflict with our plan. When we did find out that it would be moved up to replace ours we chose to meet with the parties involved behind closed doors. To figure out what happened without dragging it out here on the boards. And behind closed doors it shall remain.

If that is irresponsible ...all the better.
Well that's true, I only responded based on my interactions with Blend. If there were others then I was out of that loop. So it's all good.


First of all the so called "Baja Festival Staff" made a big mistake of not including the people who should have been kept in the loop on the progress.

Also, get your facts straight before you make a post like this. I did not speak on behalf of anyone or any team, I was asked by one person about my opinion and I said fine by me. The events that followed next is your team's own lack of responsibility. The Sakura proposal was on this thread for a better part of a week before you responded. Of course when asked during the EM event on Baja that's how it was reported.

The only blame your team should lay is amongst yourselves for not visiting this board much. If your team is serious about putting up a Rares Festival then show the efforts and be proactive and not reactive.

This is like trying to submit a NFL team without having any NFL players or ever pay attention to any of the NFL games.

i was fine with a Baja fest but then Blend posted his proposeal, Baja did not post a detailed Proposal that i saw? i know i dont matter in this situation but paying attention to the boards and perpahs if you would have posted that you wanted yours first or responded at all it would have changes things? but i still do look forward to the Baja fest!! there are some great collectors and museums there and i think it will be a great fest when it comes!!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont mean to sound ignorant but if you want to try and host a rares fest why don't you just post

You're doing it,
when you're doing it,
What you're doing,
How you're doing it,
who you're doing it with
and any other relevant details for doing it in 1 authoritative post.

After that, if you want to take comments, thats fine but ultimately, isn't that enough?

If your event looks well planned, and well thought out, I assume folks will come.

Beleth of Atlantic

I dont mean to sound ignorant but if you want to try and host a rares fest why don't you just post

You're doing it,
when you're doing it,
What you're doing,
How you're doing it,
who you're doing it with
and any other relevant details for doing it in 1 authoritative post.

After that, if you want to take comments, thats fine but ultimately, isn't that enough?

If your event looks well planned, and well thought out, I assume folks will come.
I never, ever, thought I would agree with Omnius.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont mean to sound ignorant but if you want to try and host a rares fest why don't you just post

You're doing it,
when you're doing it,
What you're doing,
How you're doing it,
who you're doing it with
and any other relevant details for doing it in 1 authoritative post.

After that, if you want to take comments, thats fine but ultimately, isn't that enough?

If your event looks well planned, and well thought out, I assume folks will come.

Try clicking on the link provided in the first post of this thread (you know, highlighted in blue and underlined). That was posted in July.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Try clicking on the link provided in the first post of this thread (you know, highlighted in blue and underlined). That was posted in July.
That thread was posted before the Atlantic rares fest. I don't recall another bid being placed afterword as per the usual. *shrugs*

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
Actually Bajas was going up on May 23rd 2011 set for November BUT once Atlantics was posted and accepted, Baja moved to January 2012 (After many voiced concern over the Festivals being to close together) Then proposed again So indeed Baja was bumped not once but twice.

Rares Festival Discussion

Baja Shard Rares Festival Bid Discussion

Dates: November 11th 12th & 13th
Mall Location: TBA

Festival Hosts

Silent Auction Staff
- Demon Slayer

Festival Staff
-Lord Gareth

Festival Event & Enhancement Suggestions
(Approval still required by groups)

-Festival Play (Hosted by the BRPA? Or Mags?)

-Mesanna & EM Trivia (Hosted by The Kingdom of Dawn)
Trivia questions ranging from Mesanna World tour event items and Storyline to EM event items, location and shard.

-Around the Campfire
Gather round for a story to remember and be sure that you do! For the quiz questions at the end will be your way to win prizes!

-Museum and Baja Shard historical and unique places tour

-Town Guard Patrols during the festival (Harbinger control)

-Girl Scout Cookie Booth

Baja Shard Rares Festival Bid Discussion

Dates: January 13th 14th & 15th
Mall Location: Umbra, Malas
Auction House Location: Umbra, Malas

Festival Theme
A Loving Family Holiday With a Friday The 13th Horror Twist!

Primary Reason for Festival

For players to complete their EM Holiday Collections

Festival Hosts

Silent Auction Staff
-Demon Slayer

Festival Staff
-Lord Gareth
-BRPA Members (Individuals will listed soon)

Festival Event & Enhancement Suggestions
(Approval still required by groups)

-Festival Play Neos Second Day Out, follow Neo as he once again visits the West Brit Bank and attempts to find his matching Christmas Ticket Serial Number!

-Mesanna & EM Trivia (Hosted by The Kingdom of Dawn)
Trivia questions ranging from Mesanna World tour event items and Storyline to EM event items, location and shard.

-Around the Campfire
Gather round for a story to remember and be sure that you do! For the quiz questions at the end will be your way to win prizes!

-Museum and Baja Shard historical and unique places tour

-Town Guard Patrols during the festival (Harbinger control)

-Girl Scout Cookie Booth (?)

-More Added Later!

Europa Trader

Stratics Veteran
Well problem as I see it the Sakura one was actually put up at the right time, while the Baja one was months ago and didnt follow up after the recent one. How do you expect players to remember and support the Rares Festival on Baja if you just make a post and let it hang there for months. The Community of players seems to have some vote in this aswell since its also about if they will actually show up for the Fest.

Maybe your to upset now not to show up to Sakura one and others might be upset if Baja got it and wont end up attending. Its an evil circle. Its like Real Life aswell if you make a proposal you also need to follow up on it keep updating and getting the message out there. Don't just expect people to remember, most have a lot of other things they need to do and remember.

But I guess it depends on how people actually agree on where the next Rares Fest should be, and its not easy to decide. And I don't know if anyone promised anything or how it actually works but if the majority of the community rather wants the Sakura Fest first then I think thats how it should be.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
I was just making sure all the information was put out. As I said in the Sakura thread I am done with Rares Festivals, no longer going to host, sponsor, support or be on staff for Festivals because its not worth it.

Europa Trader

Stratics Veteran
I was just making sure all the information was put out. As I said in the Sakura thread I am done with Rares Festivals, no longer going to host, sponsor, support or be on staff for Festivals because its not worth it.
Well how do you expect people to not bump it if people dont keep getting reminded of it. Like I wrote people might forget these things and if something new comes along at the right time they will jump on it because they forgot the other thing because they werent reminded of it.

If you see an add of an items and think "That could be usefull", but its not something you plan on using for anoher 2-3 months, then you dont buy it right away and might forget about it and when time has gone by and there comes another add for a similar item made by someone else that you need soon. You will most likely buy the 2nd one because it was there at the right time.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
Blend knew about it, communication got messed up after Blend and I spoke on Icq with my information being ars backwards. He moved forward to January based off my wrong information and after it was cleared up (Six hours later) I spoke with him again.

His official reason the Sakura Fest wont move back to the original date is because its believed it would weaken their political stance. So between spending hours, money on accounts etc. it comes down to Political Stance? Am I to blame for bad information? Yes I sure am, one wrong step and you're toast. Could it have been corrected? Sure could have but it came down to politics and I'm tired of politics dictating Festivals that were suppose to be fun, I dont help with festivals to make a profit, I help because I enjoy entertaining people. Just like I enjoyed being the News Reporter here but that was ruined as well over people constantly icqing their opinions, gripes, situations and whatever the heck else.

Should Warder Dragon been put into the position to post the cancellation above? No.
He should post the bid again after the amount of time, funds and dedication Baja has already put in and just do it because that is the ONLY way to get things done around here AND Restroom it saddens me to see that post above after the conversation we had.

~Lord Gareth


Social Distancing Since '97
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Rares Fests are turning into the exact opposite of what they were supposed to be. *shakes head*

And to be perfectly honest, I NEVER forgot about Baja, or about their original proposal. It had very good names attached to it, so its a shame. IMO the mods should have stickied their proposal...but w/e I dont run things here.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is the way I see it. It's like an election and Sakara's bid just showed up on the ballot last minute.

Easiest way to end all of this back and forth is for someone to start a poll and let the public decide once and for all. Once that's decided there should be no more bickering about it, at least not for this next fest lol.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is the way I see it. It's like an election and Sakara's bid just showed up on the ballot last minute.

Easiest way to end all of this back and forth is for someone to start a poll and let the public decide once and for all. Once that's decided there should be no more bickering about it, at least not for this next fest lol.
I agree 100%. For every shard that is running to host a rare's fest, make a poll. Close the poll after a period of time. Winner gets to host it. Easy and simple.

Baja has spent alot of $ on this and had a proposal months before Sakura, why push Baja's proposal out when another comes in? Yes, it should have been advertised more, but could we do this the fair way and have a comfirmed permanent poll to decide? Atleast let Baja's hardworkers and their time pay off, give them a chance.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
:confused: <<< this is me, totally confused as usual

who and where does it get decided which shard/people are awarded the next festival?

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First of all the so called "Baja Festival Staff" made a big mistake of not including the people who should have been kept in the loop on the progress.

Also, get your facts straight before you make a post like this. I did not speak on behalf of anyone or any team, I was asked by one person about my opinion and I said fine by me. The events that followed next is your team's own lack of responsibility. The Sakura proposal was on this thread for a better part of a week before you responded. Of course when asked during the EM event on Baja that's how it was reported.

The only blame your team should lay is amongst yourselves for not visiting this board much. If your team is serious about putting up a Rares Festival then show the efforts and be proactive and not reactive.

This is like trying to submit a NFL team without having any NFL players or ever pay attention to any of the NFL games.

i was fine with a Baja fest but then Blend posted his proposeal, Baja did not post a detailed Proposal that i saw? i know i dont matter in this situation but paying attention to the boards and perpahs if you would have posted that you wanted yours first or responded at all it would have changes things? but i still do look forward to the Baja fest!! there are some great collectors and museums there and i think it will be a great fest when it comes!!
I dont mean to sound ignorant but if you want to try and host a rares fest why don't you just post

You're doing it,
when you're doing it,
What you're doing,
How you're doing it,
who you're doing it with
and any other relevant details for doing it in 1 authoritative post.

After that, if you want to take comments, thats fine but ultimately, isn't that enough?

If your event looks well planned, and well thought out, I assume folks will come.
I dont mean to sound ignorant but if you want to try and host a rares fest why don't you just post

You're doing it,
when you're doing it,
What you're doing,
How you're doing it,
who you're doing it with
and any other relevant details for doing it in 1 authoritative post.

After that, if you want to take comments, thats fine but ultimately, isn't that enough?

If your event looks well planned, and well thought out, I assume folks will come.
I never, ever, thought I would agree with Omnius.
I never, ever, thought I would agree with Omnius.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont mean to sound ignorant but if you want to try and host a rares fest why don't you just post

You're doing it,
when you're doing it,
What you're doing,
How you're doing it,
who you're doing it with
and any other relevant details for doing it in 1 authoritative post.

After that, if you want to take comments, thats fine but ultimately, isn't that enough?

If your event looks well planned, and well thought out, I assume folks will come.

Try clicking on the link provided in the first post of this thread (you know, highlighted in blue and underlined). That was posted in July.
Try clicking on the link provided in the first post of this thread (you know, highlighted in blue and underlined). That was posted in July.
That thread was posted before the Atlantic rares fest. I don't recall another bid being placed afterword as per the usual. *shrugs*

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know, I apologize for anyone getting all butt hurt over my comments about nothing being set in stone. It is most unfortunate that the rules themselves are not set in stone...and as a result there are 20 interpretations over how bids should be taken and festivals run.

The whole point of the rares council was to simplify and streamline things. When the hell is this going to occur? Are we going to see the results? Are rules going to be posted? Are any set guidelines for fest going to be posted? Ever?

As far as suggestions for poles...they don't work.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know, I apologize for anyone getting all butt hurt over my comments about nothing being set in stone. It is most unfortunate that the rules themselves are not set in stone...and as a result there are 20 interpretations over how bids should be taken and festivals run.

The whole point of the rares council was to simplify and streamline things. When the hell is this going to occur? Are we going to see the results? Are rules going to be posted? Are any set guidelines for fest going to be posted? Ever?

As far as suggestions for poles...they don't work.
I disagree with the concept of a council. I think the shard making an effort to host a fest should authoritatively post a concrete plan, maybe garner some comments and make any minor revisions as may be necessary.

Beyond that, a council might be useful in providing a list of trusted people willing and able to help at rares fests.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When u start with a council..u r asking for trouble...like real life..aka the football world cup bids for 2014 and 2018 !!!! and the fifa council of delegates ....people can be bribed...and they will be!!!! we all saw the brown envelope scandal there!!!