Wow some great responses from you guys,even those not really bothered have laid down some really good and valid points as to what has gone wrong,when,where and why.
I can't respond personally to every post so will have to generalise in my response.
If I can just briefly say,I came to the MMRPG plate quite late in life,having only ever played Zelda and Lara Croft.
UO found me at a very low point in my life,and it just enthralled me.
Being able to actually play a game with people from all over the planet in real time was mind blowing,and I fell in love with UO hook line and sinker.
The adrenaline rush from my first kill was amazing,and I went from noob to running my own guild before like many players,after years of putting my heart and soul into the game the apathy over took me and I eventually moved on to another game.
I have never lost my passion for my first love though,and it is so sad to see the road the game has gone down.
I fully understand everyones reluctance to 'give things 'another try because it has been done so many times before and we all have seen many,many people with the best of intentions come and go, Binky,Draconi and Grimm Omen to name but a few.
HOWEVER ,I remember the great times I had in UO.
The sheer terror I felt the first time I went in a dungeon and faced dragons persay,and the adrenalin rush to get myself out alive [ if possible]
I remember being part of some great RP scenarios and how I could lose myself for a few hours in someone elses 'fantasy'.
YES the game mechanics have changed
YES there are rude beligerent loud mouths running around
YES the playerbase has dropped massively.
YES there are a thousand more problems
It is still a GREAT game though,and with obviously thousands of people still logging in thats what drives me to keep trying and support people who want to try make a difference.
In response to Amber Witch
I'm not sure what you are thinking when you say 'something more positive'. Can you elaborate on your ideas of positive actions?
You know what AW,I am not entirely sure at this point of my thoughts myself,except to say with each new 'head honcho' comes a new excitement that THIS could be the person who is going to make a difference.
We all know where that has gone in the past and we have all been left bitterly dissapointed once again.
However I get a different 'instinct' about Jeff Skalski,dont ask me why
There is not ONE area of the game that does not need something doing to improve it or make it work as it was even supposed to from the concept.
I know there is a huge mountain of blips,glitches,bugs and so on .
There are threads ,posts within them, with layer after layer of concerns and grievances.
Its no wonder the Devs cannot keep up.
The closest we got to Dev/player interaction was the 5 on Friday wich Jeremy tried to keep going.
I guess what my idea ultimately is,is that there is a coming together over the various site forums.
Common concerns grouped together and then forwarded or posted on an agreed medium.
A place where players can voice their concerns and know without a doubt that some one from the UO team is going to look,listen and ACT on .
The ideal place would be an official UO site[ ie UO Herald] where maybe an elected person from each of the fansites had permission to post the topics causing the most concerns.
I am not likely to be one of these people,as I am just a small cog in a much bigger wheel of site owners and Administrators who need to be the ones to iron out the pro's and cons and as Nok said,this is already taking place.
We DO need to be heard though and make known our views on the topic.
Wether you are a yay or naye,your opinions are still important
UO has an essence all of its own, and yes there are more up to date games with bigger,better,shinier stuff to offer,but not a one of them has that special 'something' UO has that makes it worth fighting for and keep trying to petition and ballot for the changes that are needed to get the game back to something like it should be.
I dont know if I have made any sense or explained my self in a satisfactory way,but I am grateful to everyone who has taken the time to respond to this thread.
Finally I have to say a special thanks to Malagaste for a great post,that said it all so precisely.
Please do continue to vote and post.