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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Willing to trade SI (Spawners Inc) the rights to Super Ken and 1billion gold. for the rights to Airhaun and Ayassa. contact me....

I'm Totally Serious.


Count yourself lucky, I was once sold for two diseased dancing girls and half a pound of tobacco.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I guess times are tough all over. I was told for a six pack of beer and 100 enhanced glowing orange band aids its a deal

EM Godiva

Stratics Veteran
Airhaun, Ayassa and a billion gold?? Be happy, Jocasta tried selling me and the best offer she got was a pair of used scissors and 2 night sight potions :sad2:
I could use a squishy minion...

What about a new pair of scissors and three night sight potions?