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Hijack This!

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It was NOT a dark and stormy night. In fact it was a beautful day with not a cloud in the sky. I had just finished up my daily task of watering my flowers and decided that it would be a good day to do something special. So I saddled up old Fred, filled a picnic basket with fresh cheeses, sausages and baguettes. I grabbed a bottle of Valek's marvelous earthy red wine and packed it up in Fred's saddle bags.

I headed south from my home near the Brit crossroads at a leisurely pace enjoying the fresh air and the pleasant surroundings. After a few leagues I noticed a small campfire that had, what looked like, a pot of stew hanging on a rack above it. It smelled like it was badly burnt. Be honest, you know the smell... I couldn't see anyone around nor hear any sounds of people. So I rode around the perimeter looking for someone. At last I came upon a ...........

Take it from there... Leave an opening at the end for someone else to continue...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had just finished up my daily task of watering my flowers and decided that it would be a good day to do something special.
I think "watering your flowers" is plenty special already. Heh.

So I saddled up old Fred, filled a picnic basket with fresh cheeses, sausages and baguettes. I grabbed a bottle of Valek's marvelous earthy red wine and packed it up in Fred's saddle bags.
Nice to see that good ol' Fred is properly "saddled" down. Heh.

It smelled like it was badly burnt. Be honest, you know the smell... I couldn't see anyone around nor hear any sounds of people. So I rode around the perimeter looking for someone.
I have a lotion for that "perimeter". Heh.

Take it from there... Leave an opening at the end for someone else to continue...
I'm always looking for an "opening". Heh.

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Mooooom! SK isn't playing right. :mf_prop:

Ok, I'll play. =)

At last I came upon a ...........

At last, I came upon a ...........hunched over figure sitting on a log by the campfire. I'm not sure who was more startled; him or me. We stared at each other for a moment but I must admit that it was hard to see his face as he had his hood drawn down to his brows. He was the first to speak. After reassuring me that I had nothing to fear, he slowly pulled the hood back and my initial reaction was shock. Was he a man or a beast?

Once again, silence was so profound that you could hear the wild creatures as they prowled the land. The creature told me to sit down and as I did, he started to tell me a tale of how he had come to look as he did.

He had once been a handsome lad who lived in a city named Umbra. He had fallen head over heels for a lass and they were making their plans for their future together when ........


UO Baja News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
He had once been a handsome lad who lived in a city named Umbra. He had fallen head over heels for a lass and they were making their plans for their future together when ........

they were discovered by a servant of girl's family. The old crone ran as quickly as she could back to the family house and reported what she saw to her mistress. The family became quite upset upon discovering......


He had once been a handsome lad who lived in a city named Umbra. He had fallen head over heels for a lass and they were making their plans for their future together when ........

they were discovered by a servant of girl's family. The old crone ran as quickly as she could back to the family house and reported what she saw to her mistress. The family became quite upset upon discovering......

...this is now my autobiography.

Wait no, that doesn't make sense, but damn it psychologists haven't been invented yet and I need to vent somehow *sob*

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

...this is now my autobiography.

Wait no, that doesn't make sense, but damn it psychologists haven't been invented yet and I need to vent somehow *sob*
And they all lived happily forever? :thumbup:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He had once been a handsome lad who lived in a city named Umbra. He had fallen head over heels for a lass and they were making their plans for their future together when ........

they were discovered by a servant of girl's family. The old crone ran as quickly as she could back to the family house and reported what she saw to her mistress. The family became quite upset upon discovering......

"Oh no, Nana Porphyra," cried the mistress of the house, "and here we thought that through all your long years of service to the family, you were just a rather unnattractive old crone! Please, forgive us!"

The old crone..erm, old codger cleared his throat in disbelief and continued on with his tale....

(Re-hijacked. Kinda. Muahahaha)