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Stratics Veteran
What a buncha crap. I cant transfer back to baja- cuz baja doesnt have spring cleaning yet.

So im stuck here till baja gets spring cleaning.

I got some of you some spring cleaning items. I wanted to come back and give away some rewards. I thought it would be neat to give these items away; and having the items before baja gets spring cleaning.
But whatever. Stupid stupid game.:sad2:


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was in an elevator once.

Not stuck, just in one.

True story.


I was stuck in a Tokuno travelling show once. I had to wear a little sequined frock, and there were donkeys involved. The audience wanted me to recite romantic poetry in Umbrian for them, but I couldn't come up with any on the spot; I knew that they couldn't understand Umbrian anyway, so I gave lectures on Ilshenari indigenous map-making, and they loved it.

Is this similar to what you're going through?

Eventually the man in charge sold me off to pay back his gambling debts and I ended up in Buccaneer's Den. So rest assured, there is always a way out.

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd love to get SK and Lindae in a room together. The entertainment factor would be priceless! :thumbup:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Damnit Lindae, I thought you weren't going to tell anyone about my gambling or how we first met!


Goodness, I've not had a man make that blatant a pass at me since that time I was twenty-three years old and dressed as a naughty plague doctor. I am flattered!

Oh Benito, I know I promised you, but I have to vent occasionally. Otherwise it all gets bottled up inside and erupts in fits of psychotic rage and tapdancing.