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[Discussion] Golden Compass...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
... how many of them are out there. I bought one awhile back and cannot item insure it. Is this normal? It locks down and security settings work fine. I just thought it was odd that it's not newbiefied and you can't insure it. I would like to carry it around in my backpack you know? Well with Clean Up Britannia and the reintroduction of Item Bless Deeds maybe I can bless it... I'm hoping so anyways!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
according to mantis list there are a couple different ones out there, there is a version from napa that only 2 exist, and a version from great lakes with an unknown quantity existing. i believe they have different graphics. there is also a golden compass as part of an underworld quest but i believe it has a timer on it (not certain though)...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
according to mantis list there are a couple different ones out there, there is a version from napa that only 2 exist, and a version from great lakes with an unknown quantity existing. i believe they have different graphics. there is also a golden compass as part of an underworld quest but i believe it has a timer on it (not certain though)...
Napa and GL versions are both the same.

Napa was given out via an event you had to loot off the MOB
GL was a closed event where at the counselor hall Mesanna just showed up out of the blue locked the doors and handed them out. If you where there you got lucky.

In all no more than 30 or so out there.

They can't be insured because she made them that way.