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[Fishing] Crab pot soak times.


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Stratics Legend
How long is everyone soaking their pots? Is there a best time for optimal crab/lobster quanity?


UO Forum Moderator
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bah i pull them up imediatly to lose no traps
This is by far the best method pull them after 1 minute!

I did a test a while back running 1 min 5 min and 10 min and by far you get more lobsters letting them sit 1 min the only problem with this method is you are always laying and picking up I string 40 at a time and then start picking them up directly!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My fisher usually runs-out 75 to a 150 at a time (some times less, depending on where) then fish my way back and then pick'em up (sometimes fishing a bit before picking them up). Usually loose from 5 to at most 20 per run. Get a rough average of 2+ (usually closer to 3 if not 4) per trap that way, and longer strings (to me) seem to give more than short ones. Works for me.

I ignore the trap's bobbing (sneaks a look around :eyes: to see what wife is doing on her computer since she also plays UO) as I answer no one's demanding or irritating beck and call.

Muu Bin

Was wondering though, if one were to be fishing for those rare crustaceans, is there an increased chance of getting one by letting the pot sit longer? Apart from getting more of the little guys by simply letting the pots sit that is.


UO Forum Moderator
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Was wondering though, if one were to be fishing for those rare crustaceans, is there an increased chance of getting one by letting the pot sit longer? Apart from getting more of the little guys by simply letting the pots sit that is.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Was wondering though, if one were to be fishing for those rare crustaceans, is there an increased chance of getting one by letting the pot sit longer? Apart from getting more of the little guys by simply letting the pots sit that is.
This is not clear. It was stated that there is a better chance to get a rare catch if the trap is left to the second bob and beyond. On its face, of course that is true. If the first bob gives you a 1 in 1000 chance of a rare, two bobs gives you a 2 in 1000 chance.

Some peeps are interpreting the statement to mean something different. To illustrate the second interpretation (odds for demo only): On the first bob 1 in 1000 chance, second bob 1 in 500 chance, third bob 1 in 250 chance.