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[EM News] "Terror in the Night" by EM Seppo


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Terror in the Night
EM Seppo

Aldrich, shivering from the cold night, stood in the middle of some nondescript ruins. Scratching his head, he looked around lacking the memory of how he had reached there or where exactly there was. The nearly full moon in the clear night sky failed to reveal any other person.

“Haaiiil, anyone out there?”

As he walked forward, the sense of the cool grass made him realize that he was not wearing his boots. Quickly, reaching to his side, he found no sword either. He cursed to himself as he thought about explaining the loss of his standard issue sword to his superior. Deciding that any such future explanation is the least of his worry right now, he scanned the ground to look for something he could use as a weapon to defend himself.

You are safe, young guard. Atleast, for now…

Jumping back, Aldrichlooked up in the direction where the hoarse voice had came from.

Whose there? Reveal yourself!

Reveal myself? Soon, but I doubt you would fancy that.

Suddenly, a mist started moving into the ruins with an unnatural speed.

You and I have much to talk about, young guard. I have tasks for you that need to be done.

Taking a deep breath, Aldrich puffed his chest to put up a show of bravado,

I demand that you reveal yourself.

He continued, before his voice cracked from fright,

Tasks, what tasks? I am a Royal Guard of Britannia, I don’t perform tasks for voices cloaked in the dark.

By now, the mist had surrounded him completely. It was so thick that he could barely see his own hands. Just then, he was gripped by his shoulders, and something whispered in his ears in a most foul voice,

STUPID BOY! If I wished, I could break you into half right where you stand!

Then, pushing him to the ground, the thing screamed at him seemingly from every direction…

RUN NOW, but I will return. You cannot resist me forever.

Scrambling up, Aldrich ran as he jumped out of his cot straight into the wall of his very own room.


Groaning, he found his entire body soaking in sweat. Forcing a half smile, he tried to convince himself,

It’s quite alright! It was only a nightmare!

Little did he realize, that at that exact moment, several others across the known lands were waking up with the same nightmare.

Note: This fiction begins the new EM event arc on Baja. Over the next several months, keep an eye out for events that will test the resolve of all. Tentative dates of September events related to this arc are:

Saturday, September 3rd, 3:00 PM PST

Wednesday, September 14th, 8:30 PM PST

Saturday, September 17th, 3:00 PM PST


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Saturday, September 3rd, 15:00 PM PST

Wednesday, September 14th, 8:30 PM PST

Saturday, September 17th, 15:00 PM PST


Is Fifteen o'clock 3PM PST or is that a typo for 5 PM PST? Thanks!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm me thinks maybe he forgot to convert the times? Maybe 3 pm? LOL It's been changed on the website to 3 pm. Silly Seppo.


UO Baja News Reporter
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Campaign Benefactor
If the number is over 12, subtract 12. So 1800 Hours is 6 PM.


Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If the number is over 12, subtract 12. So 1800 Hours is 6 PM.


And then if it's daylight savings time you have to subtract one hour. Right? Or was that add one hour?

I'm so confused.

Where did I leave that fishing pole?


UO Baja News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
And then if it's daylight savings time you have to subtract one hour. Right? Or was that add one hour?

I'm so confused.

Where did I leave that fishing pole?
Nope, just subtract 12. Daylight Savings Time doesn't enter into it at all.

*decides to leave out Zulu Time so she doesn't get banned or hit with a fishing pole*



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most of the rest of the world is quite familiar with what's known as Military time in the States.

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Saturday, September 3rd, 15:00 PM PST

Wednesday, September 14th, 8:30 PM PST

Saturday, September 17th, 15:00 PM PST


Is Fifteen o'clock 3PM PST or is that a typo for 5 PM PST? Thanks!
I don't think that Pros is having a problem with understanding military time. The confusion comes in because the Wed. time is posted as 8:30 PM PST which is a standard time abbreviation, not military. The Saturday dates are both posted using the same abbreviation but the hours are listed as if they are military. I read the post with the same look of confusion on my face and wondered if it was 3:00 or 5:00. See Pros, there are people out here who understand you. *grin*

(And btw.....get back ingame SK. I miss your humorous banter)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I blame Nicholas. He is too efficient and posted it before I had a chance to correct it.

Yes, it is 3:00 PM PST. The event will last for several days. However, it will mostly involve fighting with an opportunity to do some detective work.

The Slug

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, it is 3:00 PM PST. The event will last for several days. However, it will mostly involve fighting with an opportunity to do some detective work.
You mean I gotta think?? Darnit count me out then :sad2:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Saturday, September 3rd, 15:00 PM PST

Wednesday, September 14th, 8:30 PM PST

Saturday, September 17th, 15:00 PM PST


Is Fifteen o'clock 3PM PST or is that a typo for 5 PM PST? Thanks!
I don't think that Pros is having a problem with understanding military time. The confusion comes in because the Wed. time is posted as 8:30 PM PST which is a standard time abbreviation, not military. The Saturday dates are both posted using the same abbreviation but the hours are listed as if they are military. I read the post with the same look of confusion on my face and wondered if it was 3:00 or 5:00. See Pros, there are people out here who understand you. *grin*

(And btw.....get back ingame SK. I miss your humorous banter)

Thank you Mama See! Someone DOES understand me! *sniffles*

Yes, I know how military time works, so "fifteen o'clock" would be 3 PM PST. I was wondering if that was supposed to be military time or if maybe it was a typo and supposed to be 5 PST.

See all the problems Seppo causes using military time! *checks to make sure September 14 IS a Wednesday....*


Is it intended that each shall work alone upon what begins this coming Saturday, or is working together recommended?

A Monk