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[Fishing] Small Fish Schools


Slightly Crazed
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Those were stated as 'magical' fish schools. I suppose the magical in it relates to the pools and not to the fishes.
One some days, when i need dungeon fishes for the fishmongers, I visit Shame. I take a beetle with me and fish until its is filled. My record lies around 229 fire fish steaks when the beetle was filled. So yes ... I already have found some of those magical pools.

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
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Those were stated as 'magical' fish schools. I suppose the magical in it relates to the pools and not to the fishes.
I believe the Schools of Magical Fish refer to the small magical fish we have had for years (Prized, Wonderous, Truly Rare, and Highly Peculiar Fish), not any of the newer Big Fish types. If have noticed a significant decrease in the number of the magical fish I catch while sailing between ports filling orders. They must have decreased their chance to be caught, but implemented this system to allow them to be sought out. Here is the publish notes regarding the fish:
  • Schools of Magical fish: The Order of the Dragonfish has discovered that most magical fish travel in schools. If you start catching a large number of magical fish in one area, it is likely you have found a school. After several fish are caught from a school it will move a short distance away. There is no known way to predict how to find these locations, you just have to get lucky and then pursue the school.
Since they are in more localized schools, you would have to stop your ship and actively search/fish the area for them (once catch one). If you keep sailing you will have passed the school by the next cast (assuming 8x8 resource grid), so you would never notice the higher concentration of them in the school. Now if only those fish were stackable and could be used in addition to Bless and potions, then they maybe more desireable.

Stayin Alive,



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They are the equivalent of the spells cast at GM Eval, so they would be useful to non-mages, if only they were stackable. I usually hang on to 1 "Truly Rare" fish to eat when it comes time to depart my boat, rather than cast Strength.

Muu Bin

Maybe a developer could clarify the definition of a "magical fish" or the schools of magical fish (as noted by The Order of the Dragonfish). I was under the impression that it was to do with the new rare fish (i.e. Reaper Fish, Holy Mackerel, etc...). It doesn't make much sense to me for them to use their time and energy making changes to something few people ever use (mainly because they don't stack - as mentioned above). Anyhow... it would be nice to get some clarity on this one... :mf_prop:


Slightly Crazed
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My experience is that i sometimes can catch 3-4 fire fishes from one spot in shame. Even with the known streakiness of the rng thats a bit too much to be a random experience. Since this happened first after the latest pub, I was assuming that I have met one of those magical fishing schools. (And no ... this happens regularly for me. Maybe its becourse there are not that many water spots in shame. For the records: I fish in shame lvl 2 around the bridge at the portal from lvl 1.)


Crazed Zealot
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so you think it is special fish (in your case fire fish) that is the school?

those stupid little fishes just need to be junked. why would you want to fish those up?
when i fish i get about the same little fishes as before and when i get one i dont start getting a bunch.


Miri of Sonoma

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My experience is that i sometimes can catch 3-4 fire fishes from one spot in shame. Even with the known streakiness of the rng thats a bit too much to be a random experience. Since this happened first after the latest pub, I was assuming that I have met one of those magical fishing schools. (And no ... this happens regularly for me. Maybe its becourse there are not that many water spots in shame. For the records: I fish in shame lvl 2 around the bridge at the portal from lvl 1.)
My fisher friend has caught fire fish in that spot as well! Quite a few at a time so we assumed that it was a "school"..it would be nice if the dev's clarified this.

Muu Bin

I caught 3 reaper fish last night (finally!) standing in the same spot. I had moved all along the shoreline, back and forth, and managed to catch a minnow (20 stones). After thinking about this discussion I thought I would stay put and try it some more... next one was about 5 minutes later (same 20 stone weight) and then one right after that at a weight of 164 stones!

I'm going to stick with my original idea on this and say that the magical schools are related to the new High Seas rare fish types.


Lore Keeper
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You fished in the same spot for 5 minutes? Don't the fish run out after you catch 15 or so from one spot for you? On Sonoma, I don't think there are any places left where you can fish non-stop in the same spot.

Muu Bin

Hi Doubleplay,

I did fish in the same spot for 5 minutes; however, it wasn't 5 minutes of continual fishing as I was chatting to a friend in guild chat. A few fish after catching the first one, I had to recall out to drop off my catch and then return to start with a empty pack. That being said, it was in the same spot and I did not get the "The fish don't seem to be biting..." phrase over my head until after the 3rd reaper fish...

On a separate note, I have encountered spots where the it takes much longer for the spot to "dry up" than other spots only a short distance away.


Slightly Crazed
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My experience is, that you can catch 15 fishes from a spot before it runs dry, but ...
- footwares doesnt count towards
- empty catches dont count
- big fishes count (the plain old ones, not shure on the new rares)
- serpents dont count
- sometimes you exceed 15 becourse you have fished longer than it took to refresh that spot
- if you fish at an 'empty' spot, you still can get gains from it (Havent tested for serpents)


Seasoned Veteran
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I had 7 fire fish from 10 casts. This convinced me what "magical fish" was supposed to mean...