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[EM News] Foxclaw Comes To The Moonglow Zoo.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Foxclaw Comes to the Moonglow Zoo.
EM Seppo

Greetings, Fellow Wildlife Enthusiasts.

I would like to thank all of you who helped (re)discover the Foxclaws. Unfortunately, as you might have heard, many of the Foxclaws were either killed or caged from their sanctuary. Upon hearing this, I recruited the help of some of my colleagues from the Lycaeum. Together, we moved many of the Foxclaw eggs to a secret location with the aim of building another sanctuary. However, a pair of newly hatched Foxclaws have been donated to the Moonglow Zoo. It is my hope that one day the bird with again be a common sight in Yew.

Martin Lacey


I am sorry that many of you were unable to enjoy the Foxclaws during the Quest. It was truly a beautiful sight, worthy of a reward by itself, to see the golden Foxclaws flying in their sanctuary. Hopefully, you will catch a glimpse of them at the Zoo!

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend

Has anyone seen Alouenikah recently?

Noble Beast

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*coughs* Or..*coughs* KatrinaColeandJinx *coughs more*

"Eeeek!", Trina shrieks. *quickly packs up the incubators from the bower & runs to the Tamer's Temple for sanctuary*


Alouenikah swears it wasn't him this time.

On the other hand, he also swears it wasn't him last time.

The Slug

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's just what we needed.

Handalf breeding.
It's all part of the Great Conchickenspiracy.... just wait (which of course is co-masterminded by a slug)

The absolute rule of Chicken and Slug approacheth! :bowdown:

Now Warder, you want to impress me? Try puttin an RP spin on that (And if you can you are a far far better slug than I)

PS: The entire Conchickenspiracy hinges on Handalf being a "fully functional" chicken. This however remains in doubt. Several months ago there was an incident regarding some VERY badly misplaced chickenfire. I can't go into details, but I will divulge the term "extra crispy"