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When did we get airships?


Valek Typhoon

now an Airship.. thats what I'm talking about .. the uses a pirate ... er.. privateer could do with such.

Valek Typhoon

thats classic! Have you noticed snakes float as well and have been like that for months.
I have noticed ... sailing by an island and 'some how' the snakes leap from shore to my ship to attack me.
Just normal snakes mind you not giant serps ... but still thats a mighty long leap for a snake!


I have noticed ... sailing by an island and 'some how' the snakes leap from shore to my ship to attack me.
Just normal snakes mind you not giant serps ... but still thats a mighty long leap for a snake!
I was actually chased by these so called flying snakes :( I was SCCCUUURRREEEDD



Wow... didn't the original Ultima games have actual blimps? or something like that?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hot air balloons... years and years ago they were supposed to add them.

Xel The Wanderer

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I remember a few Devs and GM's (who shall remain nameless) would jump on their "airships" way back in the day. Picture a boat sailing over the entrance to say Destard, pre-Trammel. That'll wake anyone up! It's blinkin' brilliant seeing this tradition still going on in one form or another. Two thumbs up, sake shots, and nudity all around! :thumbup::shots::ten: