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[Discussion] BEWARE Fake Ship Models.

  • Thread starter Gunga_Din
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1
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Vendor on Atlantic is trying to sell a ship model for 90 mil. It is not a true ship model.

True Ship Models are not blessed.

Just a heads up.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Someone trying to run the old rename a boat thing again? Wow, talk about age old scams.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this is possibly the most mistaken of all the server births. a ship model is never blessed and does absolutly nothing when double clicked on it, if it gives you a cursor its a ship that was renamed.i own 5 of these, 4 of them i got as server births myself. i think this might need to go into that book of false rares so people wont continue to be confused about this.


This is my vendor....was not a scam...i was mistaken on the vendor server birth as I am getting rid of all of my items? Would have been easier to message me so I could take it off b4 the accusations...

Have I ever scammed anyone before? Never.

I was clearing house and it was in my server birth rare chest....most of the server births I have sold such as wigs, singing balls, and many others on the vendor all came from the same chest in which I was storing these items. I did NOT notice that the boat was blessed and it was only misplaced that is all. It is an old boat, it can not be renamed so its not like I was trying to scam anyone. I simply missed that it was "blessed". This is all. Gunga is right, this is NOT a server birth rare, only a semi rare worth nothing close to what it was priced for. I removed the boat from my vendor. As yankaki stated above, this is the most mistaken for server births and altho I have dozens of rares I have been selling.... I did not see the "blessed" in the title.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention Gunga!


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
This is exactly why threads like this are helpful, Gunga has done a great public service.

Also Kim mentioned she was planning on adding to The Book of False Rares or making a second volume. I'm sure she would be all for including it.

Everyone makes mistakes, its just important to learn from them. I'd like to encourage anyone if they ever have a question about an item to please post about it. Don't worry about what anyone thinks, we were all newbs at one point. The only difference is some of us started with 100 gold and some started with 1000.


This is my vendor....was not a scam...i was mistaken on the vendor server birth as I am getting rid of all of my items? Would have been easier to message me so I could take it off b4 the accusations...

Have I ever scammed anyone before? Never.

I was clearing house and it was in my server birth rare chest....most of the server births I have sold such as wigs, singing balls, and many others on the vendor all came from the same chest in which I was storing these items. I did NOT notice that the boat was blessed and it was only misplaced that is all. It is an old boat, it can not be renamed so its not like I was trying to scam anyone. I simply missed that it was "blessed". This is all. Gunga is right, this is NOT a server birth rare, only a semi rare worth nothing close to what it was priced for. I removed the boat from my vendor. As yankaki stated above, this is the most mistaken for server births and altho I have dozens of rares I have been selling.... I did not see the "blessed" in the title.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention Gunga!
Didn't mean to accuse you. I did not mention your name, just thought you might see this and respond, which you did. So all is good and I don't have to end you or blow up your vendors.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is my vendor....was not a scam...i was mistaken on the vendor server birth as I am getting rid of all of my items? Would have been easier to message me so I could take it off b4 the accusations...

Have I ever scammed anyone before? Never.

My apologies for lumping you in with the lowlife scamming crowd for a while there. Had I known it was on those paticular vendors I would not have posted what I did, as I have purchased a couple of things there. Like the old saying goes, if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck. I shouldda waited on the quack but posted at the swim part. My bad.

Neutron Bomb

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They weren't accusing you of anything anyway. They simply stated that a commonly mislead item just happened to be on one of YOUR vendors for 90mill.

Mistaken or not, they were speaking the truth.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
FYI, if anyone has any questions regarding more information about this...please feel free to PM me.


Restroom Cowboy,

Please give it a rest buddy. Honestly....are you this mad? I don't understand it. I really have never seen someone have so much hatred over a computer game. I am sorry you got kicked from HEAT for lieng....I am sorry you lost most of your friends from raging and lieng to them....I am sorry things did not go YOUR way due to your own behavior. And I am sorry that you lost business selling gold. You have no one to blame but yourself. The fact is, I NEVER scammed anyone....and I NEVER will.

You will not be able to find one person in this game that is going to say that I scammed them. For every accusation you make on a new account saying I scammed someone, I will have 20 people (respectable rare collectors) that say I am one of the most honest people in Ultima Online. I can list 40 ICQs right now of people that have handed me billions of gold. I am one of the few people that have access to SupSoc's house. I have all purchases made through my vendors where I receive the gold first, and never once has someone accused me of scamming them where they did not receive their item.

I know I made a mistake and put a boat on a vendor and missed that it was "blessed" And I know this is Heaven for you. But anyone could have made this mistake when they have a box in their house filled with server births such as wigs, singing balls, phoniex armor, and much more. It was a misplaced item that Gunga luckily brought to my attention before anyone purchased it. It would have been difficult to have tracked down the true buyer had someone purchased it, but I would have made a full refund IF that happened.

Regardless, you making up a story where I tried pulling this scam 6 months ago and making up lies on other boards is idiocracy. Then you change your name to Ned in game, and you create a new account "Ned of Baja" and make up some story? Now you want people to icq you, so you can feed them lies? Even SupSoc locked the post and confirmed that you were Ned of Baja after you lied about it. Please grow up. For 3 months now you have harrassed me on every post I ever made.....doesn't matter the board. I get that you are a bored warrior and UO is ur life.

Again, you got kicked out of HEAT because of your behavior, not because of me. I was only honest about the situation and once council saw that you were lieng to people continuously, you got booted. Let the lies and harassment stop here. You ruined your reputation on your own, so trying to ruin the reputation of a perfectly honest person will only make you look worse.
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