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[Fishing] Quests and Mongers orders? Reputation resetting?


Stratics Veteran
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Is it supposed to be designed that after you complete a cycle thru the Monger at a doc, say complete a 100+ point order, that you go back to getting a 10 point order?

It appears that the reputations works in a cycle, if this is so is it broken?

Once someone gains a certain level of reputation they should not ever just have to start over . I understand if you just don't fish for a long time but?

Am i seeing this correctly or am i missing something?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it supposed to be designed that after you complete a cycle thru the Monger at a doc, say complete a 100+ point order, that you go back to getting a 10 point order?

It appears that the reputations works in a cycle, if this is so is it broken?

Once someone gains a certain level of reputation they should not ever just have to start over . I understand if you just don't fish for a long time but?

Am i seeing this correctly or am i missing something?
Not quite; the cycle is for individual fish, so your order should go 10 > 15 > 20 > 10 fish every time that fish appears in an order.

The reputation is supposed to be how many types of fish you get; if you complete a 2 fish quest, there's a higher chance of a 3 fish type next.

What appears to be happening, and which the Devs haven't admitted is supposed to happen, is that there's a second cycle too, and on turning in a 6 fish quest, it seems to reset back down to 1 fish quest again. Which is an atrocious reward for the ungodly fish grinding I agree!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok by that logic then?

lets look at it this way;
Fish Count 10 - 15 - 20
# Fish - 1,2,3,4,5,6

so 1 fish 10 count - 2 fish 10 count - 3 fish 10 count - 4 fish 10 count - 5 fish 10 count - 6 fish 10 count ???

Now of course that would mean 6 completely different fish each quest but, if a fish was duplicated then possibly say 3 fish then = 10,15,15

but lets stay simple

next go around then 1/15, 2/15. 3/15, 4/15, 5/15, 6/15 then on to 20's

once you get to 6/20's and have covered it for every type of fish at 20 then you should only get 6 fish 20 count quests.

Which should reason out that once you have had every fish done at 10 count you should NEVER have a 10 count for that fish EVER again. That is progression.

I will have to start keeping track of this but I am almost positive that I have turned in 10 snow crab at the same fish monger more that once.

now one more variable might be that there is a counter for 1 line 10s, then 2 line 10s and so on.

And there are of course 8 mongers so i do see there could be alot of grinding to get there but once I have made it to every fish at 20 count on 6 line quests from every monger then ALL i should get are 6 line 20 count, is that correct?

I will do some math for a # of variable that is and edit it later?

Ok crunched some number 36 simple possibilities on a 6 line quest
8 mongers
56 types of fish

Therefore and this is very simple progression thru the fish and mongers and # lines , ((no other variable))

there is 96,768 quests to be completed until you reach a point were all you should get a 6 line, 20 count quests from each monger.

Have fun, someone else can do the math on how many fish that is.

Again that was very simple straight forward progression through the quests, throw in another possibility of a reset at each count line and well - you will NEVER each the limit in your lifetime.

Now compare this to the rewards and having to get 2 high end lines to get the items for a Charybdis and fishing him up in the 5 bait you get better = somthing WAY more powerful that a 120 fishing scroll or a 120 fishing should pop as loot for EVERY Charybdis at a minimum?


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Re: Ok by that logic then?

Unless something's changed in this publish...

All Mongers use the same base numbers.

The counter for quests goes 10/15/20/10/15/20/etc. WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS:

1. You quit a quest, after you've accepted it, all the fish in it decrement 5 (making 5 point quests possible), to a minimum of 5 for the next quest you accept for each of them.
2. It's possible to get MULTIPLE quests for the same number of the same fish type. Only ONE of them will increment the counter.
3. IF, from #2, you have a leftover quest of "X" number, it will NOT increment the number forward in the 10/15/20 cycle, when you turn it in (though abandoning it probably will decrement it). So, if the counter in the Reputation system currently indicates you are on the "15" step for Haddock, turning in leftover 10s or 20s for Haddock will not bump you to the "20" step (nor, for that matter, will the extra 20 being turned in roll you over to 10). Only getting (if you already don't have one) and turning in a 15-count Haddock quest will advance it on to the "20 fish" step.
4. Given that there are 54 types of fish at high levels, the chance of getting six lines for dungeon (12 out of 54) fish, all of types that are currently on the "20" iteration, is actually pretty remote (odds are that you'll usually only have 1/3 of your fish at 20 at any given time)


Always Present
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Re: Ok by that logic then?

4. Given that there are 54 types of fish at high levels, the chance of getting six lines for dungeon (12 out of 54) fish, all of types that are currently on the "20" iteration, is actually pretty remote (odds are that you'll usually only have 1/3 of your fish at 20 at any given time)

Out of curiosity, even though remote, has it ever been reported that anyone got a fishing quest of 6 lines all of them 20 counts ?

And if it happened, what was the reward ?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I did get a 5 all 20 3 were crab/lobsters other 2 deap sea fish...
And the reward was.......Bull fish bait 125...now thats Bull ****...

all im getting now is stupid bait...i have never had a scroll as a reward, not even a 105.

And i keep stocks of fish so im not running all day just to fill orders..
I swear the RNG in this game hates my account..


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I did get a 5 all 20 3 were crab/lobsters other 2 deap sea fish...
And the reward was.......Bull fish bait 125...now thats Bull ****...

A Bait with 125 charges ??

Now, that's a rarity !! Weren't Baits capped at 100 ??


Crazed Zealot
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i am pretty sure the count cycles 10 to 15 to 20 to 10
so you do not max out on fish count.
if you get multiple quests that have the same fish then i think you can get a lower number
1 quest = 15 club fish + ...
2nd quest = 10 club fish + ...

now when you turn them in which order you turn in may do different things to your rating.

all mongers use the same fish rating.

it rolls a random number each line to see if you get another line of fish added.
this random number is based on your current rating with mongers?
example: you may be rated to get 5 lines of fish and it gives you 1 line then rolls random number vs your rating and says ok 2nd line then rolls to see if you get a 3rd until you fail then it stops.

my question is does your rating reset if you soul stone fishing? this seemed to be a problem before and i would like to know if it is fixed or what.

also correct me if i am wrong above.
