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[UO Herald] Publish 71.0 World Wide Release - 07/20


Always Present
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Agreed. PvP needs real changes.

I can't recall ever hearing the complaint that a pure mage isn't competitive. A pure warrior certainly isn't, but I guess none of the devs play one.
Mostly I am bothered by the fact that our pure sandbox game is now being "guided" as far as skill choices are concerned. This is a lot different than having "supplemental" skills (ie: Eval is to Magery as Focus is to Imbuing) but to influence a template this much is really a step in the wrong direction for our game.


Nah. The pure thing did not at all limit the amount of available choices in templates.

If anything, the changes to poison (bit OP) and the pure classifications increased the number of templates you actually see IMO. Pures are not overpowered in any way, effective for sync dumps though.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
So glad they decided to push a bunch of changes no one asked for.
Really funny thing is, on the Test Center forum where these changes were debated, several people said these changes meant that they were really listening after all!

What I think you mean is "a bunch of changes you did not ask for."

I actually didn't either.

But on the other hand I didn't not ask for them.

And I know that others did.

-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Umm I think that he just pointed out that while evil Othello was very much a chivalrous character, and on the opposite while Han Solo doesn't have a strong moral, or honorable code he was a good person.

How about I name another Evil yet Chivalrous character from Fiction? Hmm, lets see, Lord Soth from the Dragon Lance series of novels... He was completely evil yet bound by codes of Chivalry, as were the majority of D&D Death Knights, maybe you'd heard of him if not Othello.

Chivalry is also very much bound in honor, Chivalry is nothing but a code of Honor, have you ever actually read the codes of Chivalry? The problem is that the interpretations of what is good and just what is evil and misguided often alter depending on position and point of view.

If two Chivalrous Knights met on the field of battle in defense of King and Country, say one from England and one from France met on the field of Battle, which one is defending the right and just cause?
Chivalry was many things.

To quote one thing and say "this is the code of Chivalry" is rather incorrect, I'm sorry. (Recommended reading includes, but is in no way limited to, Richard Barber's The Reign of Chivalry and Constance Bouchard's Knights in History and Legend.)

Now, granted, in UO it might have a different meaning than IRL but you weren't quoting a UO source as far as I can tell. In UO I would say "what gets you Karma" is a pretty respectable indication of what "Chivalry" means in UO. Or at least it's a starting point.

Even in the current system, Chivalry still interacts with Karma, as well it should; it just also interacts with the skill level to a greater degree than before.

Now that isn't to say a Paladin-Necromancer of some kind, or some other kind of basically Evil or questionable character can't have Chivalry in both the game mechanics and philosophical senses. Lord Soth, whom you mention too would be a good example IRL of a Dark Paladin who fought for Evil. IRL, Vlad Tepes of Romania would be a good example of a Dark Paladin who (by his own terms anyway) fought for Good.

But it does mean that the Necromancer-Paladin or other kind of evil or questionable Paladin is going to have a tougher time at it. As well he should.

-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nah. The pure thing did not at all limit the amount of available choices in templates.

If anything, the changes to poison (bit OP) and the pure classifications increased the number of templates you actually see IMO. Pures are not overpowered in any way, effective for sync dumps though.
I don't get how anyone could argue that these changes restricted templates, unless of course you mean that Sampires are either going to have to work more Chiv in or learn to rely much more on Bushido.

As to mages it surely expanded the template range as far as I can tell.

Now of course PvP is very fad driven. When something looks powerful everyone will get one. But that has less to do with game mechanics and more with the "society" (for want of a better term) of active PvPers.

-Galen's player


Lore Keeper
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Actually not much for me have changed...

I am still using my sampire at 70 chiv, basically I feel a little bit nerfed but not really nerfed to useless. It is still possible for soloing spawns or bosses.

In the pvm side, we could see the trend is starting to ask you to be more creative and not only focus on SAMPIRE, SAMPIRE, SAMPIRE and SAMPIRE....

You just need to be creative to solo bosses or monsters (such as Minions of Scheletes).... it is still highly possible to solo those type [not SAMPIRE]

For the pvp side, not much really have changed as well except that you could non stop throw dart in close combat while DS and conflag potion to kick ppl butt easier... because its much more harder to cure poison with cure potion now.

The solution would be perhaps to limit the level of poison for ninja dart based on poisoning skill. For example, if at 0 poisoning, then no matter what type of dart you apply (deadly poison) or not, you could still only deal lesser/normal poison with dart or shuriken.

Because now my ninja[elf] have 0 poisoning skill and i throw dart and shuriken which I could deadly poison ppl and they have a hard time cure while i bleed + ds + ns + moving shot/AI with com bow + faction explode pot... it is total KO if they cannot cure that poison on time (while i am not missing my hits of course). If they're not moving after my ds, I will use conflag + ns + non stop dart to damage him.

So meaning as long as I am not missing, and he is not able to cure on time, he will be dead within seconds.... of course, this take away in the case if he have healers supporting.

Another thing is, apple being little bit annoying to me... not sure about you guys... because the timer already set to 30, would it be necessary for it not able to remove curses? Of course, to solve this problem, I have been using faction bandages all the time in my pvm and pvp either having healing skills or not.

Anyways just my thought about this patch.

For the SDI part, it is fine. 30% or even 40% for pure mage or pure necro or pure mysticism is fine for me. There is always opportunities cost in this game for any templates.

The changes is basically the same just to give an extra option to ppl in my opinion.

The way to kill ppl 1 v 1 with mage is either to take up bushido to time your spell and NS ppl or to time your spell and DS throw dart/shuriken at ppl.

There is no way you could kill anyone with PURE magic nowadays unless that guy is stupid or too slow in connection.

All my assumption is based on both parties are having same speed.


UO Forum Moderator
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Umm I think that he just pointed out that while evil Othello was very much a chivalrous character, and on the opposite while Han Solo doesn't have a strong moral, or honorable code he was a good person.

How about I name another Evil yet Chivalrous character from Fiction? Hmm, lets see, Lord Soth from the Dragon Lance series of novels... He was completely evil yet bound by codes of Chivalry, as were the majority of D&D Death Knights, maybe you'd heard of him if not Othello.

Chivalry is also very much bound in honor, Chivalry is nothing but a code of Honor, have you ever actually read the codes of Chivalry? The problem is that the interpretations of what is good and just what is evil and misguided often alter depending on position and point of view.

If two Chivalrous Knights met on the field of battle in defense of King and Country, say one from England and one from France met on the field of Battle, which one is defending the right and just cause?
So, play Rifts often? Anything else from Palladium? Hopefully England will get a reworking after the revised Vampire Kingdoms book comes out next month.


Remember it was a supposedly good priest that said "Kill them all; God will know his own."

This almost makes sense in UO, as you can end up still gaining karma even after killing a few blue creatures mixed in with some really evil things, using AoE and uncontrolled summons.