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[Fishing] SOS Treasure

  • Thread starter Longforge
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So I love the fishing changes and have began building a Fisherman. I'm now at 82.5% skill.

When I had a GM Fisher years ago, I loved doing sos's... I probably did thousands of them in that time.

I'm not too sure if anything has changed and my main questions are:
How often should I expect to see SOS's pop?
Is the deep ocean where I need to be?
Can a lot of Sos's be fished up in a few hours time?
Any tricks to finding more Sos's?



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I get about 15 or so serpents an hour, fishing just outside the buoy line at the Floating Emporium. About half those have MIBs, plus there's a small chance of getting more MIBs from green nets that are a more rare serpent loot (as loot off the krakens the nets can spawn).

There's an Enhanced client mod that will plot SOS coordinates for you, simply by reading it. There's also a spreadsheet (see sticky above) that allows creating coordinate lists for UOAM/UOCartographer, that even if you don't have spreadsheet software, is also available as a editable document on Google Docs (just copy the output column and paste into an existing .map file).

If you use either method, you'll have all your maps plotted, making it REALLY easy just to sail from SOS to SOS, fishing them up. Depending on the amount of loot sorting you do, you can probably do 10-20 in an hour, depending on how "clumped" they are (the ones around skara can be done really quickly, if you have a bunch all in that area, for example, while other regions of SOS tend to be more separated).


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There's an Enhanced client mod that will plot SOS coordinates for you, simply by reading it.
Oo please tell me how to do this - just started using EC and I don't know how to do much with it yet, beyond the basic hotbar stuff.



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It's in one of the existing popular mods - when you read an SOS, the mod creates waypoint on the in-game map, that of course you'll have to delete once you have the chest up.

Someone hopefully will chime in here, or you can go straight to the Enhanced Client forum higher up on the list of UO Stratics forum, and ask there. It's best to have someone that isn't just a dabbler in the EC explain to you the workings of the EC Map.


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Thanks Basara! I ended up installing Pinco's UI last night, and that also has an option to add a waypoint when you open an SOS. SO Much better than my old manual method of doing them...


I guess my real issue is the fact that I've spent 3 hours fishing and gotten 3 MIB's... is this normal?


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It wouldn't be normal for GM - I think your current skill level may be affecting your mib rate. I seem to recall for GM level, you could get at least one about every 20 minutes? But I don't have a source for that...

Basara seems to be getting more than that though...maybe I'm unlucky too ;)


I'm a little bit shy of 105 fishing and I'm seeing about 1 treasure fishing item (MiB/SoS, Net, or Map) about every 10 minutes of CONSTANT fishing. I got my first ASOS after, ehh, roughly 30 MiBs. The funny part is that it came from a Kraken, which was fished from a green net!

I would wait to see what the new publish holds for fisherman, but I used to fish in between doing the quests and would also fish up nearby SOS's when I could.

Warning.... this will keep you on your boat for hours. :sleep2:


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You want to talk about getting more than normal...

I'm currently 119.9 (yay!), and a couple days ago (when I hit 119), in the space of an hour I had TWO different casts that brought up "twin" serpents.

One serpent was a normal serpent with its T-map, while the "announced" serpent had an MIB. Both Times. Though, in one case, the serpent with the map was a Deep instead of a normal.


You want to talk about getting more than normal...

I'm currently 119.9 (yay!), and a couple days ago (when I hit 119), in the space of an hour I had TWO different casts that brought up "twin" serpents.

One serpent was a normal serpent with its T-map, while the "announced" serpent had an MIB. Both Times. Though, in one case, the serpent with the map was a Deep instead of a normal.
I'm at about 92.2 fishing now and I'm seeing a heavy increase in the good stuff!

I'm getting MIB's to the tune of about 3-5 per hour now, even snagged 3 ASos's from about 30 MIB's I opened. Good times.

Im catching a crap load of Yellowtail Baraccudas. (Bout 1 in 20-30 casts). I also caught a 154 Stone BLUE MARLIN! Woot. Stuffed that catch and put em on my wall for a victory statement!!!

It seems fishing starts to really start showing the fun and rarer stuff at about 90 skill. I'm "hooked!".

Now, just to be able to slave my arse through the grind of getting those Fishing Powerscrolls... makes me wanna cry.

The gains are PAINFULLY slow at this point, sometimes I can get a good run by lining out about 150 lobster traps for a solid run... getting .3 - .5 fishing gains on the first string and usually .2 - .3 thereafter. The strings can take 20-30 minutes for complete throw in and catch. Then you empty, restack, reposition and start all over.

Then again tho, the real fun of fishing for me is the good ole fishing pole for the MIB's, nets and rare fish!!! :D