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[Discussion] Orcish Voodoo Doll Value

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Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Sorry but I am growing tired of all of the Orcish Voodoo Doll threads. They aren't being sold because they are extremely overpriced.

What has been established of the item:
Bloodwood hue
Orc Statue Graphic
~15 dropped

This is a thread to discuss what the actual value of this item is, please shed some light rares community.


Rare Collector

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks conjurer's garb red to me.

Anyway I would say they'll end up being worth around 200-250m after this rush of sales is over.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the reason behind most people wanting 250-300 mil for this is item is because past sales have shown that there are a few collectors out there that really like statues like this and have paid that amount for other similar ones. and it appears as though a couple have sold at that price in these forums assuming the posts are legit meaning those few collectors probably paid that. this particular item happened to be looted by an excess amount of players interested in selling opposed to keeping and has created a huge supply in contrast to demand. my guess is it will steadily even out to an average price of 150-200 once the influx of supply tapers down

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Thanks for the knowledge boys.

Yible and I are one of the few to hang on to ours. :thumbup:


I think it is funny that respectable rare collectors will comment on the price. The reason that I find this funny is because the same players usually control prices in this game, and the same players usually get 2-3 items at one event out of the 10 dropped.

Here is an event where random people got the drop and decide not to hold onto the statue, and people that possibly want to buy them decide to make a post that they are "over priced"? I do not know what to say to that? I am sorry that the same people that usually get the event items did NOT get them at this event.

Over priced...Really....? Because I am one of the people selling a statue and 200 mil to start and 300 mil for buyout is not overpriced when all of event items with same drop go for the same amount of gold. If you look at the boards, already 3 of them sold at this price. So how can they being over priced if that is what they are selling for? There is a flood because the event just ended and this just happens to be one of the events where the people who got the items probably dont collect rares. I do collect rares, but only certain types...usually server births.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Honestly it is whatever someone will pay for it. Not worth very much to me, but to someone else who collects orc stuff it might be. The price of rares is subject to the whim and pocketbooks of the buyers.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think it is funny that respectable rare collectors will comment on the price. The reason that I find this funny is because the same players usually control prices in this game, and the same players usually get 2-3 items at one event out of the 10 dropped.

Here is an event where random people got the drop and decide not to hold onto the statue, and people that possibly want to buy them decide to make a post that they are "over priced"? I do not know what to say to that? I am sorry that the same people that usually get the event items did NOT get them at this event.

Over priced...Really....? Because I am one of the people selling a statue and 200 mil to start and 300 mil for buyout is not overpriced when all of event items with same drop go for the same amount of gold. If you look at the boards, already 3 of them sold at this price. So how can they being over priced if that is what they are selling for? There is a flood because the event just ended and this just happens to be one of the events where the people who got the items probably dont collect rares. I do collect rares, but only certain types...usually server births.
People pay what they feel it is worth to them. Prices vary greatly depending on interest and desirability. What might sell for 1 billion now might only get you 200 mil later on.

To say that any person controls prices is assenine. Why? If someone doesn't think the item is worth it to them, they aren't going to pay the inflated rates.

My suggestion to you would be to talk to some of the other collectors and find out how we grade goods before making incorrect claims about price gouging.

Lord X

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think it is funny that respectable rare collectors will comment on the price. The reason that I find this funny is because the same players usually control prices in this game, and the same players usually get 2-3 items at one event out of the 10 dropped.

Here is an event where random people got the drop and decide not to hold onto the statue, and people that possibly want to buy them decide to make a post that they are "over priced"? I do not know what to say to that? I am sorry that the same people that usually get the event items did NOT get them at this event.

Over priced...Really....? Because I am one of the people selling a statue and 200 mil to start and 300 mil for buyout is not overpriced when all of event items with same drop go for the same amount of gold. If you look at the boards, already 3 of them sold at this price. So how can they being over priced if that is what they are selling for? There is a flood because the event just ended and this just happens to be one of the events where the people who got the items probably dont collect rares. I do collect rares, but only certain types...usually server births.
I was at the event and got one, and after it was all said and done someone said that the same people always get the drops. So you must be wrong about that part (Sarcasm).

Also, to be fair 300m was never (unless I missed it) confirmed. In the two or three threads that it was listed as being sold, the seller didnt post that they would pay that much. Its quite possible they were private messaged with a lower offer and it was agreed upon.

But yeah... I am kinda surprised at how many of these surfaced on stratics. I even witnessed at least one person at the event saying that they were going to post it here.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was at the event and got one, and after it was all said and done someone said that the same people always get the drops. So you must be wrong about that part (Sarcasm).

Also, to be fair 300m was never (unless I missed it) confirmed. In the two or three threads that it was listed as being sold, the seller didnt post that they would pay that much. Its quite possible they were private messaged with a lower offer and it was agreed upon.

But yeah... I am kinda surprised at how many of these surfaced on stratics. I even witnessed at least one person at the event saying that they were going to post it here.
Don't take him too seriously, he was the same guy who said I got items at every event...and I missed this one. :thumbdown:

Second, the 300 mil was never confirmed. As before, the reader made assumptions based on the information posted.

Third, normally when multiples of an item pop up for sale...its a good indicator of desirability. (the less being sold, the more coveted the item)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I bought one for 100 mil today at the Genisus Mall in Luna, the small one.


Here we go again Restroom Cowboy...

You really feel the need to comment on every one of my posts bc you are just a bitter person. It is nothing but sad really.

I think that it is funny that I did not call anyone out or use any names when I said "trying to control prices", and yet you were the first one to respond.

And you are one of the person that trys to control prices. Do you not make a living off of UO? Do you not try to maximize your profits? Is it ironic that you jumped all over the thread because you knew that you were one of these people? Is it possible you felt some sort of guilt? Or do you just get mad when one of the people that used to be in your guild speaks the truth?

I have heard you in vent and watched as a guildie try to over price items. I have even seen you get together with other rares collectors who got the remaining event items and try to set prices. You all agreed not to sell the event item under a certain price. And when the two or three of you got 80% of the event drops....you can and WILL in fact control prices. Lets not act like this is a conspiracy. Stop acting like an idiot, and stop posting on threads that don't concern you.

It is up to the SELLER, and the SELLER only on how much they want to sell an event item, so for someone to make a post saying "hey these items aren't worth that much!" is stupid. Maybe I should go on every post where I want to buy something and say "hey this isin't worth that much, lower the price?"

And since you decided to try and attack me on your thread, lets spread some truth. The funny thing is you tried to rip a guildie off in vent ONCE AGAIN over the voodoo doll. You were upset that you did not get one, and you offered him about like 1/8th of what it was worth only to try and resell it before he found out its

And people that DON'T believe me can scroll through the boards back to when the event item with the Tunic was sold. You happened to get 3 of those drops, correct? Other people that sold them NOT INCLUDING URSELF, you made comments such as "lets remember its the last event from the EM leaving!", you posted screen shots, "Rare color on this tunic!", and over like 4 comments. So you make a post on an item that you DID not get telling the seller it is not worth that much? Yet when you do get the event items, you add comments trying to confirm its value? LOL! And if you would have read all of the threads, you would see that the 300 mil was confirmed by the buyer. But hey, believe what you want. Some people got them for 150 to 200 mil, good for them. Nabin also posted above stating that the item would probably be worth about 200-250 million even after the sales rush dies down. So you are only making yourself look foolish. I understand you don't like me, but to try and attack my posts or even concern yourself on a thread that DOESN'T concern you makes you look silly.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
random insults.
My post was meant to enlighten, not put you down.

Perhaps you ought to quit being so worried about everyone else, because all these assumptions are getting you nowhere. Get your facts straight next time please.

With regards to the tunic...you have no idea. I didn't turn a huge profit on those, and I certainly didn't screw anyone over on anything else. In fact, I sold mine for less than those sold here. If you scroll back, the only thing you will find is me vouching for the credibility of another seller...whom you even went out of your way to accused of being me (even after being told otherwise). If you recall, Petra Fyde disclosed that it wasn't me...

As far as your supposedly hearing conversations, I call BS there as well. You keep playing detective, but you are falling far short on the *clues*. Never assume you understand that which you have no part of. Meaning, if you walk into a conversation midway...don't assume you understand it as if you were there from the beginning.

Third, my post was not one of anger...on the other hand yours was full of it. There is no reason for me to be mad, aside from the fact that I tried to show you civility in this discussion while you have shown nothing but contempt and disrespect.

Fourth, I wasn't upset or disappointed about anyone getting the Orcish doll. In fact, I congratulated those who got them at the event. I was unable to attend due to a weekly hospital trip. (yeah man, sure is fun getting shot up with the equivalent of chemo...)

BTW, this is a rares community discussion thread...I have every reason to post here. If you don't like that, don't respond. However, I ask that you don't rake me over the coals due to your own personal issues no matter how strong your misplaced animocity may be...thanks.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well if u take a look at most of the latest 1 in 10 event items they all seem to be asking round 200- 300m buyouts....maybe its just a trend....but just a quick look on the board and we have the voodoo doll, roaches, toy soldiers , unlucky horse tail......really i cannot put a finger on it....what happened to the 40-80m 1 in 10 event rares??????

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All depends on the desirability and availability of an item. Of course gold availability plays a role...which often on its own is a reason you see items selling for lower amounts.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is just a situation of sellers trying to get more gold and buyers having enough gold to still buy the items they really like. Price is usually what the market bears. If they don't sell, I'm sure we'll see the prices drop back down.

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Here we go again Restroom Cowboy...

You really feel the need to comment on every one of my posts bc you are just a bitter person. It is nothing but sad really.

I think that it is funny that I did not call anyone out or use any names when I said "trying to control prices", and yet you were the first one to respond.

And you are one of the person that trys to control prices. Do you not make a living off of UO? Do you not try to maximize your profits? Is it ironic that you jumped all over the thread because you knew that you were one of these people? Is it possible you felt some sort of guilt? Or do you just get mad when one of the people that used to be in your guild speaks the truth?

I have heard you in vent and watched as a guildie try to over price items. I have even seen you get together with other rares collectors who got the remaining event items and try to set prices. You all agreed not to sell the event item under a certain price. And when the two or three of you got 80% of the event drops....you can and WILL in fact control prices. Lets not act like this is a conspiracy. Stop acting like an idiot, and stop posting on threads that don't concern you.

It is up to the SELLER, and the SELLER only on how much they want to sell an event item, so for someone to make a post saying "hey these items aren't worth that much!" is stupid. Maybe I should go on every post where I want to buy something and say "hey this isin't worth that much, lower the price?"

And since you decided to try and attack me on your thread, lets spread some truth. The funny thing is you tried to rip a guildie off in vent ONCE AGAIN over the voodoo doll. You were upset that you did not get one, and you offered him about like 1/8th of what it was worth only to try and resell it before he found out its

And people that DON'T believe me can scroll through the boards back to when the event item with the Tunic was sold. You happened to get 3 of those drops, correct? Other people that sold them NOT INCLUDING URSELF, you made comments such as "lets remember its the last event from the EM leaving!", you posted screen shots, "Rare color on this tunic!", and over like 4 comments. So you make a post on an item that you DID not get telling the seller it is not worth that much? Yet when you do get the event items, you add comments trying to confirm its value? LOL! And if you would have read all of the threads, you would see that the 300 mil was confirmed by the buyer. But hey, believe what you want. Some people got them for 150 to 200 mil, good for them. Nabin also posted above stating that the item would probably be worth about 200-250 million even after the sales rush dies down. So you are only making yourself look foolish. I understand you don't like me, but to try and attack my posts or even concern yourself on a thread that DOESN'T concern you makes you look silly.
Let's keep the accusations and drama off of my thread please.
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