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[Discussion] Just wondering which of latest EM Item as commaned the highest gold


Always Present
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Well dont start flamming!! just looking in the list below we have a [1 in 10 drop] at over 600m is this the highest price or as something else out there bet this to a pulp??? Just seems to be getting crazier each week!!!!!?? Please without flaming the poor olde torched THP your highest gold EM item that you have sold/bought of late????


Crazed Zealot
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as far as recent items goes this is the highest I've seen from a 1 of 10 drop.

In general, a 1 of 10 drop with secondary function will bump the price up in the few hundred mil range such as:

Born Demon Head
Talking Wisp statue
Favor of Stratos status
Queen Bee Statue
That White Leaf Harp thingy


Always Present
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another sold ...Elusive Sacred Roach Statuette..[again 1 of 10]....300m...pretty good.

makes me tremble what the 1 in 1... the real macoys... the unique item sell for today price..

Europa Trader

Stratics Veteran
another sold ...Elusive Sacred Roach Statuette..[again 1 of 10]....300m...pretty good.

makes me tremble what the 1 in 1... the real macoys... the unique item sell for today price..
depends on item but some 2-3b some more some less.

Cerwin Vega

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I got a 1 of 1 item on Atl... its a dagger that says white clouds tooth and does nothing. Probley the only time ill ever get a 1 of 1 item and im guessing its worth less than 100m.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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EM items hold no value. They are not TRUE rares :)
Heck True Rares aren't even True Rares anymore since they were "mass produced" so really there is no such thing as a True Rare.

Rare: marked by unusual quality, merit, or appeal

So a EM item count 10 EM should be worth more then what you call a "True Rare" Two story statue item count 900

As for prices the first posts normally overcharge 500% and then if collectors can get in touch with each other and find out they have all the items they will attempt to set a price together and control the market for the item, thus overcharging you millions upon millions, I almost fell into that a few weeks ago which is why I did not release my sale prices.

BUT if its a really awesome item that does an animation or talks or something special those go for lots and depends on what item it is, color and name.


Always Present
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seems 300m is box standard for a 1 in 10.....thats a bloody castle on most shards!!!!

so on most shards we have a castle or a item dilema.....

Orcish Voodoo doll Statue! 315m......

keep em coming......

1b-2b for a unique??? omg???


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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I would pay a billion gold and some for a THP voodoo doll. Just saying...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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seems 300m is box standard for a 1 in 10.....thats a bloody castle on most shards!!!!

so on most shards we have a castle or a item dilema.....

Orcish Voodoo doll Statue! 315m......

keep em coming......

1b-2b for a unique??? omg???
Just people wanting 310 doesnt mean it was sold for anywhere near that.


Always Present
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sorry did i miss something?? one sold for 300m??? reserve price was met??

again 300m seems to be base 1 in 10 price of late....

saying that thee is at least 6 of the dolls for sale...LOL


Babbling Loonie
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most 1 of 10 items sell between 40-80 mil, some fetch quite a bit more but not typically, the price for uniques range quite a bit but 250-400 mil is typical price for a fairly boring one (no cool color/graphic/name) ... at least from the posts and sales ive been watching in the 7 months ive been back in the game


Always Present
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well the deamon blood candle is a 1 in 10.......'@bids at 705??? does it shoot flames out or do something awesome??


Babbling Loonie
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deamon blood candle is an abnormality, it is the absolute coolest looking item that has come out this year. it is animated, has a cool name, and has a wicked color... in a room full of rare items it stands out... it fetches 700 mil becuz they are virtually never seen for sale and most collectors want one


Lore Keeper
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most 1 of 10 items sell between 40-80 mil, some fetch quite a bit more but not typically, the price for uniques range quite a bit but 250-400 mil is typical price for a fairly boring one (no cool color/graphic/name) ... at least from the posts and sales ive been watching in the 7 months ive been back in the game
deamon blood candle is an abnormality, it is the absolute coolest looking item that has come out this year. it is animated, has a cool name, and has a wicked color... in a room full of rare items it stands out... it fetches 700 mil becuz they are virtually never seen for sale and most collectors want one

Pretty much have to agree with all of what Restless has just said. To say that there is a set price for 1 in 10 items is just ridiculous, they all vary, some are always going to be better than others.

If the drop rate were the most important thing than why not just sell it as such. "1 of 10 item for sale, 300 mill or b/o!" Having a low drop rate certainly doesn't hurt, but it doesn't solely dictate what something will sell for.

As for the candle, I really can't say enough about that thing. It is my favorite item this season as well.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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I agree with all of this Athelas.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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Also that candle that I have a 705 bid on matches a extremely rare cake I have. Part of the reason I went so high. Now if Nightly ever makes up his mind is another thing =). Other items that are 1 of ten, An Ocean Wave Cuchulainn Once Battled and also a 1 of 20 item that goes that high as well Yamato Nadeshiko (Flower) (20)


Lore Keeper
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Also that candle that I have a 705 bid on matches a extremely rare cake I have. Part of the reason I went so high. Now if Nightly ever makes up his mind is another thing =). Other items that are 1 of ten, An Ocean Wave Cuchulainn Once Battled and also a 1 of 20 item that goes that high as well Yamato Nadeshiko (Flower) (20)
Ahhh yes, I know that cake well. Orc had three if I remember correctly, then two because he accidentally ate one. :(


Always Present
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sorry if i seem a pain..and yes i would have thought a good price for a 1 in 10 would be 40-100m ...kinda the price range i would be in??? but i just keep seeing more and more posts here....and most are asking for over 300m even if it does nothg special for a simple 1 in 10??
yet another....the ones posted before and now a Pile of Unlucky Rabit Tails ??


Lore Master
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sorry if i seem a pain..and yes i would have thought a good price for a 1 in 10 would be 40-100m ...kinda the price range i would be in??? but i just keep seeing more and more posts here....and most are asking for over 300m even if it does nothg special for a simple 1 in 10??
yet another....the ones posted before and now a Pile of Unlucky Rabit Tails ??
yes i really dont get it either, just a few months ago 1 in 10's were yes around 100m mark less or a bit more (exception given to a few that were highly sout after for graphic/annimation combined etc) and now everyone want 200-300+ for them and they are items that really dont meet the bench mark at least to me to be that price and its not like there are less event items being given out, just the opposite they being pumped out like candy. I for one am not going to buy any of these items people are asking these crazy prices for but hey maybe thats just me, im not hating on the people that do but im just not going to add to this craziness and give in to this new trend. If that means im not going to be getting any new rare items for awhile unless i attend the event myself and loot then so be it.......just my opinion :shots:

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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I"m with you BigEv. Could I afford to spend that much? Easily, but to me personally they aren't worth that much. Value is in the eye of the beholder.

I collect "_____ of exceptional quality" items and many collectors could care less about them. I don't expect I'll recoup the amount I've spent on them if I ever sell, but I have -enjoyed- the collection. That is worth the gold to me.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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sorry if i seem a pain..and yes i would have thought a good price for a 1 in 10 would be 40-100m ...kinda the price range i would be in??? but i just keep seeing more and more posts here....and most are asking for over 300m even if it does nothg special for a simple 1 in 10??
yet another....the ones posted before and now a Pile of Unlucky Rabit Tails ??
People can ask what they want but it doesn't mean they will get it. I can pretty much guarantee that that rabbit tail wont go over 100.


yes i really dont get it either, just a few months ago 1 in 10's were yes around 100m mark less or a bit more (exception given to a few that were highly sout after for graphic/annimation combined etc) and now everyone want 200-300+ for them and they are items that really dont meet the bench mark at least to me to be that price and its not like there are less event items being given out, just the opposite they being pumped out like candy. I for one am not going to buy any of these items people are asking these crazy prices for but hey maybe thats just me, im not hating on the people that do but im just not going to add to this craziness and give in to this new trend. If that means im not going to be getting any new rare items for awhile unless i attend the event myself and loot then so be it.......just my opinion :shots:


Always Present
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Assia maybe hop onto europa and ill show u my ........of exceptional quality ,i collect ths stuff too.... and not really top end stuff unless it was born on europa although i do lke the original server birth rares....