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[Discussion] Pre-Patched Cu's

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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Stratics Legend
Anyone know the value of these and how to tell if it is a pre-patched one or not. I dont know if this belongs on this forum but hoping to get an answer.

~Alexander of Atlantic

Lord X

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Value, I would say 35+. The way to tell is if their stamina is 140+. For instance, my pre-patch is 144 Stam, 125 Dex.


Stratics Veteran
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Cool would be a sort of rare animal list, and how to know that it is rare /pre patched.. but i dont have a clue about animals.. so what do you think ?

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok..... I thought cu's could heal themself anyways because of the skill healing. I have 3 pre-patched cu's atleast one is over 600HP and all three have atleast 133 stamina. So the three i have are pre-patched. I have a Black, Copper, and a Blue, hoping to sell if anyone would buy. Just in advance i have no clue how to post a pic but if you would like ill post stats. All three are somewhat trained.

Copper Rated 2.4
HP- 640
Stamina- 142
Mana- 275

Blue Rated 4.1
Stamina- 140

Black Rated 2.1
Stamina- 133

If i am going to sell i would like atleast 50mil each. The Cu's are located on Atlantic if anyone is interested.


Social Distancing Since '97
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I believe there are two types of prepatch cu sidhes.
1. A cu sidhe with the ability to heal itself.
2. A cu sidhe with over 600 hitpoints.
You are right there are 2 types...but not how you listed.

1. A Cu that was curse/weakened tamed. These ones will end up with over 125 stamina (faster bites). Otherwise normal

2. The rarest of the rare, the Speed Cu's. These skip tiles, and do not slow down when injured. Their stats are normal, and the best way to tell is to injure the dog to less than half life. If the dog slows down, it is a normal dog.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are right there are 2 types...but not how you listed.

1. A Cu that was curse/weakened tamed. These ones will end up with over 125 stamina (faster bites). Otherwise normal

2. The rarest of the rare, the Speed Cu's. These skip tiles, and do not slow down when injured. Their stats are normal, and the best way to tell is to injure the dog to less than half life. If the dog slows down, it is a normal dog.
The 3 Cu's do have over 125 Stamina and do skip tiles once commanded to attack something. I posted the Stats and rating of them up above. And when you said "their stats are normal", does that mean the rarest of the rare doesnt have over 125 stamina?


Social Distancing Since '97
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Stratics Legend
The 3 Cu's do have over 125 Stamina and do skip tiles once commanded to attack something. I posted the Stats and rating of them up above. And when you said "their stats are normal", does that mean the rarest of the rare doesnt have over 125 stamina?
"skipping" tiles is often misjudged. Damage them, if they slow down when damaged they are just curse/weakened tamed.


2011 Winter Deco Contest 1st Place
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1. A Cu that was curse/weakened tamed. These ones will end up with over 125 stamina (faster bites). Otherwise normal
I have a Cu that was curse tamed and the stamina isn't the only thing that changed. Curse tamed Cus should have higher hp than what they'd have if tamed normally, and lower strength. Although the hp change is really only noticeable if it goes beyond the natural cap of 600.

For example, mine has 644hp, 144 stamina and 560 strength.

If it had been tamed without being cursed, it would have had 594hp and if I recall correctly somewhere around 610 strength.


Social Distancing Since '97
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Stratics Legend
I have a Cu that was curse tamed and the stamina isn't the only thing that changed. Curse tamed Cus should have higher hp than what they'd have if tamed normally, and lower strength. Although the hp change is really only noticeable if it goes beyond the natural cap of 600.

For example, mine has 644hp, 144 stamina and 560 strength.

If it had been tamed without being cursed, it would have had 594hp and if I recall correctly somewhere around 610 strength.
Your right, I just left out the HP by mistake.

I own a prepatch Blaze dog with 638 HP, 151 stamina, and 551 strength. I also own a speed white dog

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
You are right there are 2 types...but not how you listed.

1. A Cu that was curse/weakened tamed. These ones will end up with over 125 stamina (faster bites). Otherwise normal

2. The rarest of the rare, the Speed Cu's. These skip tiles, and do not slow down when injured. Their stats are normal, and the best way to tell is to injure the dog to less than half life. If the dog slows down, it is a normal dog.
Interesting, thank you for the knowledge! :thumbup:


I have 3 or 4 Cu's ... I will have to check them out to get there stats ...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Animals rares list would be kinda cool, I have what I think is called a Legacy Unicorn....first couple of days they came out they ate meat not fruit. :)


Crazed Zealot
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the curse tamed prepatch cu's can go for 70-100mill to the right buyers. The hp needs to be above 630, the stamina above 140, and the resists can't suck. Desirable colors will improve the price as always.

A cu with less desirable stats will still do 50mill.