Yeah well that Mage Weapon sure did make a difference.
I decided on simply crafting a one hander (Dagger) that ended up being a -20 Mage Skill, Spell Channeling, 15% DCI. That goes with my Order Shield that is 15% DCI as well and a hand full of resists in the 9% range (on the Shield). Ha, I took Greater Dragon Damage and lived to tame the thing so yeah that was a pretty big missing on my part that got corrected.
using the virtually unlimited resources you are given on TC1 I went on a Tailoring spree to over come the 20% LRC loss of the Boomstick. I was actually only 3% short.
So I picked my amr piece as it was the most likely piece I could pick the 3% up on, seeing as to how it didn't have any LRC anyway.
Whoa, despite everything said here, I am now 100% convinced I stand NO chance what so ever of being able to craft my armor unless I am prepared to become a dedicated Tailor.
The goal was to get 100% LRC and 70% on all resists.
The requirements were 3%+ on LRC, NO Reflect Damage, 15% Physical, 17% Poison.
It took 450+ attempts to get it. BUT it did end up being 18% LRC, 20% Physical, 24% Poison.
In the end, the Horned (?)(Red) Kit + Barbed(?) (Green) hides provided the best chance of getting the piece and had I started with that combo and stayed with it, I feel the 450+ attempts would have been significantly reduced. Most all pieces I made with that combination had 2 or more resists that exceeded my requirements.
This is the problem I as I saw it.
The NO Reflect Damage req was a killer of the hand full of pieces that actually had LRC+Phys+Poison (of any level). This was just a reality of just how often that mod came up.
The permutations of all the resists just made it difficult to get a specific pair (Physical + Poison). The req of 15%+ and 17%+ were just a real deal killer.
My belief is that it is probably infinitely easier to make a 100% LRC suit OR a 70% to all resists suits than it is to make a 100% LRC AND 70% to all Resists suit.
To make a specific piece to accomplish fill in a 100% LRC AND 70% to all resists, boarders on many hours of effort (given unlimited uses on the kit and unlimited pices of leather).
So now that I better understand the road that is in front of me, I am very confused as to what I am going to really do.
I intuit I will face the exact same issue in Blascksmithing.
So in conclusion, the information gained in this thread has been extremely helpful.
In the one case it solved a mystery for me tjhat is enabling me to be more effective at Taming.
In the other case it has caused me question/rethink my character strategy.
Thanks to all that replied. The air is certainly a lot clearer now.