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[Fishing] Monger Quest ridiculousness


Kim Li of LS

I have spent months fishing massive amounts of fish for the monger quests. I have done so many orders I have lost track, I did 70+ orders yesterday alone. Here are my results:

baits: 13060 total uses
105s: 20
110s: 9
115s: 1
120: 0
poles/traps: 28 poles, 35 traps
books: i have lost count, but only books 1-5

I understand the 120 scroll should be rare but...hunh?

A conservative estimate on time for fishing the baits orders alone: 36.3 hours, that is just fishing up the fish (aprox 6 fish/min-giving some room for boots, small fish and fails)

That plus hours and hours of sailing/recalling to do the quests...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm afraid you've got that amount of grind to go again for those last 5 points once you do get the scroll; 115 is the point at which fish go very Very Easy to Too Easy everywhere in challenge, which means subsequent gains are extremely rare. To go from 110 to 120 it took me 60-70 hours of constant Deep Sea fishing. Some people say Crab Fishing is quicker, but in my experience it was just the streaky RNG that indicated that, I never noticed it being so over longer periods of time.

Unfortunately, although I was exceptionally lucky with a 120 scroll, getting it on my third 100+ quest, a 110 pointer which seems to be the low end of where they appear. Since then however, having done 20-30 more 100+ quests, and a hundred maybe others (right now I seem to be in a wave of single fish hand ins, damnit) all I've gotten is more varieties of "rare" bait. As no one is bothering with the pies, and I don't have the space to mount and display them all, it's largely irrelevant to me. Maybe one day I'll venture places to try to get my name on the largest fish known to Stratics... maybe.

As it is, I've never even seen Book 5, let alone 6. And I've only got 11 Lava Traps. And one got eaten testing them in Destard. I was hoping to earn more 120s now I've a Legendary Fisher, but instead of earning me money after all this time, it's just sapping my will to play now. Even with the 110 scroll disaster design being fixed, it's just another area where the current Dev team aren't really any good at actual game design (or don't have the resources to implement something more fun)...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm at 114.1 fishing and just turned in two quest.

1. 15 cape cod
15 dungeon chub
15 snaggletooth bass
15 drake fish
20 lurker fish

2. 20 orc bass

I got the same reward ( lava pole ) for both quest.

I have finished well over one or two hundred of theses quest, never quitting a single one.
But this kind of results just baffles me.



UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have also done many many quests! i am taking a break untill after the next publish as they are changing the tables around and adding some things so maybe it will be easier then (I hope)


I have also done many many quests! i am taking a break untill after the next publish as they are changing the tables around and adding some things so maybe it will be easier then (I hope)
Be careful what you wish for. If they add more items to the high end group it may just make it harder to get that book 6 or a 120 scroll.


Be careful what you wish for. If they add more items to the high end group it may just make it harder to get that book 6 or a 120 scroll.
Who the heck actually wants book 6? If I get book 6 before 120 PS i will **** a brick


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Who the heck actually wants book 6? If I get book 6 before 120 PS i will **** a brick
a lot of people want book 6 #1 its very very rare
#2 it has the locations you can get each fish including the elusive void


I have also done many many quests! i am taking a break untill after the next publish as they are changing the tables around and adding some things so maybe it will be easier then (I hope)
Where did you hear this?

a lot of people want book 6 #1 its very very rare
#2 it has the locations you can get each fish including the elusive void
Dont care, Dev team didnt make the void part of a quest to get PS 120 so it means nothing to me. The baits are utterly useless, logically what they should have done is put them to use in the quest system but with an order to get a 120 Power scroll...

ie Catch 20 dungeon fish, receive bait for x fish, catch # of x fish, recieve bait for z fish, catch # of z fish get 120 power scroll.