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Oddworld Creator: "EA Sabotaged Stranger's Wrath"


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oddworld creator Lorne Lanning accused EA of "Sabotaging" his studio's game, Stranger's Wrath, in a conversation with Eurogamer. Lanning says that the publisher, by not marketing the game properly, condemned it to failure. "It was sabotaged. When you see a big game coming out, just ask what the marketing budget is. If you decide as a publisher not to give it a marketing budget, you decide its fate... As soon as we understood there was no marketing budget, we had zero expectations. We had zero incentive to build another game for them, either."
Stranger's Wrath, a 2005 Xbox exclusive, was generally well-recieved by the media but was not a financial success. Lanning lamented that many developers have had their games suffer the same fate. "Our story is not unique. This is common in the development community. Business decisions are made and the developer's faucet is turned off as a result... In the case of Stranger, it didn't perform because it wasn't exposed and it wasn't distributed and there wasn't the number of factors that go to what you need to have success on the shelf today as a boxed product."
Lanning has hope that Stranger's Wrath will fare better when the game is re-released as a downloadable title for PSN. The Xbox Live version is currently in limbo, pending negotiations between Lanning, Microsoft and re-make developer Just Add Water.

Although this article is blatantly one-sided, I thought Lanning's comments were interesting. I never played Stranger's Wrath but my friends who have played it said it was great. I have played other Oddworld games like Abe's Odyssey and Exodus and was certainly a fan of them. Perhaps this is just his own way of getting some press for the re-release of the game, or maybe he really thinks EA did a lousy job of advertising. Thoughts?


stranger diamond
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lol, Aran you nerd...

EA has never been shy about their marketting strategies, heck I have made accusations myself but the point is far beyond this...

the point is EA is a virtual entity that is a corporation and thus is recognised as a moral person.

So this guy, he's just making the wheel turn. He's not agains't EA and EA has everything to gain by him raining on their parade.

Don't you see ?

Nobody cares what I say anymore because they know I did not accuse anyone, I did not **** on the declaration of independance either.

But heck, visit UOGAMECODES...


So effiscient their divide and conquer, that there is not even a consensus as to whats cool anymore on stratics.

This is equivalent to saing humanity lost its ethical sense.

Carry on mortals...


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So this guy, he's just making the wheel turn.
Yeah, this is what I think as well. I think he's just trying to make some noise for profit's sake. They really want to get their Citizen Siege project going and are doing everything to get funding for it.