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[Fishing] Mountable fish and Crustaceans...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would someone be so kind as to list all of the fish that are capable of mounting, as well as the Crustaceans? I see that there is a list at UOguide, but it is out of date. I just saw the Mud Puppy and Red Herring mounted on someone's walls.



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The list isn't out of date.... It just lists the HS fish that are mountable.

Mud Puppies and Red Herrings have been mountable since they were introduced with Stygian Abyss.

Note that the record fish size spreadsheet in the sticky above ALSO forgot to list those two SA fish initially, until that oversight was pointed out.


UO Forum Moderator
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The Stratics page is the list of the High Seas expansion fish only, as well.

The Red Herring and Mud Puppy are STYGIAN ABYSS expansion fish.

As we are currently working on revamping certain aspects of Stratics, I'll ask Petra if putting the SA fish into the HS list (with a link to their quests and their ability to be mounted) would be appropriate, since they will be encountered by people fishing in the Underworld for dungeon fish.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Putting them with high seas fish may be confusing, since you don't need that expansion to catch them. However I have updated the entries here: Fishing and here: Taxidermy Kits


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
Just a note by reading this page: Fishing in the High Seas

Fish are 3 kind:
- Common fish (the old one still available on low fishing levels)/crabs
- Uncommon fish/crab (all the fish added with HS)
- Rare fish/crab (all the one in dragonfish handbook part 5)
- Legendary fish (all the one in dragonfish handbook part 6 that are the others remaining :p )

basically the rare fish are easy to get than legendary ones... :)

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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:( At the time I made that page we only had beta information. I have yet to see a copy of the dragonfish handbook part 6, and have only read a transcript of book 5. I have been unsuccessful in obtaining either from quests.
I also have no concrete information on how/when the transition from the common fish to uncommon fish occurs.


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
:( At the time I made that page we only had beta information. I have yet to see a copy of the dragonfish handbook part 6, and have only read a transcript of book 5. I have been unsuccessful in obtaining either from quests.
I also have no concrete information on how/when the transition from the common fish to uncommon fish occurs.
well it's not that hard to solve this problem:

common fish comes until you reach 85-90 then will not appears anymore.

about the handbook 6, unfortunately I was also unable to get it, but we can easily get the fish names:

COMMON FISH (npc fisherman or low level skill)





Black seabass
Blue Grouper
Bluegill Sunfish
Brook Trout
Cape Cod
Captain Snook
Crag Snapper
Cutthroat Trout
Demon Trout
Drake Fish
Dungeon Chub
Gray snapper
Green Catfish
Grim Cisco
Infernal Tuna
Kokanee Salmon
Lurker Fish
Orc Bass
Pumpkinseed Sunfish
Rainbow Trout
Red Drum
Red Grouper
Red snook
Redbelly bream
Smallmouth bass
Snaggletooth bass
Tormented Pike
Uncommon Shiner
Yellow Perch
Yellowfin Tuna


Apple Crab
Blue Crab
Dungeoness Crab
King Crab
Rock Crab
Snow Crab
Crusty Lobster
Fred Lobster
Hummer Lobster
Rock Lobster
Shovel-Nose Lobster
Spiney Lobster

RARE FISH (from book 5)

Autumn dragonfish
Bull fish
Crystal fish
Fairy Salmon
Fire fish
Giant ko
Great barracuda
Holy Mackerel
Lava fish
Reaper fish
Summer dragonfish
Unicorn fish
Yellowtail barracuda

RARE CRAB/LOBSTER (from book 5)

Blue lobster
Spider crab
Stone crab

LEGENDARY FISH (logically obtained by exclusion)

Abyssal Dragonfish
Black Marlin
Blue Marlin
Dungeon Pike
Giant Samurai Fish
Golden Tuna
Lantern Fish
Rainbow Fish
Seeker Fish
Spring Dragonfish
Stone Fish
Winter Dragonfish
Zombie Fish

LEGENDARY CRAB/LOBSTER (logically obtained by exclusion)

Tunnel Crab
Void Crab
Void Lobster

and here we have the full list :)

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hmm, possibly. But Legendary fish implies you need to be legendary fisherman to catch them, which isn't accurate because I have caught both kingfish and stonefish at 110 fishing.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hmm, possibly. But Legendary fish implies you need to be legendary fisherman to catch them, which isn't accurate because I have caught both kingfish and stonefish at 110 fishing.
not really, are legendary just because are more rare than the rare fish... the void crab can be caught at 110 skill but still is a legendary creature :)

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
Fishing in the High Seas
I used the title from book 5, it seemed appropriate.
I need a copy of book 6 though. I may have to abandon my quest for a +20 scroll on Europa and go questing on Siege where I already have 120 fishing till I get one.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fishing in the High Seas
I used the title from book 5, it seemed appropriate.
I need a copy of book 6 though. I may have to abandon my quest for a +20 scroll on Europa and go questing on Siege where I already have 120 fishing till I get one.
If I get one I'll let you know... I reach 120 skill today so my chances should be good :)