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Lord Raven

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This is a month-long conservation event sponsored by the folks @PolarBears. They have information on various ways you can reduce your carbon footprint, save energy (and $$) while helping our buddies, the Polar Bears.

If you've been meaning to start being better to our environment, then join this event.

You can also represent UO, and/or your guild by leaving a comment on the event page.



Fayled Dhreams

:lol: thilly wachadoodle!!

Populations Are Growing

Environmental activists have presented only one academic study that shows any negative effect of warming temperatures on polar bears. That study examined only one population of polar bears, in Canada's Western Hudson Bay, and linked the early breakup of ice in the bay to a 21 percent decline in the polar bear population.

Other, more comprehensive research suggests the plight of that one population does not reflect the polar bear population trend as a whole.

Since the 1970s, while much of the world was warming, polar bear numbers increased dramatically, from roughly 5,000 to 25,000 bears, a higher polar bear population than has existed at any time in the twentieth century. Scientists believe polar bears thrived in the past in temperatures even warmer than at present--during the medieval warm period 1,000 years ago and during the Holocene Climate Optimum between 5,000 and 9,000 years ago.

Lord Raven

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:lol: thilly wachadoodle!!

Populations Are Growing

If I use your chart for data, I see 25000 for 1984 and 20000-25000 for 2005. So according to your data it looks like the population may have declined by up to 5000 bears (1984-2005).

The issue with global warming is the melting of ice... which the Polar Bears hunt on. Some info from NOAA.

But whether or not you believe the Polar Bears are in trouble, the real issue is... do you think you can keep dumping plastic into landfills, burning coal for electricity, and driving your car everywhere... without any consequences?

I thought you would like some current data from IUCN. (yours is from 2005?).

"Today, polar bear populations are facing threats previously unprecedented during recorded history in the Arctic." - NOAA


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
looks like we have a global temp increase of 1.5 degrees from 1880 - 2009

this is an average temperature over the full earth over each decade.

Lord Raven

Seasoned Veteran
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looks like we have a global temp increase of 1.5 degrees from 1880 - 2009

this is an average temperature over the full earth over each decade.
Have you ever seen someone reply to a post by saying...

"This is worthless without pictures!"

Well, your data is worthless without a source. Either way, I'm inviting folks to think about how their actions impact the environment. The fact that I'm pointing them towards a group that wants to protect Polar Bears is irrelevant.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
sorry i thought that was common knowledge of the facts, expecially by someone that had done his research.

Global warming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Evidence for warming of the climate system includes observed increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level.The most common measure of global warming is the trend in globally averaged temperature near the Earth's surface. Expressed as a linear trend, this temperature rose by 0.74 ± 0.18 °C over the period 1906–2005


The analysis of global surface temperatures by NASA scientists finds average global temperatures have increased by about 1.5 degrees F since 1880.

World of Change: Global Temperatures : Feature Articles

According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and shown in this series of maps, the average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8°Celsius (1.4°Fahrenheit) since 1880.

you on the otherhand are showing data from organizations that benefit from them exagerating data so that they get funding.

Lord Raven

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
...you on the otherhand are showing data from organizations that benefit from them exagerating data so that they get funding.
If you look at the fine print on that table provided in the first post you will see that I'm quoting the same reference that Fayled Dhreams used...

As for all the climate data... Not sure what the argument is... sounds like you support the theory of global warming.


i dont know if i'd call global warming a theory. check out the articles about the pine tree deforestation presently going on in yellowstone.

Presidents going back to kennedy have spoken on lessening america's exposure to foreign oil yet not one has passed any policy that has lessened america's dependence by 1 barrel.

man will eventually be responsible for his own demise.