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[Discussion] Names on AoS Clothing that you can't create.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Ok this may be in the wrong section, I was just wondering though if anyone has ever had a piece of AOS clothing with a characters name on it that you can't create anymore. Has anybody been in a situation where the name has been altered from a GM or something when wearing the item in public? Or can anybody confirm that they will not mess with the name on the AOS reward clothing? I've got a dyable AOS robe that i've been wanting to wear out in public now but was holding out on it until I could get some clarification first about whether or not its safe to. I mean if its considered an AOS reward and all, will the GMs alter the name in any way when worn in public, if it carries a name that you can't create a character with anymore?

Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
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A GM will come very quickly and wisk you away to jail and make you strip naked and beat you till you bleed. Then they will change the name on said item to "A @#%&*^$ Moron was here for AOS". After that the GM will make you put said item on and then GM will perma bond it to your character so you will never be able to remove it. Answer your question?


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
A GM will come very quickly and wisk you away to jail and make you strip naked and beat you till you bleed. Then they will change the name on said item to "A @#%&*^$ Moron was here for AOS". After that the GM will make you put said item on and then GM will perma bond it to your character so you will never be able to remove it. Answer your question?
LOL im serious though. What will happen, will they change the name on the AOS item or let you keep the item and name since it was a reward during the AOS?


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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I guess if the name is ofensive and someone pages, they will remove the item (doubt they will take the time to change it). I dont think a GM will care about if a item was a AOS reward. In fact i doubt they know what AOS means.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hard to say... my old thief got pulled into jail within 10 minutes of me coming back to UO to try out AoS (most of you probably remember quitting and coming back to UO a month or more after the fact :p )

Anyway, the GM changed my offensive name that I had used for years, but left the AoS sandals, which were a very obvious blue on an otherwise bland paperdoll, alone. Thus giving rise to my Nonel name (made up a gibberish name on the spot... )

Still, the current team of GMs work multiple games, their team is small, and they don't seem to know **** about UO rules; having had them rip apart our legal faction defenses on multiple occasions... So even IF there was a policy to leave such items alone, which I highly doubt, its only a matter of time before some pansy is "offended" and pages on you.

In fact i doubt they know what AOS means.
Lol :D Probably the truth ^

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Ok this may be in the wrong section, I was just wondering though if anyone has ever had a piece of AOS clothing with a characters name on it that you can't create anymore. Has anybody been in a situation where the name has been altered from a GM or something when wearing the item in public? Or can anybody confirm that they will not mess with the name on the AOS reward clothing? I've got a dyable AOS robe that i've been wanting to wear out in public now but was holding out on it until I could get some clarification first about whether or not its safe to. I mean if its considered an AOS reward and all, will the GMs alter the name in any way when worn in public, if it carries a name that you can't create a character with anymore?
It depends if they deem the name offensive or not. You can't make a character named "Assia Penryn" anymore, but I have never had a GM question the AoS clothing with her name on it.

If they deem it offensive, it will probably be deleted.

Hunter Moon

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What was it on Atlantic years ago... someone had a crafter named the dev team or something like that and made tons and tons of armor. At one point they deemed that name as a NO NO and made the guy change it. I heard they were deleting the armor on site for a bit, but I still see the armor around here and there and never heard of them changing the name on any of the armor after the initial purge. Truth be told though, the way the game is, any GM can make any decision they want and there is nothing you can do about it. 10 paged GMs might say we don't change clothing names and the 11th paged might just delete the item....

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic