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[Fishing] Aquarium Reward Fish... Working As Intended?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello all,

I've been keeping my Aquarium active for nearly 8 months or so now, and not long after I started, I got the Coral and Seahorse to appear. However I've not seen any more Reward fish appear for months. I'm wondering if this is because Aquariums are broken, there's something I'm missing... or because I can't get any more fish into it?

But that shouldn't be the case, at least logically; I am currently at 22/30 living creatures for my tank. That's 1 of every normal fish and the 2 rare. There are all 8 possible decorations in too; I was under the impression that keeping it exciting lured better fish in. But do those 8 decorations count as part of the 30? In which case, do I have to take items out again to make space for them to appear?

I've withdrawn the opened MiB scroll for now to see what happens in apparently 10-30 days... does anyone know how to get the remaining Rare fish for certain though?


UO Baja News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
The 8 decoration rewards are taking up the slots. If you want more fish, you will need to remove them.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now I suddenly understand why Adol gave me aquarium decorations today!
Lies! I've been leaving them around towns, and in people's mailboxes for months... but hopefully I'll now start getting the rarer fish to complete the set, so look for duplicates being stuffed under your sofa and left in your cannon barrels now too!