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[Fishing] Fishing "Magic" spots ?


Always Present
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Lumberjacks know that, occasionally, some trees can be found (rare, though...) that yield more wood. That is, they allow for more lumberjacking that average trees.

I was wondering whether such "magic" spots also exist for fishing.

That is, fishing places that yield considerably more fish before drying out.

I have not been able to find any, though. Has anyone found any so far ?

Lord Frodo

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They are top secret and we are under a penalty of death by the Devs if we disclose the locations.


If you type in forward and set a macro for last object and click in the same exact place you will never stop getting fish!:party:


Seasoned Veteran
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Get on a boat and say "Slow Forward" you will never run out either!

Honestly though...out of all the fishing I have done, I have have fished a lot... I have never come across such a spot


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Get on a boat and say "Slow Forward" you will never run out either!

Honestly though...out of all the fishing I have done, I have have fished a lot... I have never come across such a spot

Well, I think then they "should" exist in the game.....

I mean, often fishermen in real life have their "special fishing spots" whose locations they keep to themselves and I do not see why this could not be replicated also in a computer game, especially since we already have it for trees......

This could also make it for fishermen to "explore" as many locations as possible in search of that "magical fishing spot" where their fishing can be taken a whole step higher.......

I mean, I think it would be a good addition for the enhancement of fishing in Ultima Online.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Well, I think then they "should" exist in the game.....

I mean, often fishermen in real life have their "special fishing spots" whose locations they keep to themselves and I do not see why this could not be replicated also in a computer game, especially since we already have it for trees......

This could also make it for fishermen to "explore" as many locations as possible in search of that "magical fishing spot" where their fishing can be taken a whole step higher.......

I mean, I think it would be a good addition for the enhancement of fishing in Ultima Online.
This is not real life and you do know that on the new ships you can fish 6 spots without moving your ship and by the time you are done with the 6th spot the first spot is ready to go again.


Lore Keeper
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Speaking as the wife of a real life fisherman, not only would he never share his spots information with anyone if he did find a spots with awesome lunkers, he would not fish it perpetually as it would not only draw attention but would also overfish the spot...... "in real life".


Always Present
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Speaking as the wife of a real life fisherman, not only would he never share his spots information with anyone if he did find a spots with awesome lunkers, he would not fish it perpetually as it would not only draw attention but would also overfish the spot...... "in real life".


Adding variety of fishing locations performing differently in Ultima Online, would bring to the game at least "some" of the real life fishing experience and make the whole activity of fishing in Ultima Online more fullfilling.

I know I would enjoy it.......

I can only imagine the exploration to find special fishing spots.

Perhaps, we could have a whole new set of puzzle quests from NPC fishermen that require cleverness, ingenuity to disclose, with in the end the reward of being told the location of a great fishing spot with some more likeliness to fishing up rare catches, higher yield for fishmonger quests fishes, whatever.......

And the informations given as reward would be randomized so that the more one takes the quest, the more locations one gets to learn.

What I am trying to say, is that I can see a lot of room to expand fishing in Ultima Online a whole lot.


Babbling Loonie
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I have heard magic fishing spots mentioned by an old long term fisher. But no location info so I can't verify that. It was also a few years ago, so they may still be around if they existed, or perhaps not.

Fishing while you sail works as well though, so I've never looked for magic spots if I'm honest.



UO Forum Moderator
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All my fishing macros for moving got broken a few months ago when UOA's Target Relative stopped working on all my machines, after a UO publish. Did it ever get fixed? I ended up replacing them with macros that targeted my last target area, allowing me to fish once, then macro that spot, sitting still.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All my fishing macros for moving got broken a few months ago when UOA's Target Relative stopped working on all my machines, after a UO publish. Did it ever get fixed? I ended up replacing them with macros that targeted my last target area, allowing me to fish once, then macro that spot, sitting still.
My UOA target relative macros are still working fine, so if you fish with UOA it should work ok.

I'm not sure about the EC side of things though.



Slightly Crazed
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Target relative was broken when SA (or was it High Seas?) got released, but it got fixed in the meanwhile.
'Magic fishing spots' and rumours about them are really old. But those rely to spots where you have a bigger chance for fishing up a sea serpent and not for fishing up more fishes.
I found something very confusing out, when i started to train a new fisherman (on another shard). I can get gains on dry fished spots! (Actually I see it as a half-work-around for plain fishes not stacking.)
On a fully trained fisher (GM+) each normal spot contains 15/16 uncommon fishes. (Can be less at shores.) I wonder if you can fish up serpents/goodies from dry fished spots. I havent had the patience to try out yet. *g*


Speaking as the wife of a real life fisherman, not only would he never share his spots information with anyone if he did find a spots with awesome lunkers, he would not fish it perpetually as it would not only draw attention but would also overfish the spot...... "in real life".
Common sence among fishermen, being one myself :p (Not by proffesion but a burning hobbie)