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[Discussion] Two Dark Green SL Warhorses with 60 HP Difference in Health?

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Lore Master
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Ok can somebody explain this to me because when I asked Julieanna she coudln't. In the picture below the person on the Dark green SL Warhorse is Great General on Atlantic Shard. The dark green SL Warhorse next to him is owned by Julieanna. I was lucky enough to use animal lore on Great Generals mount earlier when it said 240/240 health... However, Julieannas SL Warhorse that she says she has had since 2002 has 180/180 health. Can anybody explain this?

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

EDIT: I took this screenshot TONIGHT about 1 minute ago in luna bank on Atlantic.


Lore Master
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Tasty Treats?

taken directly off of uoguide.com

Tasty Treat -
"It can be used only on pets to increase their stats 5% for 20 minutes with a 2 minutes cool-down. "

It doesn't mention boosting hp, and even if it did for some reason. I remember both of there warhorses there had 125 dex (hense no increase to "stats")

Also now going to do alittle bit of math. .05% of 180 is not 60 health, its 9.

.05 x 180 = 9. (Great Generals warhorse there in the picture has 60 more health, not 9 more).

If I ever get the chance to i'll use animal lore on Great Generals again but I also remember his having 0.0 Anatomy, which would mean since what 2002 the mount has never even been trained, let alone kill a single mongbat? I just thought that was strange as well to have 0.0 in a skill for all these years.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Yes, there are some warhorses with lower str that were obtained previous to patch that fixed the newer ones.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Yes, there are some warhorses with lower str that were obtained previous to patch that fixed the newer ones.
Ok i'm sitting here like "??????????????"

This does not answer my question. I'm refering to health here, not strength. Juliannas has 180 health, Great Generals has 240 health... Why? And please don't say "because one has more strength". If that were the case then i'd sure like to know why some dragons out there with low str have higher hp then mine with higher str (not really, because I know why... I dont think this is from the same curse/tame bug though). I don't believe it has to do with the strength, if it does please explain in more detail. And am I the only one here that thinks it's a bit odd for that warhorse to have 0.0 in a skill if it's been around for this long?


Stratics Veteran
I don't really see what this has to do with rares, or what it really matters? So one horse has 60 more hp than the other, does it really make that big of a difference? :) One could be older than the other one, they could have changed the HP during a patch and the older of the 2 has more or less hp, could be a number of different reasons, searching patch notes might help you find your answer but discussing the HP of a horse doesn't really have anything to do with rares.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I don't really see what this has to do with rares, or what it really matters? So one horse has 60 more hp than the other, does it really make that big of a difference? :) One could be older than the other one, they could have changed the HP during a patch and the older of the 2 has more or less hp, could be a number of different reasons, searching patch notes might help you find your answer but discussing the HP of a horse doesn't really have anything to do with rares.

The reason I find it odd is because according to stratics all warhorses have the same HP (240). Which means I could go into the game right now and buy one it will sure enough have 240 hp. Oh, and i'm pretty sure the majority of the people will consider a dark green SL Warhorse to be rare simply because you cannot get them or should not be able to buy dark green ones from the NPC anymore.

If there was a time when you could get warhorses that had 180 HP (lets say about 10 years ago). From that time until now, don't you think it's a bit odd that one of these rare warhorses has 240 health and not the 180 like it probably should have had? What i'm trying to say is if all of the warhorses today have 240 health. Then I can only assume that all the warhorses back then (10 years ago) had 180 at one time? Once they changed the hue of the horse to a lighter green, wasn't that when they raised there health to 240? How does this one have 240 if it was created before they changed the hue to a lighter green?

Does anyone else out there have a dark green SL Warhorse with 240 health? Hell, even Julieanna didn't know why it had more health when I asked her, and she claims to have had hers that has 180 health since 2002. This being the rares forum, you'd think there would be someone that would know.

****ing server hangups, I tried sending you a private message Crazy and lost like 3 god damn paragraphs.


Stratics Veteran
I understand your question, I just highly doubt anyone cares, it's only 60 hp lol and it's not that big of a deal. I don't mean to sound abrasive but I just don't see the point in this.

Ok, lets say "way back when" you have a dark green war horse that has (the standard of the time) 180 health, right? Then theres a patch that gives the ones from then on, 240 health. So now you have a dark green one with 180hp and one with 240hp, then they change the hue of the horse at a later date. End of story.

I am unsure what exactly happened that made one horse have 60 more hp than the other one does, but I can think of a dozen different scenarios that would explain it. I just don't understand why it matters or why someone would even care. heh :)


well its not super rare or anything my old sl war horse also has 180hp if that helps you out any

Lord Essex

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If my wee old mind here remembers correctly the difference in HP occured around the time of Pub 16.. I'm trying to dig up some info as I type this..


Always Present
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Ok i'm sitting here like "??????????????"

This does not answer my question. I'm refering to health here, not strength. Juliannas has 180 health, Great Generals has 240 health... Why? And please don't say "because one has more strength". If that were the case then i'd sure like to know why some dragons out there with low str have higher hp then mine with higher str (not really, because I know why... I dont think this is from the same curse/tame bug though). I don't believe it has to do with the strength, if it does please explain in more detail. And am I the only one here that thinks it's a bit odd for that warhorse to have 0.0 in a skill if it's been around for this long?
Do you even play UO?
HP is directly connected to STR
I gave you the truth. I have answered your questions multiple times in multiple threads on different occasions and you always argue with me.
The reason
That Horse
Has More HP
The other Horse
Is Because
There was
A fix
For Warhorse STR


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you even play UO?
HP is directly connected to STR
I gave you the truth. I have answered your questions multiple times in multiple threads on different occasions and you always argue with me.
The reason
That Horse
Has More HP
The other Horse
Is Because
There was
A fix
For Warhorse STR

"Do you even play UO?"

Ignoring the ignorant comments you make Flutter. I believe that it's pretty apparent that i'm in the game more then on these forums, as appose to some people I know. Or some random name online that I wish I had never chat with.

Thanks Lord ESSEX, you have been most useful. I still have questions but your post has been the most useful one thus far, thanks alot for taking the time to read the original post. I really hope that you are able to dig up anymore info Essex. And if anyone else out there has one with 240 hp please post a screenshot or something, because i'd find it hard to believe this guy is the only one. So far I found two with 180. Looking for another old green with 240 now.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Someone has a bucket of dark green paint hidden somewhere. :eyes:
BINGO!!!! :p

No, i'm just very concerned because I don't want the same thing happening like those charcoal, bright green warhorses, and red nightmares recently. I don't want anymore people getting screwed out of buying crap like that. That's why i'm trying to gather more information.


Stratics Veteran

If my wee old mine here remembers correctly the difference in HP occured around the time of Pub 16.. I'm trying to dig up some info as I type this..
Pretty sure this is exactly what I said lol. I just didn't know which pub and since your the one whos curious about it I figured you should be the one doing the digging, not everyone else.

The most logical conclusion to me would be that back when dark green horses were the standard SL horse and the standard hp was 180 there was a patch that made the horses from then on, have 240hp and in a later patch they changed the hue to light green. Thus making some dark ones have 180 and some dark ones have 240.

With just a quick Google search I found that pub 16 occurred on June 2nd 2002. So if one of the people obtained their dark horse in 2002 from the SL faction and the HP change did occur with pub 16 then my theory is correct.

Your recent posts all seem to be the same to me, asking for ppl to do research for you. Just Google it, check uoguide.com, check stratics, check uo.com, do the research your self instead of asking everyone else to do it for you. Again, I don't mean to sound abrasive or rude but this thread and your cut up body parts thread etc are the same, if you would simply take 5 mins and do some research you would have your answer.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pretty sure this is exactly what I said lol. I just didn't know which pub and since your the one whos curious about it I figured you should be the one doing the digging, not everyone else.

The most logical conclusion to me would be that back when dark green horses were the standard SL horse and the standard hp was 180 there was a patch that made the horses from then on, have 240hp and in a later patch they changed the hue to light green. Thus making some dark ones have 180 and some dark ones have 240.

With just a quick Google search I found that pub 16 occurred on June 2nd 2002. So if one of the people obtained their dark horse in 2002 from the SL faction and the HP change did occur with pub 16 then my theory is correct.

Your recent posts all seem to be the same to me, asking for ppl to do research for you. Just Google it, check uoguide.com, check stratics, check uo.com, do the research your self instead of asking everyone else to do it for you. Again, I don't mean to sound abrasive or rude but this thread and your cut up body parts thread etc are the same, if you would simply take 5 mins and do some research you would have your answer.
Or he could have just listened in the first place. And said "Oh thank you for answering my question"


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Do you even play UO?"

Ignoring the ignorant comments you make Flutter. I believe that it's pretty apparent that i'm in the game more then on these forums, as appose to some people I know.
You don't know me. Don't act like you do. You have no idea how much time I have put into this game. How much knowledge I have about it, or when I even started playing.

The reason my post count is high is because I have been participating on these forums since 2004, when we were forced over here after the MYUO boards closed. Most people who know me know that if I don't know an answer to a topic I will not try to answer the question, or I say outright that I do not know. I don't pretend to have knowledge that I don't have.
I am sorry you don't respect people who have more knowledge of the game than you do, but the VERY LEAST you could do is acknowledge when people answer your question without being obnoxious.

Nightly Spirit

HP is directly connected to STR
The reason
That Horse
Has More HP
The other Horse
Is Because
There was
A fix
For Warhorse STR
This would be the answer.

Lord Essex

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually.. if you just go to UO.com.. theres the ability to type in a publish n it'll put up the posts about it. The actual change didn't happen during Pub16 as the was slots n such, but was in that time frame as UO was experiancing a fair amount of large balance changes at that point in time. On a side not.. I just thought of like the best new Vet reward or new mod for some rare loot drop. Something thats equpitable that enables the player to increase their control slots by 1.. (JUST 1).. give me a GD w/ a eth.. or let me rock dual WW's again.. (Used to love Elder Gazers 1 in each room w/ a spare sitting outside) If I could only dig up the screenshot I had w/ my 3 ww's & my mare outside my Northern Trinisic marsh house.. ahh the good old days.. :twak:


Stratics Veteran
Actually.. if you just go to UO.com.. theres the ability to type in a publish n it'll put up the posts about it. The actual change didn't happen during Pub16 as the was slots n such, but was in that time frame as UO was experiancing a fair amount of large balance changes at that point in time. On a side not.. I just thought of like the best new Vet reward or new mod for some rare loot drop. Something thats equpitable that enables the player to increase their control slots by 1.. (JUST 1).. give me a GD w/ a eth.. or let me rock dual WW's again.. (Used to love Elder Gazers 1 in each room w/ a spare sitting outside) If I could only dig up the screenshot I had w/ my 3 ww's & my mare outside my Northern Trinisic marsh house.. ahh the good old days.. :twak:
This forum still needs a "Like" button lol :)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You don't know me. Don't act like you do. You have no idea how much time I have put into this game. How much knowledge I have about it, or when I even started playing.

The reason my post count is high is because I have been participating on these forums since 2004, when we were forced over here after the MYUO boards closed. Most people who know me know that if I don't know an answer to a topic I will not try to answer the question, or I say outright that I do not know. I don't pretend to have knowledge that I don't have.
I am sorry you don't respect people who have more knowledge of the game than you do, but the VERY LEAST you could do is acknowledge when people answer your question without being obnoxious.
Cry me a river.
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