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[Fishing] Rare fish and stuff



So i have three questions..

First of is what fishes can i make trophys besides the regular "Big Fish". I think its a shame really i cant make a trophy out of my yellowfin rare fish (Cant remember the name exactly) Feels abit ****e that if i wanna show the collection off some day (Or in my case, for RP purpose) i need to have a fish hanging on the wall without looking like a trophy :D

I heard rumors, long ago that it was possible to get resurection on your ship, if its true how can it be done? (And if not, they should implent it :) )

And Third:
Why fishing powerscrolls? (I got a simple 105 myself even though am far away from that)
But please explain to me the reason why we need the scrolls :)

Sorry for all the questions, my sealegs are very new :)



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This link pretty much sums up the fish questions. Fishing in the High Seas

I dont know about resurrection.

The reason for 120 scroll is there are certain fish that you need the higher skill for.. Still learning myself so maybe someone else can give more details.. Good luck


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Not heard of any resurrection method - but you CAN still command the boat while dead, and leave it when you get to shore to find a healer.

IT helps that if you're pirate hunting, that the main pirate area has Jhelom to the west, Valor Island (and its shrines and healers) to the East, and the Honor shrine to the north, on the bottom edge of the jungle between Trinsic & Destard.


Always Present
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I heard rumors, long ago that it was possible to get resurection on your ship, if its true how can it be done? (And if not, they should implent it :) )

This is merely speculation, but perhaps it might be related to the new Large Ship, the Britannian, and its ability to carry house add ons (small ones, though).

I recall that there is some House add-on that is a Resurrection Ahnk. Perhaps it is placeable on the Large Britannian boat ?

Otherwise, get spellweaving and use the "Gift of Life" spell............