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[Fishing] Weird new bug with Fishing Quests ??


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Aside from still having the "Missing Boat" message from Fishmongers, even though the Boat IS on their same sub-server, now I noticed a novel bug which is a first timer for me....

I have 3 crates in the Hold.

Two crates say "Deliver to Floating Emporium" and 1 Crate says " Deliver to Skara Brae".

I filled all 3 Orders, went to the pertaining places and of course I get the message that my boat cannot be found even though it does is on their same sub-server.

So I thought to check my "Quests" button on my Paperdoll and I made the most incredible discovery.

I have 3 Fishing Quests listed like I have 3 crates in my Hold but they are listed as :

- Professional Fisher Quest - Britain
- Professional Fisher Quest - Trinsic
- Professional Fisher Quest - Papua

Now, unless the "Quests" button lists the town of "origin" for those 3 Quests which I cannot remember whether they are where they got offered to me, clearly those 3 Towns are not the 3 towns indicated on the crates to deliver to.

I even tried to deliver to them but I still get the Message that my boat is missing even though it does is on the same sub server of the fishmonger.

Anyone knows anything ?

By the way, is the "Missing Boat" bug going to be fixed any time soon ?

I'd rather not do the work around of placing another boat as I heard it can create some other problems and so I am stuck and cannot continue with the fishing Quests.

Thank you.


The Quest summary from your paper doll does in fact display the FM of quest origin.

I got that message the other day (1st day back fishing since the latest patch) and resigned from the 2 quests I'd had on board the Tok ship and set up my Orc ship and have not had any problems since.

Basara has described a reach-around of setting up a 2nd boat before unloading the quest ship so as to not loose reputation within a thread herein this board you'll be able to find easily - that's reported to work out.


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Those are the ports the quests came from


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Thanks for the replies.

About the "Boat cannot be found" problem, I am reluctant to use the 2nd boat work around because I recall reading of other players who did it and had some problems afterwards.

I'd rather more wait for a fix to this annoying problem which is a game stopper for fishing Quests.

Is there any update on the fix ? Will it come any time soon ?

I would imagine that since this bug is a game stopper for fishing Quests it is being given priority attention......


Evidence of attention & request for report here:

(hit the blue button) :)

We're trying to track this issue down. If you've been having this problem, would you please answer these questions?

1> At any time in the past, before this became an issue, did you drydock your ship with a second character on your same account and then re-launch that same ship?

2> After this became an issue, if you have used the workaround of drydocking your ship and re-placing it, has your ship been affected by this issue again?

Thanks for your help!


Always Present
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Evidence of attention & request for report here:

(hit the blue button) :)

We're trying to track this issue down. If you've been having this problem, would you please answer these questions?

1> At any time in the past, before this became an issue, did you drydock your ship with a second character on your same account and then re-launch that same ship?

2> After this became an issue, if you have used the workaround of drydocking your ship and re-placing it, has your ship been affected by this issue again?

Thanks for your help!

Yes, I had read that thread already. Thank you for pointing it out anyways.

It only has that request for informations, though. And plenty of informations given by players but no further update on the status of a fix.

I was wondering whether we are still far away from a fix or it is any close.

The developer's post dates about 10 days ago and he mentions that they were already working on the issue back then.
I wonder how much time the issue needs for a complete fix.

I hope they are giving priority to it because, unless one uses the 2nd boat trick which I was adviced not to use, this bug is a real game stopper for fishing quests.


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The people reporting trouble after using it, near as I can tell, didn't follow the instructions.

Instead of rejecting the new quests offered when they turned in the old ones, they accepted quests, that went into the holds of the second boat. If that second boat is a classic boat, it can cause reputation issues.

The already HAVE put in a fix - whether the fix is working permanently is debatable. Either way, you really need to empty out the ship completely, dry-dock it and relaunch it to fix your ship. to not lose your quests, you'll need to use a second ship to deliver them - unless the guy at the docks that can unload your boat, can take quest boxes out, them move them back in after a relaunch.


Always Present
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The already HAVE put in a fix - whether the fix is working permanently is debatable. Either way, you really need to empty out the ship completely, dry-dock it and relaunch it to fix your ship. to not lose your quests, you'll need to use a second ship to deliver them - unless the guy at the docks that can unload your boat, can take quest boxes out, them move them back in after a relaunch.

Well, I am having the problems of fishmongers not seeing my ship NOW. So, if the fix WAS already published, something here does not add up for me.....
Do you have a link to where it says that the fix was published and the details of what to do to make it work ? Thanks.

Unless, as you said, in order for the fix to work I would have to empty out my hold, dry dock the ship, and re-launch it into the sea again.....

But in order not to loose my current 3 Quests, before doing all that, I would need to relaunch a second boat and deliver the 3 Quests without accepting any new Quest.

Did I understand correctly what you said ?

If so, how do I launch a 2nd boat if the game does not allow me to do so with the same one character ? I could use another character, I know that, but I am not sure whether the fishmongers would validate, to the purpose of delivering the 3 filled crates that I have on my fisherman's boat, a ship launched with some other character....

You also mention another option : "unless the guy at the docks that can unload your boat, can take quest boxes out, them move them back in after a relaunch".

Not sure I understand what you are talking about....

Who is this guy at the docks and what is this NPC supposed to be able to do??

Thanks for the help.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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1. The fishmonger's can't find your boat because they think you haven't got one. Therefore you can place a 2nd boat with the same character
2. having placed that boat it should be possible to complete the current quests
3. Having completed the quests without taking any replacements dock your boat and re-launch it.
4. A possible alternative solution, untried, is to sail to Seamarket and pay the dockmaster to empty your hold at which point you dock and relaunch your boat then get the dockmaster to re-load it. (problem with that idea is, if the fishmonger's can't see your boat I doubt if the dockmaster can either)


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4. A possible alternative solution, untried, is to sail to Seamarket and pay the dockmaster to empty your hold at which point you dock and relaunch your boat then get the dockmaster to re-load it. (problem with that idea is, if the fishmonger's can't see your boat I doubt if the dockmaster can either)

Thanks for the clarification.

A question about option 4 which would seem the most "trouble-free" unless it has "surprises" for the player.......

What happens to my stuff that is now in the Hold (I am concerned because I have it full of all my stock of fish....) ?

And what happens to the 3 Quests' crates that I have already filled up ?

Also, I heard that by dry-docking my "main" ship ALL of my reputation with the fishmongers will go away with it as if I had never done a fishing Quest in my life.

Honestly, since I put a LOT of time into fishing Quests, I would HATE to have to start it all over to build my reputation anew, from zero..........

This is really a VERY big concern I have. I just invested way too much of my time into building up my fishmongers' Reputation and I simply cannot afford to loose it like that for dry-docking my ship.

I'd rather they do a fix that did NOT require dry docking one's own ship and so loose all of one's own accumulated reputation with the fishmongers.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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I've not used the dockmaster, which is why I said that option is untried, but he puts all the contents of your hold in a crate which he'll put back for you afterwards, presumably.
Dry docking your ship, with no quests active, does NOT re-set your fishing reputation. I do it all the time on Siege, it's foolish not to as your ship gets scuttled regularly by players if you leave it unattended in the water. I have now a 120 fisherman on Siege. If docking the ship re-set it I'd never have been able to achieve that.

One thing you might try, which I haven't seen mentioned, is re-naming your ship.

[edit] Option 4 won't work, fishing crates can not be unloaded by the dockmaster. I just tried it.


When I had the issue I used the 2nd boat trick and just refused the new quests. Once you have completed your quests you should use commodity deeds on the fish in your hold. Then dry dock and relaunch your boat. I did that after the fix and have done at least 20 quests since then without any problems.


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I'm around 40 quests later, with no issues.

As for why some people are being affected after the "fix", odds are the fix only applies to boats that have been relaunched after the fix - and that the boats that are still falling victim to the bug are ones that haven't been relaunched, and therefore are still bugged until relaunch.


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When I had the issue I used the 2nd boat trick and just refused the new quests. Once you have completed your quests you should use commodity deeds on the fish in your hold. Then dry dock and relaunch your boat. I did that after the fix and have done at least 20 quests since then without any problems.

I followed the advice and did what suggested.

So far, it seems I am not noticing problems and the "cannot find boat" seems to have been fixed.

Crossing fingers.